Manson of Oz

Chapter One

Once upon a time there once lived a man name Twiggy Ramirez. Twiggy was from the band Marilyn Manson. One day Twiggy was at home with his cat, Sadie watching The Dope Hat music video. All of a sudden, his house started shaking. Twiggy got up and hit his head on the ceiling fan which knocked him out. A minute later he wakes up, he looks out of his window to see Trent Reznor. But Trent was on a broomstick and wearing a witch’s hat.

Twiggy: Hi Trent!

Trent didn’t answer. He disappeared. All of a sudden a big thump & crash hit the house. Twiggy grabbed Sadie and walked outside of their Beverly Hills home. His eyes widened.

Twiggy: Sadie, I don’t think were in Beverly Hills anymore!

Twiggy looked around and noticed grass everywhere, and a pathway made out of bricks…Yellow bricks. A dwarf or an oompa loompa, from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory look-a-like, came out of hiding behind a bush.

Orange Man: **Points** You have killed the wicked witch of the east, or as we call her, Courtney Love!

Twiggy: Oh My…..I killed my ex girlfriend……..Sweeeeeeeeeeet!

Unknown Voice: Heyyy Twiggy!

Twiggy: **recognizes the voice and turns around** Heyy Chris! How are…..whoah! **laughter** Are You wearing a pink dress and crown!!

Chris Vrenna: Shut up! At least Courtney thought it was cool **looks down** Oh wait you’ve killed her.

Twiggy: yeah.

Chris Vrenna: Ohh well then lets stick to the script…

Twiggy: Seems fair.

Chris Vrenna: Anyway, Twiggy, You must follow the yellow brick road! Then you must go to Interscope Record’s Music Studio and find Marilyn Manson {The Wizard}. Marilyn will get you home.

Twiggy: oookayy……wait a minute! This sounds familiar!

Chris Vrenna: Just go!

So Twiggy and his cat, Sadie followed the yellow brick road. Until they got tired and laid underneath a tree. Twiggy woke up because he heard some noise. He got up quickly and look to see no other than Ginger Fish playing the drums across the street from him. Twiggy walked over to Ginger and noticed something wrong about his friend.

Twiggy: Heyy Ging! Are those chop-sticks?

Ginger: yeah…see I don’t have drumsticks so I use chopsticks.

Twiggy: Arent you suppose to be the one with no brain?

Ginger: Where did you read that?

Twiggy: The script…..

Ginger: well…..arent you suppose to be the girl? **laughs at his own joke**

Twiggy: Well I do wear a dress. **evil grin**

Ginger: So? Where are you going?

Twiggy: To Find Marilyn So I can go home! Wanna come?

Ginger: Sure!

Twiggy: What about your drum set? What If somebody steals it?

Ginger: See that tree with the face? **points across the street** He’s my best friend! He guards my drums when I leave to go to clubs. He scares every criminal.

So Ginger, Twiggy, and Sadie followed the yellow brick road, but they did not know they were being watched. Trent Reznor, the wicked witch of the west, and his two henchmen, Aaron North and Alessandro Cortini, watched Twiggy in Reznor’s crystal ball.

Twiggy, Ginger, and Sadie stopped. There was a forest fire in the woods. They came up to a man who started the fire. He has a blonde Mohawk. It was Pogo.

Twiggy: Ohh great it’s you……..

Pogo: Heyy Twiggy Lawson.

Twiggy: It’s Twiggy RAMIREZ!!!

Pogo: Whatever!

Ginger: Pogo…why??

Pogo: Because I was bored and I was trying to light my cigarette.

Ginger: Not that….Why are you in this story? Your no longer in Marilyn Manson!

Pogo: Ask Zimmi!

Zimmi {AKA Me, The Author!}: Because We needed an someone to play the tin man.

Ginger & Twiggy: awwwww man! Thrats!

Pogo: Hahahaa Losers! Your stuck with me!
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My first story =)