Status: Completed.

Turn The Lights On

We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off...

I sat down at the fancy restaurant and wondered if I was even allowed to wear jeans in there. I remembered that he had jeans on…then didn’t care because he’s fucking Joe Jonas and he probably doesn’t matter in the jean race.
“What are you thinking about?” He gave me a weird look.
“Jeans. Anyway, so…” I said, smiling. He let go of a small chuckle before opening the menu to look.
“Yeah, so…” He agreed and kept scanning the menu. “So where do you live?”
“In an apartment.” I stated.
“Smart ass.” He retorted. I looked over the menu where his eyes were gazing into mine. I noticed the brown with a hint of gold, and was dazzled. I had never noticed the color because the clubs lights are so low you can’t see anything. His eyes shot back down to the menu and I officially thought that this isn’t the man you want to fuck with.
I cleared my throat and decided what to order in silence. When the waiter took our orders and menus, we had nothing to hide behind. I was thinking of all the gifts and wanted to ask something.
“So why all the gifts, why couldn’t you have just told me one night at the club?”
“I don’t know…honestly. I just didn’t want to be another celebrity dick head, I figured you get enough of that.”
“Actually…I don’t. Elisa is the one that shoves her chest in your kinds faces the most. I try to stay out of the light.”
“Why? You could have anyone, look at you.” He leaned into the table to look at me over the candle light.
“I…don’t know?” I asked awkwardly.
“I’m sorry…I’ve just, how do I put this? I need something normal, I’m tired of dating one famous girl after another to please the crowd. I want something normal.” He retorted.
“Am I normal?”
“Far from it.” he shot. He sipped his water glass and I was very scared of him for some reason. Even though I think I could break him in half, his thunder thighs through those tight jeans had me wondering, maybe I couldn’t. Our drinks came and I took a small sip of the alcoholic concoction. “Strong, want a sip?”
“That shit will kill you.” He spoke softly.
“Only to prolonged exposure.” I giggled, His face stayed stern. “Alrighty.” I looked around the restaurant, feeling awkward.
“Look, I like you, a lot more than I probably should at this point. I’m just trying to have a nice evening.”
“What the hell does that have to do with me getting something alcoholic to drink? You know, we could probably have a nice evening but you’ve been a tight wad asshole ever since we met on the bridge. The only cool part so far about tonight was that you were terrified a big burly man was going to come out of the bushes and kill you if you hurt me.” I spat out.
“Lower your voice.”
“I will NOT lower my voice.” I stood up and threw my napkin down, “You’ve had me running all over this city yesterday and now you’re being an ass about the date after all the crazy romantic things you’ve done.” I started walking away, but was stopped when I got outside on the pavement by a strong hand on my wrist.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
“Yeah, you’re not used to that are you? Apologizing. I bet your last girlfriend feels like a door mat…”
He crashed his lips on mine and started a hard, long kiss. I melted at the taste of his lips and wrapped my arms around him. His warmth sunk deep down into my soul and the kiss ended all too soon.
“Does that make everything better?” He asked. I looked into his eyes and had to catch my breath.
“If you think one kiss could just-” I reasoned, but was stopped by his lips again. This time was a little shorter, but completely worth my bitching.
“Are you done now?” He asked.
“I think I might bitch more if you keep doing that.” I was breathing heavy and his lips separated into a smile.
“Now, can we go back inside and eat dinner?” He asked.
“Yes, sorry.”
“It’s okay.” He laughed and walked back into the restaurant.

Dinner went without a hitch and the evening finished well. I sat in a chair in his home, waiting for the movie to start. I’d never seen a house this large before, but I played it off like I was cool. When he took me into a small theatre, that’s when I wanted to freak out.
“Give me a second.” He answered his phone and walked out of the room. I sat there, confused and just paid attention to the screen. When he came back, the movie started, and he sat down beside me.
As the movie played, I would glance over at him every once in a while and notice him looking at me. It made me blush and sink down in my seat more. His phone rang again and he excused himself. I wanted to throw his phone across the room.
When he came back he sat down in his seat, and I wanted to try something. I got up and sat down in his lap, facing him, straddling his legs.
“Give me the phone.” I whispered in his ear.
“My calls are important.” He said bluntly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried to move my hips in a manner that would take his mind off of the phone. I kissed around his right ear and whispered again.
“Give me the phone.”
“Like I said, my calls are important.”
I grunted and then got back into position. I moved my hands down his chest and reached for his pockets. He gave me a look and I started kissing his lips. I tried to recall all the things I’d done right in the past during a kiss to get my way, and did them.
When I was going at my little kissing charade, he became putty in my hands. I got the phone out and turned it off behind his back while lip locked.
“You’ll get this back when I leave.” I whispered into ear. I shoved it into my bra, the best hiding spot for a woman, and sat back in my chair. I left him with his mouth left open and I think I saw drool about to come out of his mouth.
He turned to me and grabbed my wrist. “Come with me.” He pulled me up and I followed him out of the small theatre and up the stairs in the house. He motioned for me to be quiet and took me into one of the bedrooms. When we got in, his lips met mine quickly, and he was pushing me towards the bed. I fell back, bringing him with me by the shirt collar, and we kept kissing.
He ran his tongue across my lips and I let his tongue enter into my mouth. As we were kissing, I felt his hand run across my stomach, inching further up with every passing second of our tongues colliding. Why was I not minding this at all?
His hand finally rested on my breast and I gasped. I felt him smile through the kiss and He started rolling my nipple in between his thumb and fore finger. I felt my stomach jump at every touch he gave me and he finally put his hand down into my sweater. I felt him reach around my bra a bit, then grab his phone.
He immediately stopped kissing, and looked at me, “Two can play that game.”
“I’m not having this.” I said and jumped him. I made him roll on his back and I was doing the tongue prodding now. I rubbed my hands all over his chest and found my way down to his zipper. As I unzipped he put his hands on my sides and rolled me over.
“I’m not doing this tonight.” He stated. “It’s only our first date, girly.”
“Fine.” I pouted.
“Maybe one day you can taste a Jonas.” He chuckled and got up. He zipped his jeans back up and set his phone on the dresser.
“Do you know how many young girls want to do that?”
“I do.” He smiled and took my hand. “Come on, I’ll walk you to your car.”
This man will drive me nuts by the time it’s over with.
♠ ♠ ♠


PS- I REALLY need some comments, y'all. It wouldn't kill you, I mean, unless someone is holding a gun to your head threatening to kill you if you comment anything, then it might be excusable.