The Diary of Jane


Dear Diary,

Its Me...Again!
Life has been busy and rushed,so I haven't got to write in a while. The home-schooling has gotten tougher,because dad is my new teacher. Alice has become super busy,so he stepped in. Him teaching you is no walk in the park!
Mom is busy with Renesmee all the time. Sometimes I think she loves Ness more than me. Nessie is WAY prettier(though we are twins),and very smart. Plus she has a gift,since we are half vampire. I was born plain and ordinary. I hate blood. Sometimes I think only Alice,Rosalie,and Emmett love me. Dad loves me to,but he also wants the best for me......and its pretty aggravating.
Jacob loves me to,I know that for a fact. He's my best friend. Mom used to be his best friend,but she became vamp-y and bitchy,so I'm his best friend.
Jake has been pretty busy with his werewolf pack though,so I've been alone. It sucks that I have no friends. I want to go to regular school and be normal.
Haha,like that will ever happen. Well today,I have to "bond" with mom and Renesmee. Alice is coming to make sure it doesn't all go wrong.


My name is Jane Alica Cullen,Age 16,The twin sister of Renesmee Carlie Cullen,and Daughter of Edward Cullen,and Isabella "Bella" Swan.

So I get dressed in jeans and a plain black camisole. Flip flops,and a scarf. Then I walk downstairs to find Alice,Mom,and Renesmee.
We get in Mom's car and drive to Port Angeles.

I take out my phone and text Jacob,My best friend.Jacob Black. Hes a werewolf....Yeah...I know what your thinking. Are all these people in that town freaks?
Well the only freaks in Forks are the Cullen clan and the wolves. Everyone else is normal,I assure you.

Hopefully he replies this time!

Jake,Whats up with the ignorance? I'm alone with my family and you know how that SUCKS!

"Jane,You should be bonding with us,not texting freaking Jacob!"Renesmee says and I roll my eyes.
"Go to hell,Renesmee."I tell her,and Alice presses the brakes.
"Jane Alica Cullen!"Mom screeches.

"Screw you,Jane!" Nessie shot back.
"Girls,I can't fight with the feuding going on!"Alice shouts over all the commotion,and we shut up.

We arrive at a Abrecrombie&Finch and go in. We look around a little while and Alice picks up a pair of Black skinny jeans.

"This is perfect!"She says,grinning.
Mom grabs it from her.
"Your right,Ness,Lets go see how this looks!"She says and her and Renesmee run to the dressing rooms with the holy grail jeans.
"I meant for Janey."Alice said.

"Alice,Didn't you hear? Its all about Renesmee."I said,rolling my eyes.

"I love Bella,but she treats you like crap!"Alice says,shaking her head. Mom and Renesmee walk out the dressing room,Frowning.
"It doesn't work on Nessie."Mom says.

"Then here Jane,try it on!"Alice says,handing the pair to me.

"If it doesn't work on Nessie,Then it won't work on Jane!"Mom protest,but Alice pushes me into the room.
I change into them to find they are PERFECT!

I walk out and Alice smiles.

"Perfect Janey. Your buying them."Alice declares.

Renesmee glares. Mom just frowns.

So we finish shopping and go home.
Dad was waiting for us.
'Hello Daddy!"Renesmee says,and he gives a weak smile,then turns to me.
"Did you have fun,Jane?"He asked. I guess every parent has a favorite.

"Not really."I say.
"What happened?"He asked.

"My evil twin."I whisper so Renesmee don't hear.

"Now Jane."He begins but mom walks over.
"Edward,we need to have a discussion with our children."She says and she flicks her eyes towards me.

So we walk into our living room,and the 'rents sit on the sofa,and I sit on two separate chairs.

"Jane,you said a really ugly thing to Renesmee."Mom told me.

"Well I'm so sorry I can't be as perfect as your precious Renesmee."I say sarcastically.

"She's right mom. I am perfect."Renesmee says,and me and dad roll our eyes.

"You are not perfect. Nobody is."Dad says.

"But I'm close to perfect,right dad?"She asked.
"No."He admitted,and Mom slapped him.
"Edward!"She cries.
"Bella,She isn't."He points out.

"Girls,go to your rooms."Mom says and I run out of the room,glad to be out.
Mom is a bitch!
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