Sing Song, Soft Lullaby

Leave Me Alone

The room was dark as i laid waiting for him to come home. We had been fighting like mad before he had left to go get drunk at the bar. The outcome on my part was a broken rib and a bloody lip.
Nothing but minor injuries.
Moving slowly so as not to hurt the broken rib i sat up as i heard someone stumble in through the door. Taking as deep a breath as i could manage i put on my “you're better than me” smile. Let the show begin.

“Lenya, why do you hate me so much? I was only smoking a little shit, why did you have to get so upset?” His words were slurred from to much drinking and the smell of his breath wanted to make me gag, but i put on a sad face and answered him with what he wanted to hear.

“Because I'm horrible, I'm sorry babe i shouldn't tell you what to do, I'm your slave. I am yours.” It took all my strength not to flinch as he moved closer. A smile slid onto his face as his hands reached out to grab my hair ruffly.

“That's right you bitch. Just because your jealous doesn't mean I'll let you tell me what to do.” He grabbed the back of my head and pressed his lips hungrily to my face. The force of it stung my lips as I tried as hard as i could not pull back and not give in to it. The moment he noticed i wasn't going to cooperate the way he wanted me to he threw me to the ground by my hair. I twirled before i hit the ground straight on my face. I held my eyes tight and kept silent as he yelled profanity at me. I could feel the all to familiar stiffness of my muscles as i heard him get off the bed and walk over to me. I could feel his sneer on my neck, then i felt a gasping pain as he kicked me in the stomach. I felt as if my eyes were going to bulge out of their sockets as tears started to stream down my face. Gasping i sat up quickly and crawled over to the wall and rapidly stood up. As i did so he followed, grabbing my hair and throwing me forward. Keeping my balance i tried to run to the living room. I didn't get very far. I felt his arms around my waist as he picked me up and threw me back into the room. My prison. It was his stage now.

I could hear whimpering in my head and self- consciously knew it was me. I had failed at keeping strong. I felt myself muttering pleads and begs to no prevail. Rough hands wrung around my waist as he ripped of my pajama pants and shirt with a painful sting. Tears were rolling down my neck and onto my now bare chest. he let me go long enough to undress himself then forced himself upon me. The sounds of my mother's screams in my mind. I could hear my father telling her to shut up, not to wake his children. I couldn't take it.
The moment he finished i screamed at the top of my lungs. Something i had never done before. reaching over his head i pulled his ears until he was forced to move with them and ran to the other room. There was my paradise. The walk in closet.

Gasping with all my might I ran into it and locked the door. Closing my eyes i tried to think.
I had made this my own space. Changed the locks to only work from the inside and put a cordless phone and food in here i was able to survive the night if i had to.

But something told me not tonight.

Grabbing the phone i called jesten. She was my only friend that new the full truth.
riinngg, rriiinnggg, rrii.....
Jesten's strong voice answered the phone. She was the exact opposite of me. Confident and determined she didn't let anyone push her around. She was what i needed.
“Jesten i need your help, right now. Please--”
My sentence was interrupted by yells and pounding on the other side of the door.
“Lenya, whats going on, what has he done, are you alright? Lenya talk to me!”
I was sobbing like crazy and it seemed like forever before the pounding and yelling stop from the other side of the door. On the other hand Jesten was yelling to get an answer from me.
then she knew what she was suppose to do. She was suppose to listen to what he was going to say.

“Leennyyaaa,” his sickly sour voice cooed. “Get out of there, I found a key, don't make me get you out of there.”
I whimpered at the last words, and that was all Jesten needed.
What happened so fast and so simultaneously i hardly knew what was going on. Jesten hung up the phone the moment he ripped the door off its hinges. Fire burned in his eyes as he grabbed my arms and threw me out of my now stained paradise and into my old hell.
I remember hearing a car pull into the driveway as he kicks me in the chest.
Then all i can remember is the sering pain in my chest. Not being able to breath.

Everything going black.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a dark story, not goth, not emo, but its not a happy story tale.
This was brought on by a dream and nothing else. And thought its different from my other stories i hope you like this one as well :)