Status: Active

Take Your Damn Fairy Tale Endings, and Your Dreams. This Is the Real World. That Shit Just Doesn't Cut It.


"Hey Harry!" I yelled and kissed him on the lips.

Now before any of you guys get confused. Harry and I are just people who hate each other. He hates my "depress attitude. I say I hate his face. The only reason I kissed him on the lips was because I like being annoying. But for the past 3 years he been here, we hate each other.

Hermione and Ron love me. They tell Harry over and over again that my attitude defines me. And that I'm real and that I might not like him but I would take a wand for him any day. But Harry loathes me. So I hate him to.

Even if Harry does hate me he brings me every mission he goes on. Like getting the stone from Voldemort and closing the chammyy with the snakey in it. Personally I don't think Voldemort has a life.

And if you guys are wondering yes I do talk to Fred and George still. And yes Professor Lupin and I still have our awkward relationship. Now back to the story.

"Najel if you ever kiss me again..."

"What your going to not finish your threat like always." I whispered.

Right now were in the Great Hall. Harry just fainted because of a stupid dementor that I saved him from. See this boy didn't even say thank you. How ungrateful.

Ron laughed."Come on Najel give him a brake. He almost died."

"Like always. I should get health insurance on this boy."I mumbled. Ron laughed because he was sitting next to me.

"Quiet!"Yelled my father. Everyone did as they were told.

He said blah blah blah soul suckers. Blah blah. Yeah Yeah. And then he ended it with don't give them any reason to harm you.


"Are you ready for our beginning of the school year prank?" Fred asked. I just nodded. You see everyone fears me the most because I'm so quiet and they can never hear me coming.

"Hey Draco." I said sitting next to him.

He blushed."What do you want with my brother?"

"Nothing." I said quietly and started to eat my food. I sat there quietly for the next half of an hour. Just staring into space. This was nothing knew for me.

Then Professor McGonagall handed out the scheduled.

I looked at my scheduled and groaned. I had Potions with Ravenclaws first hour. Isn't that fucking awesome. I swear people in Hogwarts hate me.

Abonding my prank I walked over to the Griffindor table and grabbed the twins scheduled out of their hands. I stomped my feet which cause everyone to laugh. The twins have DADA first hour. I look fully through their scheduled and seen that we don't have one single class together this year.

I was so mad that I walked up to Draco and hex him for no reason. Lucky it was the one that's always messing with Harry because the other one would of not have forgiven me.

"Najel dentenion for a month." Yelled Snape.

I turned around and gave him the most hatered glare i could muster and then I flipped him off. And I walked out of the Great Hall with everyone laughing.


"Najel I would like to see you after class." Snape said in his stupid annoying voice.

"Yeah, and I would like to have classes with the twins." I mutter.

All through class he kept giving me these glances, which was annoying ass hell. I hated this class's. I never do work in this class. But when it comes to the O.W.L I always get outstanding. Weird right?


"What?" I said. Nobody was in the room now.

"Why do you feel the need to be immature all the time?"

"Why do you feel the need to be an asshole to all the Gryffindors?"

He ran his fingers through his hair." I still love you Najel." He said quietly.

"Well I don't love you. I mean how could I Snape? You left me." I said with tears in my eyes.

He walked up to me and tried to pull me in a hug. But I pushed him away."Najel I had to. Voldemort said he would kill you if I didn't come here."

I was going to say something but Harry came in. He looked at me and anger was replace with concern.

"Najel what happen?" Harry said walking over to me.

"Leave Potter. I was just talking to her."

"No I will not."

Snape pulled out his wand and pointed at Harry about to fire, but I was to fast. I blasted him and he fell into the wall. He looked at me hurt. But I just grabbed Harry and walked out.

"What was that about?" Harry asked.

"Nothing. Why do you even care?" I asked.

"Because I care about you." He said barley a whisper. Then he kissed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
SORRY! I didn't mean to take this long but I have been really busy. And I'm working on a new story called. " I wanted to tell you, I jus didn't no how." I think thats what you call it.. But I will write more soon bye.