Status: Active

Take Your Damn Fairy Tale Endings, and Your Dreams. This Is the Real World. That Shit Just Doesn't Cut It.


I didn't go to DADA for the next week. I didn't know what I would do if I seen him looking at me. In the Great Hall I made sure that I didn't look at the staff table, feared that he might catch my eye.I hated this! It show that I was scared, scared to face him. I don't even no why I am scared. After everything I been threw! I'm scared of a stupid teacher!

And to top it all off Fred and George knows there's something the matter. They haven't stop asking me since that day in the DADA room. I didn't no being so normal and social could be so dramatic. I think everyone who's normal is stupid because who can deal with all this drama. But I don't think everyone else has a teacher who has to be at least 10 years older then them that has a crush on her. I mean he's sweet and he's so easy to talk to.. I don't no what that is though.

"Miss.Dumbledore are you playing attention?!" Snape shouted. I looked up and his face was really close. I glared at him and nodded.

"What did I just say?"

"That your an asshole?" I asked.

"Detention and 10 points from Slytherin." He shouted with spit flying in my face.

I wiped the spit out of my face." Wow that's all you're gonna take. I bet if I was in Gryffindor you would of took 50. But whatever you say Snapey." I said quietly. I might be more of a smart ass but I'm still quiet.

I looked up and his face was really red. I started busting up laughing, then I was saved by the bell. I ran so fast out of the room you would of thought I was Alice Cullen.

When I was sure Snape wasn't falling me I looked at what class I have next and guess what I have DADA. I knew if I skipped it my father would find out sooner or later. So I began the long journey up to the DADA room. I was so scared. What if he askes me to stay after class? I couldn't say no. The only teacher I'm a smart ass to is Snape because he deserves it. But Lupin I don't no. I kept rambling on like that until I came to the door of the room.

I already made up my mind that if he askes me to stay after class I'm just going to leave. I walked into the class room expecting to come faces to face with him, but instead all I seen was Professor Spout.

"I'm sorry class but Professor Lupin couldn't be here today! But he did leave something for you guys. He wrote that you guys are to read 294." He said.

And he contuies to talk but I blocked him out. I turned to the page that he told us to go to. And seen that I already read that. I pretty much read the whole book. So all though class I was thinking about where he could be. If he's sick he should be in the hospital Wing right? I should try to go down there to see? Or maybe he just didn't want to see me or something.

"You can leave now." Professor Spout said.

I got up quietly and left. But of course HD had to come up and speak to me. I basically ignored him. He's a cool friend and all but sometimes he can be a asshole. I mean right now I bet he's talking about how pureblood are the shit.

"Yeah and I think pureblood are the shit."



My week was uneventful. Professor Lupin never came back. I'm starting worry. What if something bad happen? Wouldn't my dad try and help him? What if I went and ask my dad if he was alright? Would that be OK for a student to ask that question?



"Yes Freddy." I said calmly.

"Did you hear us?" George asked. I looked at them emotionless.

"I'll take that as a no-"Fred said.

"- anyway you want to play a prank with-"George said.

"Us?" They both said.

"Yeah I guess." I said quietly. I had nothing better to do other than sit here and think about a TEACHER! Which is wrong.


We spent the rest of the week preparing the prank. I have to say this was alot of fun. I never knew you could actually have fun.It is going to happen to day at breakfast I can't wait.

I change into my robe and brush my teeth, then put my hair in a bun. I ran down stairs only to have t run back up to put my snake bites in and my two studs for my upper lip. Then ran back downstairs. And to the great hall.

When I enter the twins attacked me in hugs. I tense up still not used to it but I smiled. They looked at me and smirked.

"You look hot." They said together. I nodded and went to sit down. I looked at the staff table to see if Snape was there. But I came face to face with Lupin. He stared me right into the eyes. But I all of a sudden being a coward turn back to the table.

"Ready?" I asked the guys quietly. They nodded there heads. Then I got up and walked to the staff table; with everyone staring at me.

"Hey Professor Snape can I speak with you?" I asked him innocently. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion but got up.

He should know me better enough to know I would never want to talk to him ever again. But he's an idiot.

We were in the middle of the Great Hall when I nodded at the twins. They smirked and pulled out there wands ( I pulled out mines to.)

And we said at the same time."Expeclumespo!"

And a whole bunch of pink glue came out of our wands. Then we tied him up and put pony tails in his hair. Weird right? I no. But I'm not going to complain.

I looked at him and he was glaring at me with so much hate, I thought he was going to kill me. And that did it. I busted up laughing. I mean I actually laughed! Everyone was quiet for a minute. Just looking at me shocked.

" What? It's funny!" I said. And everyone started to laugh except for Snape of course.

I was laughing so hard I didn't see him raise his wand. Until someone said "Expelliarmus!"

I got up as quick as possible and pointed my wand at Snape. I looked to see who said it and it was Lupin. I smiled at him.

"Your a fucking asshole." I said to him. Then my dad walked in.

"Najel, Fred and George you got detention for a month with Professor Snape." He said with a amused smile. I laughed. He looked really happy to see me happy.

"Yes Daddy." I said.

I think I'm going to like this new life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Guys I'm ANEMIC. For these who don't know what that is. It's when you don't have enough iron in your blood. Yuppp so I'm happpy!!!!!! And I HATE this chapter! She's so happy. But don't worry she still has this depress attitude threw out the chapters. And her and Lupin don't get together until Harry, Ron and Hermione's third year but they are flirting alot. And next chapter Najel and the twins are going to be in their 4th year and Harry, Ron and Hermione are gonna be in here. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also comment please and who evers reporting me can fuckin suck it cause their haters.

I realized that Lupin's actor in Harry Potter is uglyyyy so he looks like this

Yeha and I want to thank you all for your wait and support. Yeahhhh and I will have a chapter out soon Promise!

