Status: Active

Take Your Damn Fairy Tale Endings, and Your Dreams. This Is the Real World. That Shit Just Doesn't Cut It.


"Najel your going to have to stop with talking back to Professor Snape." The headmaster said.

I was sent here right after that little incident with Snape. At first I didn't go. But then a teacher escorted me here like I was a little baby or something. So right now I'm just staring at my father emotionless waiting for him to finished his little talk.

"Do you understand?"

I just nodded. He smiled."You look like your mother.."

I nodded again. He sighed."You can go."

I got up and walked away. I hate when people try to tell me what to do. They think they know what's best for me but they don't. I been taking care of myself since I could walk. I don't need him or anyone else. They don't know nothing about me.

I thought twice about leaving. But I just couldn't. One reason is because if I leave where will I go. Another reason is what if my step fucker finds me. I haven't learned enough to fight him. And the final reason is.. because I'm not heartless. If I leave my dad will be worried, Fred and George would be worried and even Professor Lupin would be worried.

Fine I will try to work out this "new life". But I'm leaving if it doesn't work. And the first think I'm going to work on is stop talking to myself. I mean it's weird. Does anyone else do it? Or am I the only one?

God I need to start talking to Fred and George.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK. jonasluver627 Pointed out that Draco Malfoy is three years ahead of Harry, Hermione and Ron...... I DID NOT notice that. Tihehehehe. Lol so I decided that the Malfoy's parents are so stupid that they named both of their sons Draco. lol. Well obviously they are stupid. Because they are death eaters. i mean why would you want to be called a death eater and have a ugly weird cool tattoo that hurts when that assholes around? Wow idiots! Anyway THANKS to the supporters and jonasluver627. I love you guys!


Ps. I no it's short but I had to rite this down or I was going to forget. And I'm kinda having writers block. So ya!!! BYE!! Oh yeah can you read my new story. It's nothing Personal babe