The Diary of Jane


Dear Diary,

Yesterday after the bonding (which went horrible....Well besides the fact i rock a pair of skinnies better than Renesmee),Mom and Dad got into another argument.
I know they love each other,I really do,But Its me according to mom that gets in the way. According to dad,Its Renesmee.

I could hear the fight surprising well from my room,But I've always had really good hearing.
Mom called me a ungrateful little girl who has dad wrapped around my little manipulative finger.

Dad said Renesmee is a spoiled brat,and mom only cares for her,leaving me feeling unwanted,

I hate when he tells mom what i think. Damn his mind-reading!
Jacob still hasn't texted or called back,And I'm a little worried.
Maybe dad will let me borrow his car to drive to La Push. Or maybe I can take mom's car and wreck it on the way home!
I like idea number two,but I would get in MAJOR trouble. Oh,Well.
I got online last night and searched Private schools near or in Forks,Washington.
I found a few,but they seem all full of rules and stuff. And since dad won't let me go to Forks High,I'll be a home-schooled nerd forever!


So I walk downstairs to find dad reading.

"Sorry I got you and Mom in a fight,dad."I tell him.
"Its okay love,Mom is just a bit stubborn."He says and I roll my eyes.
"Can I borrow the Volvo?" I asked and he looked at me.
"Why?"He asked putting down his book.
"To see Jacob,I'll be completely safe there!"I remind him.

"Okay,but first go see Alice and Jasper,They have a gift or something for you."He says and I sprint out the door,and through the trees to Carlise and Esme's house. They are my grandparents,but they don't like to be called Grandma and Grampa.

I knock on the door and Emmett answers. Hes my dads brother,Just as Jasper is. Alice,and Rosalie are his sisters. Here's the thing. They are all adopted,so technically not Alice and Jasper are together,and So is Rosalie and Emmett.

"Hey little Janey!"He says and I smile.
"Hey Emmett,Is Alice and Jasper here? Dad said they needed me."I said and He pulled me in. Wow,He is strong.

"Emmett,Don't break my niece!"She warns,then hugs me.
"How is it,sweetie?"She asked.

"Mom is a bitch,Renesmee is a bitch.I have to stay cooped up in a house all day. Yeah,It sucks."I tell her.

Then Alice and Jasper walk in.

"Jane,Your father sent you,I suppose."Jasper asked and I nod.

"Come with us to Carlise's office."Alice says and I follow them,With Rosalie and Emmett in tow.

We walk in to the office,and see Carlise and Esme.

"Hey."I said and they hugged me. Then Carlise reached into a ancient looking box,and pulled out a necklace. It had a silver chain,and a red heart. In the center of the heart was a clock.It was beautiful,but it isn't my birthday.

"This is a special necklace for you. It helps your father read your mind from a distance so he can know your safe. A gift from him to you."Says Carlise.
"Oh joy,more ways he can spy on me."I mumble and they all smile.

"Now,Jane. You will need this for your own good. We want to see if your OK while your at school."Esme said.

Did she say while I was at school?!

"What?"I asked.

"Your father has enrolled you at Forks High.You start in one week,"Alice says and I scream.

"Wow,she has the gift of screaming."Emmett mumbles and Rosalie elbows him.
I run back to the house to thank dad.

"Daddy,Daddy! Thank you SO much!"I said hugging him.
Ignoring mom and Renesmee,who are sitting right there.
"What,What did you give her?'Mom demanded.
"I enrolled her for Forks High,and Gave her a necklace that helps me make sure she is safe."Dad says Cooley.
"Oh, wheres my necklace? I'm going to school too,aren't I?"Renesmee asked.
"Yeah Edward,Where is Nessie's?" Mom asked.
"There is only one necklace like that in the world."Dad tells them.

"So Jane can go to school,but Renesmee can't?"Mom asked.
"YOU can enroll Renesmee...Now Jane,You can go visit Jacob now."Dad says,and I walk out.
Renesmee runs after me.
"I'm coming with you." She says.
"Hell no your not."I said and I slapped her as hard as a vampire can slap. Then I walked to dads Volvo,Got in,and drove to La Push.

When I arrived at Jacob's,I knocked on the door and Billy answered. I love Billy as a second dad. You tick him off,and he rolls over your foot with his wheelchair!

"Hay little Jane,I haven't seen you in a while!"He says and I smile.
"Yeah,Dad is so over-protective. Is Jake here?"I asked.
"Yes,he is in his room."Billy says,opening the door wider so I can get in the house.
"Thanks!"I said and I walked upstairs to Jacob's room.
I knocked.....No answer. So I walk right in to find him sleeping.

"Jacob?"I whisper. A loud snore is my reply.

"Jacob Black,Wake up!"I whisper.
He doesn't budge,but continues to snore.
So I cover his mouth with my hand,and plug his nose.
Within seconds,he jumps up,trying to catch his breath.
"Jane?! Are you trying to suffocate me?!"He cried.
"Well good morning to you to."I say sarcastically.
"What are you doing here?" He asked after we hugged.

"Well since a certain best friend wouldn't reply to my text or call me back,I had to come visit."I said.

"So sorry,but Sam has me on double-time. Paul,Jared,and Quil have been sick with the flu."He said referring to his Werewolf buddies.

"Oh,So do you need me to go?"I asked.
"Oh no,they are better now..I was just sleeping out of boredom."He said and I smiled.

"Okay,so your gonna hang out with me today,right?"I asked.
He smiled.
"Yes Janey."He said and I grinned.
"Okay,lets go anywhere but home."I said,and he looked confused.
"Whats wrong at home?"He asked.

"Mom and Renesmee are being bitches."I say and he rolls his eyes. He doesn't care for Renesmee either.

"Well,Wanna hang out with the guys?"He asked and I nodded. So we walked to Sam and Emily's. Sam is the pack leader,and Emily is his imprint. Imprinting is this love at first sight thing for werewolves.

So we get there,and Walk in to find the whole pack in the kitchen.
The whole pack is Jared,Paul,Quil,Embry,Seth,Leah,Collin,and Brady.

"Oh my god,Its JANE!"Jared screams and he tackles me.

"I need air."I gasp,and he gets up,and hugs me like normal people.
I push him off.
"Jake told me you were sick,And I don't wanna catch freaky werewolf disease."I say and he rolls his eyes.
"In that case!"He says and he hugs me,and doesn't let go for a solid 7 minutes.

Finally,he let go,then Paul runs to me.
"She got taller."He mused.
"Vampires get growth spurts?"Jared teased.

"For your information,I'm half vampire,and I hate the smell and taste of blood."I tell him.

"You and your mom are the only two people who can smell blood! Its freaky."Jacob said.

"Oh I'm freaky,Mr.K-9?"I teased and he glared.

"Burned!"Quill yells.
"You want some dip for that chip?" Embryo asked and we all look at him.

"What? I heard someone say that on The Secret Life of the Hannah Montana,or something."He said.

"Okay."I say slowly.
Suddenly my phone rings. The caller ID read Dad.

I sighed.
"Let me go outside,my dads calling."I said and I walked out.
"Yes,Dad?"I asked.

"Come home please,your mother would like to have a discussion with you."He said.
"I'm only going if Jacob can come with me."I said and I hear dad sigh.
"Okay,Jane. Now hurry. Love you."He said.
"You too dad,Bye."I said and I walked in the house.
"Jake,My mom wants to have a discussion with me,and you have to come with me."I say.

"Why?"He asked.
"Because I said so."I said and I waved to everyone,and we walked out.
"You in trouble?"He asked as he ran his fingers through his short black hair.

"Maybe."I said and we headed to my house.

When we got there,we walked inside the house to find dad and mom sitting on the sofa. No Renesmee.

We sit on the opposite sofa.
"Now Jane,your slap gave Renesmee a huge bruise."Mom said,and I smile a little. I've always been pretty strong.

"Jane,me and you never really got along,but we should."Mom said.
I glance at dad unsure.

"So tomorrow,Just me you and Alice will go get something to eat,OK?" She asked.
"Yeah,sure,fine."I said and she smiled.
"Okay,Now I will go tend to Renesmee."She said and she got up and walked out.

I looked at dad.

"Dad,I don't want to go." I begged.
"Jane,You must."He said.
"Vamps is right,Jane,"Jacob says.

"Your supposed to be my best friend,Shh!"I said.

"I'm gonna go get my jacket."I said as I shiver,and I walk upstairs.

I get into my room,and I hear talking. It must be coming from Renesmee's room,but its way down the hall,and the voice sounds whispered.

"Mom,I hate Jane. Literally HATE! Why do you keep her?"Renesmee asked.
"She's my daughter. She may not be my favorite,but I still love her. And your father would die If something would happen to her." Mom said.

"Would he die if something would happen to me?"She asked.
"Maybe."Mom said,and I heard Renesmee gasp.

Wow,After hearing Mom say that,I'm reconsidering going tomorrow.

Maybe it won't be so bad.
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It will start getting better after a few chapters