Don't Point Guns When You're Angry

Airplort Blues

The plane ticket was crumpled and crammed deep inside Perry's jean pocket violently as he found himself slouching in yet another chair. This one was hard and plastic and surrounded by people giving odd looks while Dean stood in front of him with his arms patiently at his sides.

"Now don't forget, the White's will be waiting for you in the lobby. They'll have a sign with your name on it. You just need to walk up to them and they'll help you get your luggage and everything else. You're going to be living with these people, so give them a chance Perry and don't be rude. They are taking you in."

"Remind me why I have to do this again," Perry remarked sarcastically.

"Because you aren't an adult yet and you are still in the system. You don't have a choice in the matter, Perry. You need a guardian; someone to direct you and give you guidance. These people can offer you that much."

"These people better not expect me to call them any special names."


"Mom. Dad. Sir. Mame. Any bullshit of the sort."

"Perry, nobody's asking anything special of you except that you behave."

"Yea, yea. Are they going to kick me out if I don't or something?"

"No," Dean said sternly. "You aren't getting off that easy. But don't think there won't be consequences."

"I'm not afraid of your consequences, Dean."

"Yea? Well the police might say otherwise, now smarten up, kid."

Perry only sighed deeply and complained that he wanted a coffee, knowing that Dean would jump to his feet to grab him one. At least it gave him a minute alone. A minute to get all of his thoughts together.

He was not a heartless person, he admitted that. But Perry had a theory that every person was going to hurt him at some point in his life, and the only way to prevent that was by not getting close to anyone. The only way to do that was to block them out completely.

Dean returned with the coffee, and it didn't surprise him that Perry didn't take one sip. Even when the announcement was made for Perry to board his flight, the coffee was still filled to the brim. Dean didn't bother to say anything, but before Perry walked through the gate, he reminded him that he was to meet with his new psychologist the next day. Perry nodded nonchalantly and waved his hand in acknowledgement before he was nothing but a spec in the distance, already boarding his plane.

Dean hopped everything would work out. He hoped that Perry would put an effort into this one time. He couldn't quite get inside Perry's head- He couldn't understand how Perry could be happy living the life of a runaway. He didn't understand how Perry could be so smug about being the way he was. He didn't understand how Perry couldn't see that others were there trying to help him; trying to lead him out of the way of the stubborn brick wall.