‹ Prequel: It Rains When I Cry

A Healing Touch

The Wrong Answer

Willa was sitting up in bed and she was in and out of sleep, but she was asking for Matt. She looked up as the door shut. Her eyes widened in terror. She glanced sideways at the machines she was hooked to. She ripped the IV out of her arms painfully and flung the needle at the figure approaching the bed. She was ripping all of the wires off of her body at the same time. She began throwing anything sharp she could get a hold of at it. She bit her lip when she saw her clothes. Damn she was gonna have to figure something out. She pulled on the bloody jeans since there really wasn’t anything wrong with them and with a kick that left her breathless she got the demon out of her way as she grabbed the sheet off the bed and made a quick folded shirt out of it. She glared at the nurses at the nurses station and five minutes later discharge papers were signed and she was making her way out of the building. JB had left her a note at the station saying he was going back to the house. She was on her own for a ride. She stopped at a store and bought a t-shirt and felt instantly better there. She walked a ways before she sighed and called a taxi. She got to Zack’s only to be greeted by a cop. She saw Val disappear quickly and she rolled her eyes. Couldn’t the girl at least scare the fucking cop away.

“Why aren’t you in the hospital?” the cop asked.

“Funny story actually…”

“Funny?” He questioned.

“Yeah… you’ll never believe it…”

“Why’s that? Did you Heal miraculously?”

“If only…but uhm…they released me?”

“It’s been a day… they didn’t just release you.”

“Willa… are you okay love?” Matt asked walking up to them. He wrapped an arm around her.

“Great just telling the cops how the hospital released me… because… you know…the uhm…the…”

“it's okay, he's a friend of mine, he was at the house yesterday when you got taken to the hospital.”

“You couldn't have told me that? Way to give me a heart attack…” Willa said Glaring at the guy.

“Aww baby you'll be okay, so wanna tell us what happened? Levi's pissed”

“Yeah well... It was stay in hospital and become demon bait, very closely followed by demon victim, or get the fuck outta there. Obviously I chose the option which kept me breathing.”

“She did awesome that morphine in the IV needle slowed his ass down” Val said popping outta nowhere.

“By the way Willa this is Derek, Derek My girlfriend Willa.” Matt said introducing the two.

“V…Va…Val?” Derek Stuttered

“Yes… Val, you’ll get used to it. Nice meeting you by the way.”

“Same here…” Derek looked sideways at Val who was pretending to rest her arm around Willa’s shoulder while ‘resting’ her head on Matt’s shoulder.

“so yeah anyways that demon is the same one that was at Brook's grave site.” Val informed them.

“Awesome... because I'm totally kicking his ass... do you have any idea how bad it hurts to rip an IV out of your arm?” Willa asked raising an eyebrow and looking at the bruise forming on her arm.

“Wow....At least the mother fucker that shot you doesn't seem to be coming back, we've been over there all day cleaning the place up. Angelique called in some family to cleanse the house for Ana and Kaila” Matt said looking at her arm.

“Probably a good idea... who knows what else Hale had hidden away in that place to use at his disposal…” Willa muttered.

“i think Johnny's moving in with them....and yeah no shit, but thanks to a little quick fix from you’re Aunt and Ana the place is demon free permanently”

“Right… so are we in trouble for yesterday?”

“No Willa you’re not. But uhm I do need a statement… you wanna talk to them first?”

“Uhm, yeah.”

Ana was watching as Johnny played with Kaila in the middle of the now clean living room. She smiled. He loved her daughter. Johnny looked up when he saw her and smiled in her direction. Kaila looked up at her mom and between her mom and Johnny. She smiled. Oh yeah she liked him. Kaila hugged Johnny before running to her mom.

“Mommy, potty…”

“Okay, c’mon sweetie.” Johnny smiled at her and leaned back against the wall. Zack shook his head as he let Gena curl into him on the couch. She was talking to Cara who was sitting/floating in front of her. And the fact that this didn’t phase Zack or any of the others was semi miraculous.


“Hmm?” He asked turning to look at Willa. She had given her statement and now she just wanted to relax.

“Mya…is she okay?” Matt looked down at the eagerness to know the answer to the question in her eyes and swallowed.

“Mya…she…she gave her life to save you Willa…”

“NO!” Willa cried out and move from his arms. She sat on the ground in the front yard and began to cry.

Watching as Willa pulled her knees up to her chest and continued to sob, Matt looked completely helpless. He’d never been good at dealing with girls when they cried, mostly because he had absolutely no idea what to do. It wasn’t that he didn’t care or want to make her feel better, he just didn’t know how. That was when Val, who’d been watching the scene from afar, decided it was time for her to intervene. Appearing next to the red head who was too upset to notice her, she glared at Matt and crossed her arms over her chest? Catching sight of her, he looked even more confused as he mouthed his one worded question to her,

‘What?’ Raising her eyebrows, Val only rolled her eyes before gesturing towards Willa. When he didn’t move, Val shook her head.

Comfort her you idiot! The thought, and Val’s voice rang clear in his mind, causing him to stare at her in shock as he wondered how she’d managed to get inside his head. If anything she only managed to look more frustrated with him as she glanced down at Willa for a moment.

Really? You want to know that now? Hold her, Matt.. Tell her it’s going to be okay… that’s what she needs from you.

He was ready to ask her another question, but the sharp look she gave him told him it was best not to. Instead he moved closer to his girlfriend and wrapped her in his arms, pulling her half into his lap as he did so. Willa just continued to cry, burying her face into his shoulder while he ran his fingers through her hair and spoke to her in soothing tones.
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