Silence Protect Me

“My name is Ivy Frank Wright… Yes, I am aware my first name is that of a girl.”

Ivy believes in keeping silent, facing the world with blankness and drinking in the outside noise. He bottles up his anger, silences his happiness and freezes his sadness. He doesn’t think showing emotion could ever help him out. In his train-wreck family, he is content to stay at the back of everything, always the quiet observer to their numerous mistakes.

He feels he is meant to be the plain one in his family. His father is world famous, his mother is a professional fake, his little sister is a child prodigy and his little brother acts like a baby. That, of course, isn’t mentioning his two half-siblings.

Ivy can only sit through so many family pillars crumbling to the ground. A person can only have so much storage space for so many dark secrets, even if they delude themselves into being able to handle it. He has his own problems, his own “shameful” secrets.

But with the weight of his crashing family, can he handle the extra burdens?

“I don’t want to find any more secrets. Unfortunately, my family thrives on them. There are only so many vibrating condoms you can find in your mother’s drawer without cracking a little.”
  1. Teetering Along
    Ivy introduces himself. Constructive critism is appreciated
  2. Snowy Locks
    Ivy is in the park with his friend Beth, trying to avoid the infamous "family dinner"
  3. Doomed Dinner
    Ivy reluctantly goes home (Beth dragging him all the way) and faces what he knows will end in anger
  4. Five Minutes
    Ivy's mother goes off the rails
  5. More Sensible Than An Eye For An Eye
    Ivy wakes up. If no one's reading this, I'm going to stop writing
  6. One Of Her Dirty Little Secrets
    Ivy finds something he doesn't want to know about
  7. Stranger With An Attitude
    Beth fetchs Ivy from his house, after getting sick of waiting. What he doesn't know is that he is about to meet someone very unpleasant
  8. Sexuality Jokes Are Not Funny
    Beth and Alex get into another fight and Tre makes a joke Ivy doesn't find funny
  9. The Unknown Female
    Later on that night, Ivy wakes up to find his Dad talking to someone he doesn't know... A female someone
  10. Deedee's Realisation
    Deedee comes down to the kitchen...
  11. Andy Warhol
    Some time later, Teresa reappears, bringing a not-so-welcome storm with her.