Status: Active

Take Your Damn Fairy Tale Endings, and Your Dreams. This Is the Real World. That Shit Just Doesn't Cut It.

Does it look like I give a ***?

We were finally able to leave the Great Hall. I was walking to the common room with the rest of the Slytherin. Then out of know where a guy with blond hair says hi. I just nodded at him. He kept looking at me like I was one of the most interesting thing in the world. It was really starting to get annoying I really was about to yell at him.But I ignore him. So he wouldn't think I actually cared. Voldemort taught me to never let people see your emotions. I don't see why I'm still listening to him. But I just can't stop.

"I'm Draco Malfoy." I turned sharply to look at him. I knew that name from somewhere. I just couldn't place it.

"Is your dad a death eater?" I said quietly. He looked around nervously before he answered."Why?"

I smirked. "Trust me. I know way more things about your father then you do." I said then started to walk to the common room again. I looked back and seen shock written on his face. I laugh. Wow people can be so stupid.

I made it to the common room ad said,"Pureblood." It open.Ha ha and I just guessed it. Stuck up bastard. I was still laughing to myself when I went to my dorm and went to sleep.


I got quietly out of bed and went and took a shower. Then I put on my robe and walked down stair to the Great Hall. As I entered the Great Hall the red hair twins came up to me smiling. I just looked at them emotionless.

"Can you come sit with us today?" They asked at the same time. I just shrugged. We went back to the table and everyone one was staring at me. I ignored it and ate my bacon.

After a few minutes of eating that lady from last night came up to the table and gave us our schedule. Fred and George took it out of my hands. ( author note: Note that she remembered their names.)

"Yay! Najel you got all your classes with us. Except Defense Against the Dark Arts." George said. I shrugged. He looked hurt.But I could care less. Nobdy cares about my feeling. Why should I care about anyone else?

I got up to go to my first class, the twins followed me.Our first class is Potions with Professor Snape.

I looked down at the paper again. Wait they can't mean.... But my thoughts were answer when we walked into the dark classroom. There stood the death eater that Voldemort loved more than all the other. And the one I hate the more than the others. I felt him staring at me but I ignored it and went to sit next to the twins.

"Where are you going Miss Dumbledore?" He asked. I gave him a glare. The same glare my step fucker gives. He look taken aback for a moment but held his ground.

"I'm going to sit next my friends." I said coldly and emotionless like his voice. The first time I ever spoke above a whisper and it's like this.

"No you are going to sit with your house."

"Who the fuck are you to tell me where I can sit? You filthy mugblood." I snapped. I don't even no why I called him that. I'm one myself... but nobody knows that.

Everyone gasp in shock. I'm guessing your not supposed to talk to the teacher like that. He glared at me." Ten points from Slytherin and detenion with me on Saturday. And just for your information I am head of your house." He said with a smirked.

"Does it look like I give a fuck?" I asked and went to sit next to the twins anyway. He just glared and didn't argue anymore. I looked at Fred and George who just stared at me in awe.


Snape and I was having a glaring contest in class today. Which I thought was very immature, but did it. And I past his test for today with outstanding. When he finally let us out of that hell hole he Fred and George attack me with hugs. I tensed up because nobody ever gave me a hug before. They either punched me or raped me.

"That was amazing Najel-"Fred said

"- did you no Snape before this?" George said.

I shook my head and then headed off to DADA.

I walked in to see a guy that look really tired and sick. But he still had a warm smile. He also had scratches on his face. It made me feel bad.And let me tell you I never feel bad for anyone. I sat in the front because all the seats were taken.

When everyone was in class he began to call names. But something was weird about him, because when he called my name he pause and smiled at me.

I think I was sick or something because my heart felt like it skipped a beat.
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I think this really sucked. I'm probably going to lose all my subscriptioners lol is that even a word. Anyway. Thanks for your support and I promise it's going to get way more intersting. Now that aLupins in the picture. And just so you no. Lupin is the perment DADA teacher.