Status: Active

Take Your Damn Fairy Tale Endings, and Your Dreams. This Is the Real World. That Shit Just Doesn't Cut It.

Leaving for good.

"Najel come back here!"

"Fuck you!" I screamed.

I was done with this bastard. I don't even know why I even stayed after my mom died. Everyday he feels the need to torture me. He either rapes me or do an unforgivable curse. How could my mother leave me here with this bastard? How could she fall in love with a thing like that. He's evil and I always knew that. But my mother was to deeply in love with his lies.

But she believed me the day she died. The day that she herself actually decided to tell the truth. The truth that Albus Dumbledore is my father. The truth that got her killed and got me a fucked up life.

I am only 11 years old. But I am one of the most smartest 11 year old you will ever meet. That's why my stupid step dad tortures me, he wants to brake my power. He doesn't want me to feel respected or anything. Because he knows that I'm one of the most powerful wizard in the world. Other than my father. That's why he won't let me learn. That's why he trying to brake me. Trying to make me go insane. But he won't be able to do that because tonight I had enough. Tonight is the night I'm leaving this place I called home for as long as I was born.

I'm leaving it and never coming back. I'm going to a place where I hope everyone there is nice. I'm going to a place I no Tom Riddles Aka Lord Voldemort won't go. I'm going to Hogwarts. I'm going to my father.
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I hope you enjoyed. Please comment. And in my story it's not like the books. It will not go in order of anything. In my story Voldemort is alive and so is Harry. But Harry didn't die because voldemort couldn't touch him. (like in the real book.) Harry's parents died. ( like in the real book). but voldemort just ran away once he realized he couldn't touch Harry. And Now he's in hiding. So harry still is the boy who lived. Just thought you should no. Bye.