Status: This story is finished:)

What Meets the Eye...


Hallie and Emily was walking down the street, talking excitedly to each other. They were in the most suburban area that probably exists, but neither of them seemed to pay any notice to the king-size houses on each side of the little road. Hallie had money enough to live in a nice house in the good part of town, but Emily was what you’d call filthy rich. She had the biggest house in the entire city, more servants than the house had inhabitants, and about four bathrooms. The Charles family were the gossip of the city, and in a little town like Acrement, there was plenty enough gossip. Everyone knew who Emily and her little brother Thomas were. “Hey, Emmy,” Hallie said, using her pet name for Emily. “Have you heard about all those forgeries discovered lately?”
Emily looked at her, intrigued and curious. “No, what’s happened? All you ever hear about in London is who kissed who on Big Brother or which celebrity star is dying of cancer.”
Hallie smiled. “Well, apparently, the police have discovered that some guy named Myatt has forged over 150 really famous paintings and made buckloads of money on it.”
“Whoa, really?” Emily said, surprised. “Dang, I’d like to have those skills.” Hallie looked even more surprised. “Really?” she said, disbelief showing in her voice. “You’d actually forge paintings if you could? Don’t you already have enough money?” she added, teasingly. “Relax,” Emily said. “I was joking. I would never do something unlawful.”
”Oh jeez,” Hallie answered, rolling her eyes. “Now you sound just like your mother.”
”Well, I’m sorry,” Emily said, “But when you grow up with parents like mine, it’s hard not to.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter, but the next one's longer, I think. I just love Emily's way of speaking xD