The Diary Of a Fampy

part 2

"Aunti can you read more to me tonight too!" The blond bundle of joy Naz calls her nephew crept onto her room holding the diary. Looking down at him from her nightstand where she was brushing her what seamed like unending beryl colored hair, she smiled.
"Of course. Go get ready and I'll be in there soon" Squeeling and clapping his hands, he ran into his room to get his night clothes on. And after brushing and puting her hair up Naz walked into mitch's room aswell. The young child was so thrilled he was practally hitting the ceiling from his mattress.
"Now where did we leave off?" Her gentle voice calmed the eager child down quite a lot.
"You killed Luc and Koaru" He wispered softly yet the glimmer in his eyes said he was thrilled and excited.
"Ah I remember now. When that happened I really had nothing left, nothing to loose. So i went back to the place I new i was unwanted at,Bezell."
"But I thought Bezell was rulled by vampires?" mitch interupted.
"Yes, they were, Sorry I didn't tell you sooner. They were only controled for a while then got rid of the vampires. Nonetheless I went back. When I got there though it wasn't the same pretty Bezell it once used to be. All the brightly painted buildings were broken and dull. The grass burnt, the skies were dingy and well sad looking. It was horrable! Later after listening to the townspeople; I found out that strange creatures kept comming and attacking the land."
"What were they? What were they?"
She just chuckled and said " calm down,dont be such a hurry body. I'm getting to it."
"After only being there a couple hours, the things came. They were like nothing I've ever seen before! Your worst nightmere times ten. They were huge with a mouth full of sharp, thick, dirty teeth.Some had up to five heads. Their feet were like a t-rex's and all had only one eye and four arms. Teeth, toes, nails, ears heck even their hair were all knifelike. When they came they brought a abominable smell with them too. It was worse than a hundred rotting corpses.
"in the process of destroying everything they could the faries were trying to fight back and protect their home/homeland. There were just to many. More faries died than the things it seamd. It was such an awful sight I just had to help even though half ,if not all, hated me for leaving." She then paused to see why the boy hasn't spoken in a while. The childs eyes were locked on her as if hypnotized, as his body was frozed completly still-petrified by the despription of the creatures.
"Would you like to stop for the night?" Naz asked concerned if she traumatized the poor kid.
"No" He sqeeked cuddling his covers closer to him.
"With much help from me and the other townsmen we were able to defeat them. Things got so confusing and somehow I became the ruler/queen of Bezell. I don't know how that happened but I did my best for Bezell. It was diffucult though because every little bad thing that happened was my fault, and they don't really like me much as it was, so that made it worse. Things werent going bad, so I thought. A couple months later i adopted a boy named ryuu. When he became old enough i retired and had him become king.
" As Ryuu handled things at Bezell, I decided to go on a much needed vacation. Where I went though I didnot know. They spoke a launguage weird to me. The launguage writen in the book is from this place;they tought it to me. I couldn't stay long. Being the worry wort I am I had to make sure Ryuu and Bezell were okey. What I saw when I got there nearly made me drop dead."
Mitch gasped and asked"What was it?"
"Not so much as a 'what' but a 'who'. I had seen none other then those haunting yellow eyes."
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im so sorry it took a long time!!!!