Status: Active

Take Your Damn Fairy Tale Endings, and Your Dreams. This Is the Real World. That Shit Just Doesn't Cut It.


After Harry finished kissing me he looked at me. I guess waiting for my reaction. But I just stared at him. He was a amazing kisser.

"Um... sorry." He said quietly.

I looked at him." No it's fine."

"Najel I think I love you." He said even more quietly then me.

"You can't love me Harry. Nobody can."

"Of course people can love you Najel. Your Amazing. I love everything about you."

"I thought you hated me."

"I lied. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I just stared at him. I mean if i say yes then it will be way more easier to protect him. But if I say yes what will Lupin think. I mean I do like Harry, but I think I might have stronger feeling for someone else. And then if Snape finds out. He already hates Harry as it is. See this is why I HATE people. To much damn drama. When I was locked up with step- fucker also I felt was pain. Not anything else.

"Yes." I said to him and force a smile. I guess we will just see what happens.


When walked into the Great Hall Harry tired to hold my hand but I wouldn't let him. I don't want people to no until I figure out a plan on how to protect Harry from Snape. I mean Snape is a very jealous person. I don't even go out with him though!

When we sat down at the Gryffindor's table everyone turned their heads to look at us, because right now me and Harry would be arguing like aways. But no we sat down and under the table Harry grabbed my hand. I didn't have the heart to push his hand away.

"Uh bloody hell are you guys feeling OK?" Ron asked.

"Yeah I'm feeling fine why?" Harry asked.

"Because your sitting really close to Najel and your smiling like a goof."Hermione said.

"Oh I am I didn't notice." He then scooted over a little, but not enough to let go of my hand.

"Najel are you ok?" Fred asked.

"Yup! I'm fine." I said trying to sound happy so Harry wouldn't think I'm not happy about this thing.

"Why are you so happy?" George asked in suspicion.

"What the hell is this fucking 21 question!" I yelled at them. I think I yelled to loud because everyone turned and looked at me.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" I screamed at them. Then they all turned around. Harry was rubbing circles in my hand to calm me down. But I was really mad so I snatched it away. A hurt look came across Harry's face but he covered it up fast enough so everyone at the table wouldn't see.

I looked at everyone and they was all looking at the table. I guess their not used to my anger yet.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly. While grabbing Harry's hand back into mines. He smiled really big which made me laugh.

"No it's fine we no how easy it is to get you mad we shouldn't of accuse you guys."Hermione said.

"What were you acusing us of?" I asked confused.

"Of you and Harry going out duh!" Screamed Fred. And once again everyone looked at us. Sometimes I really hate that boy. I glared at every table and they turn around fast. I looked at the teachers place thingy only to see that Lupin looked slightly jealous, Snape looked mad and Dumbledore looked happy.

"Well since everyone knows." I glared a Fred. He mouth sorry. Then realization popped in his head to what I said.

"Oh my fucking gosh!" Hermione screamed. We all looked at her shocked. But she didn't care. She ran up and hugged Harry and I.

"Can I talk to you?" Someone asked. I ignored them like I always do.

"Najel it's Lupin."
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hope you l,ike love ya!