Status: Completed.

Turn The Lights On

Don't You Dare Let Go

I found my way to the florist with the help of GPS, and found it was to be rather small. I walked into the shop, surprised at it’s array of flowers and saw some that looked exactly like my pink roses. I walked to the counter, and rang the small bell. While I waited, I noticed the small cards on the front table, and saw one that was similar to the small cards that were sent with my flowers.
An older man came out, with a pencil behind his ear, and a small receding hair line.
“Hello, what can I do for ya?” He smiled at me.
“Yeah, I’ve been receiving mystery flowers from your shop, and I was wondering if there was a way to find out who sent them.”
“Only through the receipts, and I can’t show you those. I’m sorry.”
“But it’s really important.”
“Look, all I can do is walk away slowly back into the studio and leave everything in the front room unguarded.” He winked at me and it took a moment to register what he meant.
“Oh okay…well thanks anyway.” I winked back. There wasn’t anyone else in the shop, so I wasn’t worried about anything.
“You’re welcome.” He started walking back through the door he came from, “oh where do I keep those receipts? Oh that’s right…in the top drawer!” He chuckled and disappeared.
I looked around the shop one more time to make sure no one was there and went behind the counter. I found there to be three top drawers and I started rummaging around through each one. I found a stack of credit card reciepts in the second drawer and started running through them. They didn’t describe what was bought, so I tried to find the orders taken.
I didn’t find those in the top drawers, so I went down a row of drawers. I found a small stack of orders and was happy to find an order for white daisies at the bottom of the stack. I went through the credit card receipts, finding the prices that matched.
It took me fifteen minutes, but the numbers finally matched. I was shocked to see the price of the bouquet of white daisies, but got back to my mission. I felt like James Bond trying to find a mastermind flower thief or something.
I grabbed a post it note from beside the register and wrote down the name on the card. It wasn’t a name I knew, so I was beginning to worry that this person was just really creepy.
After getting all the information I needed, I went into my car and searched the name on my phone through the white pages website. I got an address and started writing it down. I plugged it into the GPS and started the drive. The drive took me ten minutes from the florists shop and I was finally at ‘my destination.’
I looked at the big house, with the gate that bore a ‘CW’ in the gate. CW? What is that?
I got out of the car and looked at the house that looked completely abandoned. It wasn’t unkempt, it just didn’t look like anyone lived there. If they did, they don’t like lights, lawn ornaments, or life. I sighed as I grabbed the gates long spokes that seemed 100 feet tall. I looked at the speaker that was meant to be a security device to keep weird people out, and gave up my search.
CW didn’t equal Joe Jonas, nor Chris at the grocery store. Chris’ last name is Snider, and if he owns that, then I want to know his salary at that grocery store.
I drove off and back towards my home. I got a call from Amanda inviting me out tonight, and I decided it would be a good idea to get my mind off of the search. But of course, Amanda being Amanda, she had to remind me of it when I got to the bar we were meeting at.
“Where did you get that bracelet?” She gasped looking at it.
“It was sent to me from my secret admirer.” I rolled my eyes at the last part.
“I mean…if you don’t like it, I’ll take it. Why are you rolling your eyes at the bracelet.”
“Well, I thought about it, and went to the florist that those flowers keep coming from. He let me look at the receipts, I got the name, went to the house the address took me too, and the gates initials read ‘CW.’ That’s NO one I know.”
“You searched the home where the flowers kept getting sent from? You’re creepy.”
“I just want to know, it’s driving me crazy!” I said and groaned. I ordered a water, not feeling any alcohol tonight, and slammed my head on the bar.
“Honey, chill out. You’ll find out sometime soon.”
“I’m just worried that it’s some creepy guy that’s going to come kill me in my sleep!” I made a ‘roar’ face and she giggled at me. I sighed and finished my night up with her as fast as possible. I need sleep.

Hands shaking my me woke me to a violent scream. I was shocked, but then when I realized what was going on, it was no reason to scream.
The man with no face was hovering above me and his hands were locking my arms down to the bed.
“You have to go! Go! Now!”

I woke up abruptly in the middle of the night in a cold sweat from the dream. I shook my head and went in the bathroom to splash my face with water. When I looked in the mirror, I blinked a few times and noticed the small bags forming under my eyes.
I was beat, and these presents were taking their toll on me. Why am I so worried about it? I mean, it’s a small gesture, but this man has obviously spent hundreds of dollars on me.
I went back into the bedroom and looked at the clock. It read six in the morning and I groaned. Breakfast would be amazing right now, but I have no food in the fridge except the small cake I made a week ago.
McDonalds was calling me, so I got into my car in my pajamas and went for a McGriddle. I savored the small breakfast and downed the orange juice before returning home.
I’d managed to waste an hour and a half, and receive a package at my front door all at the same time. I picked it up and took it to my kitchen counter to open it up. It wasn’t as big as the bracelet box, but it was considerable. I prayed it wasn’t from my secret admirer, but of course, it was.
“Bea-This is it. Meet me tonight at 8 PM on the bridge in the small park near your work. I’ll be in a black blazer and jeans. Signed your secret admirer.” I read aloud. I dug through the box, but only found a small pair of earrings. They weren’t anything special, but they were quite beautiful to me. They dangled and were small pearls hanging from a silver chain.
I have to call Amanda about this though, and tell her about the note.

“Tonight at eight? Is that bridge well lit?”
“I can’t remember! I’m freaking out though, because what if he kills me?!” I almost yelled. We sat on my couch, over coffee. It was five hours till I had to meet this man and I was so nervous I wanted to throw up.
“I could have Norman scope it out and watch you tonight, to make sure it’s safe. He is a pretty big dude, ya know.”
“I know, and very intimidating. Would you, please?” I asked her, almost begging.
“Yeah, let me call him.” She clicked a few times on her phone and I waited patiently for her to finish talking. “He said it’s safe, it’s very open and public. I’m working tonight, so he said he’d watch from afar for you.”
“Give him a huge hug from me before you go to work tonight, please.” I said, smiling now. I feel safer, knowing someone will be there.
“I will, but you need to start getting ready. Are your legs shaved? Are your eyebrows plucked? What kind of shape are your feet in?”
“I don’t even know the kid and I’m meeting him at eight o’ clock in the middle of a park, right now I don’t care, but I’ll humor you.”
“I’m gone, call me after the ‘date.’” She walked out of my apartment and I stressed for a few minutes before deciding it was time to shower.

Here’s the count; make up redone four times, hair re done six times, and eyebrows plucked twice before giving up and realizing I over plucked. I shaved my legs twice for assurance and put double the deodorant on. I changed my outfit twelve times, trying to think of what to wear, but Chris has seen me in pajamas and Joe has seen me at work. I stuck with jeans, a nicer black shirt, and flats, in case I need to run.
I panicked as I stepped out my door and locked up.
“Why are you all shaky?” I heard Elisa ask me. “are you okay? You’re pale as a ghost!” She asked.
“I’m going to meet my ‘secret admirer’ tonight. I’m nervous.”
“Honey…it’s called bronzer, use some so you don’t look sick.” I was confused on why she’s being so nice.
“Why are you being nice?” She came at my face with a brush and a palette of brown make up.
“Just let me do this for you, you can’t meet Mr. Man being all pale and junk.” She said and brushed around my face a few times. I looked into the mirror and was excited to see that I don’t look as pale and it made my blue eyes stand out more.
“Thanks…that does look better.” I said.
“You’re welcome.” She said and walked back into her apartment. I liked the shock of Elisa being nice though, it took my mind off of this meeting.
I drove the familiar route to my work place and parked where I usually do for work. I took a few deep breaths, reapplied my lip gloss, fluffed up my hair, and took a few more deep breaths before getting out of my car. I looked at my watch, 7:59.
I didn’t want to seem desperate, so I paced a bit before walking towards the park. While walking, I heard rustling in the leaves and got scared. I looked to my side to see Norman in the bush.
“What are you doing?” I whispered.
“Making sure you’re safe!” He whispered back. I sighed at his tactics and walked on. The bridge was in sight and I saw a figure standing in the distance. He was leaned over the edge, and I still couldn’t put my finger on who it was.
When I got to the foot of the bridge, he turned away from me, and started talking on his phone. I stopped and let him talk before continuing on the bridge. I walked slowly, not to startle him, and came to his back.
When I saw the hair, I knew who it was.
“Joe? Joe Jonas?” I said aloud to him. He turned to me and smiled. “You’re my secret admirer?”
“Yes, are you surprised?” He gave me a weird look.
“Yes and No.” I admitted.
“Yes and no? What does that mean?” He looked confused.
“Yes because I had you and another guy in mind, and no for the same reason.”
“Who was the other guy?” He smiled at me. I noticed how perfect his smile was and it made me grin in response.
“This guy named Chris who works at the grocery store I go to.”
“I don’t think he could have bought that.” He pointed to my wrist where I still had the bracelet attached.
“Well, I don’t know that. I don’t know his money situation.” I said, kind of offended he would assume someone working in a grocery store would be poor.
“Well, what did you find on your adventure to figure me out?” He chuckled.
“How did you know about that?” I asked, feeling a little freaked out.
“The florist told me a girl came in, small with black hair, wondering who bought her the flowers.” He laughed. “I’m not trying to be creepy, I think it’s kind of cute you assumed it was me.”
“Well, if you’re wondering,” I had no response to his comment on it being him, “I found that huge house. Who’s ‘CW?’”
“That’s a recording studio. I don’t know what CW stands for though.”
“Why was your credit card in a weird name?”
“It’s in my manager’s name. How the hell do you know my manager’s credit card?” He was getting defensive.
“The florist let me see the receipts. You’re good at presents, I’m good at sneaking.” I shot back. We stood in silence for a while and I was getting impatient. “So what do we do now?”
“Well, I had plans on taking you out for dinner and then going back to my place-”
“I’m not sleeping with you.”
“Did I ask?” He shot back at me now. “I was going to say, watch a movie.”
“Oh…that sounds fine.” Just then my phone went off for a text message and I opened it. It was Norman asking if he could leave now, I sent a message back saying ‘yes’ and I heard a distant rustle.
“What was that?” Joe looked over my shoulder.
“My male friend who came to make sure you didn’t massacre me.” I shrugged. His face got stiff and it made me giggle. “Oh, thanks for the flowers and gifts, I love them all.” I smiled and took his hand. He still was stiff and I squeezed his hand, “Are we going on this date?”
“Yeah, sorry.” He shook his head and we walked to a big, black Mercedes.
♠ ♠ ♠
That chapter turned out to be longer than expected. Date scene will be next chapter!

