Status: Active

Take Your Damn Fairy Tale Endings, and Your Dreams. This Is the Real World. That Shit Just Doesn't Cut It.


"Hey can I sit with you?" I asked Fred and George the next day. They both looked at me like I was crazy. I don't blame them either, because I haven't ever talk to them. They always talked to me first.

"Yeah. Of course." They said together smiling. I nodded and sat down between them.

I didn't no what to say after that so I ate some bacon. And I was just looking around hoping they would say something. So we won't have to sit in this awkward silence. I glimpse at their faces and they still looked surprised that I even talk to them. Seems like I'm going to have to start the conversation.

I gulped my Bacon down. And looked at them. "Uh.. So um.. What are you guys doing today?" I asked. knowing they had free hour.

"Where pulling a prank.." Fred said.

"Oh.. OK?" I said quietly.

"You want to help?" Said George smirking.

"Uh no I have DADA next. But maybe some other time?" I said. Forcing a smile. I hate having conversation with people. Because it always ends up with them asking about you.

"OK well bye."They said at the same time. Wow they are weird.

I grabbed another piece of bacon and got up to go to DADA. But as I was exiting so was the Horny Draco. I'm going to call him HD. HAhahahaha.

"Hey." He said innocently coming up to me. I nodded at him.

"Still don't talk?" I nodded again.

"Well we are both going to the same class. Mind if I walk with you?" I shrugged my shoulders. He kept trying to talk to me but I kept ignoring him. I would of hexes him but all the hexes I do no. Can kill you in the end.

"Good morning class!" Said Professor Lupin as soon as me and HD walked in."Nice of you to join us MR. Malfoy and Miss.Dumbledore." He said smirking.

"I no." I said smiling? I was so surprise that I actually smiled without force I did it again.

"Yeah Yeah yeah. Get to your seat." He said.

"Of course Professor." I said smiling again.

We learned about something that I got on the first try. I thought it was actually stupid for me to be a first year. Everything just came so easy to me.

All threw class he kept glancing at me giving me weird looks. But they all made my heart skip a beat. I wonder what these feeling are? Maybe I should ask the twins. But what if they ask why? Anyways at the end of the class he called me back.

"Yes Professor?" I asked wondering what I did.

"How are you today? You seem happy." He asked looking really tired. And even more sick.

"I'm.. Well I am trying to be nice because my father said he can't stop them from giving me detention and stuff. And I bet you heard about how me and Snape don't get along." I stated.

He laughed. "Yeah I see it. And it's pretty funny. Usually Snape wouldn't mind slapping someone in the back of the head... But it seems like he's scared of you or something."

I smirked." Maybe he is." My voice turning cold.

I shook it off and gave Lupin a warn smile."Anyway you look sick yourself are you OK?" I asked concern once in my whole life. Why is this guy changing me so much.

"Uh don't you have class next?" He said trying to change the subject.

I smirked."No I do not. Now are you OK?" I asked. Happy that I had free period.

"Yes I'm fine and I think you should leave."

I looked at him hurt. "See this is why are don't talk to people they always hurt you." I said to him tears streaming down my eyes. I touched my cheek. I never cried never. Not when I got hit or raped or punished with the unforgivable curse. Never. SO why am I crying over him. Him out of all people. He's a teacher! I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be getting this close to people. What if HE finds out and try to hurt them?

But I haven't even been here for a week and I already have people that I don't want to get hurt. I don't no what to do. This is so confusing.

By now I was on a full crying gag. All my emotion I held in since I was little was coming out.Fear, scared, hurt, tired, mad, depress and most of all lonely. All of these were coming out right in font of my teacher.

He tried to give me a hug but I pushed him away. But that didn't stop him. He kept trying in till I let him hug me. We had to sit there for an hour. In silence. It wasn't uncomfortable, it felt right. I would of fell asleep but I thought about the real world. An I snapped back into it.

I got off of him and looked at him. He stared right back at me."Uh thanks I guess." I said quietly. And ran out. He ran after me.

"Najel I didn't mean to hurt your feeling back there. I really do care about." He then rubbed his neck like he was thinking about something." Actually Najel I think I care about you more than a student. And I no it's weird how just met and all. But if felt like I knew you since forever. And every time I'm away from you all I could think about is you and when I see you my heart skips a beat.... Oh great now I sound like a lovesick girl. I'm sorry."

I looked at him in shock. I didn't no what to say. See this is what i get for trying to fit in. Drama. I hate it. And I hate him. He can't love me, he can't like me. I mean nobody can love me. He can't . I still didn't no what to do so....

I ran.
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Heyyyy. Comment please and can I please have a banner. I been having wriittters block and heart problems buttt.. I'm all goodie. Anyways can you please check out my new story. It's nothing personal,babe. Thank you love you alll. And thanks for believing me. Love you again. lol

Ps. Horny Draco (HD) lol funnyyyyy. Oh yeah and after the next 2 or 3 chapters harry and hermione and rons going to come in okie dokie byebye love ya...