Status: I'm running a bit behind. I apologize. (STILL)

Closer Than They Appear

In The Arms of Blackjack Davey

"Davey, I wish you would settle down and start a family."

"You know I can't do that, Mom," I said sighing. This was almost becoming a tradition between the two of us.

"I know, I know. It's just that you're thirty-three, son. How much longer are you going to do this 'music' thing?" She asked critically.

"Mother it's my passion, I can't just give it up. Besides I have Adam and Hunter, and Jade of course. They're my family," I said sighing unhappily.

"They can't produce children. Don't you want your own children to raise and love and care for?"

"I'm gay, even if I do settle down with an amazing man, I won't be able to have kids. If my man wants kids, we'll adopt" I said for at least the twentieth time. "Look Mom, I've got to go. If I don't leave now I'll be late meeting Jade."

"Honestly Davey... you spend too much time with that man."

"Criticize me all you want, Mom, but please don't talk about Jade. He's my best friend. See you next week." I stood up, swiftly walking from the room. Closing the front door behind me, I let out a frustrated half-scream.

I got into my car, jittery to get to the cafe that I was meeting Jade at. Jade would understand why I was late, however, I hated being late. It was easier for me to get over whatever just happened with my mom if I was with him. It was a presumed arrangement that after visits with my mom, we would meet.

Pulling into the cafe driveway I parked the car turning it off and jumping out. I spastically ran into the building.

"I'm here!" I squealed, gripping Jade in a tight hug. I stood next to him with my arms wrapped around his neck and my face pressed against his cheek.

"Have a good day Dave?" He asked wrapping his arms around my back.

"No," I whispered, kissing his cheek before removing my arms.

"Aw, I'm sorry," he said rubbing my back. "I bought you a chai tea. Sit down and we'll talk about it."

"Thank you Jade! I totally would huggle you right now if I could. This is my favorite," I said happily, taking a huge sip of my drink.

"Hey there, enjoy it. Don't waste my money," Jade joked.

"I'm sorry, I love this stuff!"

"You love a lot of things, whore."

"Jadey, I'm not a whore," I pouted.

"You definitely are a whore," Jade said smiling widely.

"Only for you my dear," I said in a jokingly seductive way. I added effect by running my foot up his leg and blinking my luscious eyelashes.

"No, Dave. You're so easy."

"Jade," I said pouting again.

"Whore. Smith wants us to meet him. He wants to talk to you about something. I'm not sure what, he just told me to get you there."

"Where are we meeting him?"

"Your house," Jade said glancing at the clock on the side of the wall.

"Now?" I asked, picking out one of his nervous habits. When he was running late he would always be looking for any clock to count how late he was. It was one of his little quirks that I loved.

Jade nodded, biting his lip and looking me straight in the eye. The way he was looking at me made my stomach do little flip-flops. I was secretly yelling at my stomach to stop and just leave me alone for awhile.

"Well, let's go then," I said standing up and grabbing my tea. "C'mon!" I grabbed his wrist pulling him upwards.

"Okay. Don't break my arm!" Jade giggled as we walked out to the parking lot together. "Meet you at your house?"

"Yeah," I said gripping him in a hug before going to my own car.


"Hey guys, I'm glad to know that everyone likes to invade my privacy and hang out in my house," I said when I saw both Smith and Jade sitting on my couch watching TV.

"Don't hide the spare key where people can easily find it then, David," Smith said looking at me.

"If I don't then I'll lose it," I replied honestly.

"Well you need to work on your memory skills then," Smith said turning the TV off and looking up at me. "So I've got something important to talk to you about..."

"Okay, shoot," I said slipping off my shoes and bouncing over to the couch.

Once I was done fidgeting and was comfortable Smith decided he was ready to talk. "Okay, so this is totally from a manager stand point, not from being your friend. Got it?"

"Yeah dude. I completely understand. Just Mr. Puget right now," I said smiling and attempting to stretch my legs out. Jade was in the way so I let my head lay on the side of his leg and stretched across the rest of the couch.

"Comfy?" Jade asked sarcastically, looking down at me. I nodded and he just rolled his eyes.

"Dave? Yo, can you focus now?" Smith asked waving his arms about spastically.

"Yeah, go for it."

"Okay, so I've got you in for one of those celebrity dating shows. Like you'll be living in a house with ten chicks and you'll get to pick one after each round."

"Smith... I'm not too sure about this. I don't want to be away from the guys for so long. I know this is going to take a long time. Plus you know that I'm completely gay. I'm not sure how well it would work out," I said hesitantly. Honestly I just really don't like to be around girls. I also love Jade. I could never "fall in love" with anyone else.

"The other three will be with you. Jade's room will be right next to yours and Adam and Hunter will be just down the hall. Everyone right there with you," Smith explained.

Knowing that Jade would be with me made me feel a bit better about it all. "I'm still gay though."

"I know."

I looked up at Jade. I gave him a look asking if Smith really didn't get it. He just looked at me and shrugged.

"How can I do a dating show with the female gender, if I'm gay?"

"It'll look good for your image. It'll be good."


"It might get your mom off your back," Smith said simply.

"I'll do it."

There was a sharp in take of breath above me. I looked up at Jade and he was looking at Smith.

"You okay, Jadey?" I asked sitting up.

"Yeah, just choking on air a little bit. I'm okay," he said glancing at me a bit.

"So you'll do it Davey?" Smith asked with an unknown look.

"Yeah dude, I'm up for it."
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title:
Black Jack Davey - Bob Dylan

So I don't know if anyone's actually reading this, but if you are, thank you soooo much! Today is Davey Havok's birthday, so Amy and I felt we should put up our new Davey story. Thanks.

Happy Birthday Davey.