Status: Active

Take Your Damn Fairy Tale Endings, and Your Dreams. This Is the Real World. That Shit Just Doesn't Cut It.

Why do you care?

"Well I'm professor Lupin. And I'm your DADA teacher." He stopped to smile at us. "I will like to get to know you guys all separately." He said. After that I blocked everyone out. It was easy because I barley listen anyways.

That's another thing I learn from Voldemort. When he was talking to me about stupid stuff; I would just ignore him. Which I did every time he talked. And that caused me to get hit everyday.

"NAJEL!" The teacher yelled. I looked up at him. He was glaring at me at first but then his face soften. "Tell us about yourself."

I just stared at him. I wasn't going to talk for a stupid reason. And even if I did tell him about me what would I say? Hi my name is Najel and I used to get beat ever day for the past eleven years? Yeah OK.

"She doesn't talk." Said someone in the background. He smiled at me again and nodded. Then he called someone else.

It was like that for the rest of the class. Him smiling at me and me just staring at me. Personally I thought it was kind of creepy and I think he was putting a spell on me or something. Because every time he smiled at me my heart would feel weird. Whatever.

Finally when it was the end of class and time for lunch he called me back. I glared at the floor. what could this man want from my life. I turned around and he was sitting at his desk deep in thought.

"Najel how come you don't talk?" He asked.

I just stared at him like he was stupid. Is he serious right now? Did he expect me to just to tell him? Wow my father sure knows how to pick them.

He smiled."If you ever want to talk or anything... I'm here." He said.

I glared."Why do you care?" I said in an emotionless voice like Snapes.

He look taken aback but his smile remain in tack. "Because I care." He said. I thought he was lying at first but you can see the truth in his eyes.

I turned around and walked out. I hate when people show feeling. Don't they know people can use it against you? Don't they know you can never trust anybody? That everybody can turn their back on you? I think people are so stupid. That's why I don't talk to people because they are so stupid.

When I walked into the Great Hall I sat right next to George and Fred. They both smiled at me. I hope they don't think I'm friends with them. I just don't don't want to sit next to horny Draco.

I began to eat my chicken when someone tapped my shoulder. I ignored them because I wasn't done eating. They tap my shoulder again and I ignored them again.

"Miss.Dumbledore may I have a word with you?" Said a cold emotionless voice I regonized as Snape.

I didn't answer him I just kept eating. I knew he couldn't do anything to me when I was in front of people. He wouldn't do nothing to me point blank because now I am fully capable of hurting him. Now that I'm not near Voldemort.

By now everyone at the Gryffindor table was looking at us. But it didn't bothered me. I just kept eating my chicken.

"Miss.Dumbledore don't ignore me. I don't no where you came from. But in Hogwarts we listen to our teacher." He snapped.

I turned around and glared." I don't give a fuck what you do here. If you haven't realized I'm eating and you can't fucking stop me from eating. OK? And if it's not obvious." I stood up and came face to face with him. "I don't fucking like you!" I then turn around and walked out the Great Hall to my next class.

I have a feeling I'm going to get expelled. But personally I think it was worth it. I then laughed.
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I no it's short but yeah. I promise Lupin will be in it next chappter. But do you guys think I should skip ahead a year or so when Harry's in it or just keep going threw this year until she can trust someone? Coment and tell me. Ops I forgot to tell you that Draco malfoy is the other draco malfoy older brother. Tiheheh thank to the girl who pointed out. Sorry i dont remeber her name

Love you all and thanks for the support!
