Status: Active

Take Your Damn Fairy Tale Endings, and Your Dreams. This Is the Real World. That Shit Just Doesn't Cut It.


As I walked down to the Great Hall the next morning I was thinking about what Professor Lupin said. How could someone care so much for me, but he doesn't no how much danger he will be in if he is with me. Maybe I should tell him and he'll back off. I mean Harry I can deal with, Voldermort already wants to kill him. But I can't just put an innocent person in the mix especially someone I'm in love with.

I was still thinking as I sat down at the Gryfindor table next to Harry. He gave me a kiss on a cheek which I just smiled at still lost in my thoughts. Everyone around us awed. I looked up at the teacher's table to see Lupin looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Are you coming?" Harry asked.

"Um sure?" I said confused.

"Are you going to Hagrid's with them?" George asked me already knowing I wasn't paying attention.

"Oh yeah. I'll go." I smiled.

Then Flinch came bursting into the Great Hall carrying his hairless cat.

"Those kids shaved my cat!" He screamed in my fathers face.While pointing at the twins.

"Mr.Wesley's?" My father asked with a amused smile on his face.

"We didn't do it!" They said at the same time. I burst out laughing I couldn't help it. That cat looked funny as hell.

"I did it!" I said with a grin plastered on my face. "That bloodly cat is always following me around, she got what she deserved!" The twins started laughing to.

Soon enough everyone in the Great Hall was laughing.

"Najel you have dention with Lupin." My dad said.

"What no! Can't I have it with Snape? He is head of my house!"

"No you may not. He might kill you. Or you might kill him."

I sighed in defeat knowing arguing with him was a lost cause.

"Are you ok Najel?"

"Yeah why Harry?" I asked hoping he won't guess it right.

"Because when you came in your eyes were puffy, you force a smile at us and you kept looking at the teacher's table." He stated.

"I'm fine. I'm going to Potions I'll see you later." I snapped and got up and walked out the Great Hall. Realizing I probably just hurt his feelings. I ran back in there and kissed his lips then walked back out.

God when did I start feeling bad for hurting people's feeling? When did I start showing how I feel towards people? When did I start being able to laugh at stupid things?

I guess this is what happens when you start living a life of a normal teenager. I don't like it one bit. I like my old self and that's who I'm going to be for now on. My old self.

But first thing first. How in the hell am I going to get out of this detention with Professor Lupin?
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I'm back! Sorry I was going through somethings with my famliy, but it's all goodie now and i'm never leaving you again! I'm sad because I lost a suberrr lol is that even a word, but I'm happy because I got a new boyfriend! Yay! Aren't you proud?:) Well I no it's short but I will updates reallyyyyyy soooon. I promised :) Well thanks for supporting me! Love you all bye!