Status: Active

Take Your Damn Fairy Tale Endings, and Your Dreams. This Is the Real World. That Shit Just Doesn't Cut It.

A chapter

"Hey Lupin." I said while trying to act innocent. I already knew that he knew about me and Harry. I'm just hoping this is about school. I mean that's what teachers are supposed to talk to you about, but obviously Hogwarts isn't like other schools.

"Hey Najel."He said quietly with a warm smile that didn't meet his eyes.

"Um do you need to talk to me?" I said turning to him now that were out of the Great Hall.

"Yes. So I heard about you and Harry."


"So why are you dating him?"

"Because I like him and he likes me." I said not completely telling the truth.

"Yeah OK. He might of acted like he didn't like you for the past 3 years, but when you hate someone you really hate them. So why the bloody hell are you playing with that boy's heart?"

I stared at him astonished." Professor Lupin with all do respect why don't you mind your own damn business. Teachers have know right to be in students relationship!" I yelled quietly at him and turned to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me into him.

"I'm sorry. Your right. It just hurts me to see you with other people." he whispered in my ear.

"What are you talking about Professor?"

"Please don't call me Professor..... And Najel, I loved you ever since that day I first seen you. You was so.... different. You wasn't like the other girls. You like to be alone yet you had everyone wanting to befriend you or go out with you. No one could never tell what you was planning to do next, you never could be predicted. Even if we tried you always did the oppose. Your outgoing,gorgeous,smart,funny,quiet,calm your everything I ever wanted to be, And I tried to stop myself from falling in love with you, but I just can't. I'm sorry for telling you this but you have to know. I understand if you don't feel the same way." He said to me quietly while he looked at me.

I had tears in my eyes. I never knew anyone can feel this way towards me. I mean I was raise to believe that every ones out to get me, that nobody cares. They just want something from me. But when I looked in his eyes I could see the seriousness behind them. Which made me cry because I knew that I felt the same way, but I also knew that I had to distance myself from him more because I don't want to hurt him or I don't want Voldemort to be able to use him against me.

So when he looked at me one more time and started to walk away I didn't stop him. I didn't stop him because I didn't want to give him any pain. Even though it felt like my heart was going to burst and pain was raging threw my body. I didn't stop him because I loved him because I cared.

Some of you might say I'm a heartless bitch. Some of you might say aw I feel sorry for you. But I don't need pity and I definitely don't need your bitchy mood because either way it wasn't going too make me run up to him and tell him how I truly felt. I wasn't going to put that much danger on the one man I actually love who actually loved me back.

Harry already has Voldemort after him so it really doesn't matter if I'm with him or not. But I refused to put anyone in danger. I don't care if it caused me unbearable pain, I don't care if I cry myself to sleep at night. I don't fucking care if I'm crying so hard in the inside that it's giving me the biggest head ache in the world. I'm going to ignore it all and put on a smile.

Isn't like it's something new. I always have to act like I'm happy. The only thing new about it is that my heart is braking in millions of pieces and it's all because of him.

I, Najel Dumbledore is in love with Rumbus Lupin.

As I realized all of this in under 3 minutes I was walking to my common room. Ready to go in my room and just cry, but some reason I already knew I wouldn't be able to do that. And of course I'm right.

I sighed and held back to the tears. I walked up to the person and said, "What the hell do you want Snape?"


Ok! Najel is still morning with her family and she realized that she hasn't updated this in a while. So here you go. She wrote it in her notebook and handed to me to write it on the computer. Odiously Najel is really dedicated to be thinking about writing stories for you at a time like this. But she told me to send you love and she'll be back in a few weeks with new post for all her stories. She apologizes and thanks you for your patient.