Status: I'm running a bit behind. I apologize. (STILL)

Closer Than They Appear

Will You Pause To Break My Heart?

"Smith, it's time to go," I told my brother through my clenched teeth. He was smirking at Davey, happy that he had agreed to do the whole game show thing. But then he looked at me and my expression, and his smile immediately disappeared. "Sorry, Davey. I forgot I left... yeah, well, I left something on at home."

Not looking at Davey, I simply walked out the door and made my way slowly to my car.

I heard Davey and Smith say their goodbyes, but didn't bother looking at them.

My heart was breaking a little bit anyway; I couldn't look at Davey until I was better.

How could Smith even suggest this insane idea anyway? How could Davey agree to it in the first place? Insanity!

Smith knows I love Davey. He knows it's not some bullshit feelings that'll go away, like when we were teenagers. Feelings then were floozy and came and went like cheerleaders' virginity. These feelings are one hundred percent real, Smith knows this. They're also one hundred percent secret, but even so...

As Smith walked back to my car, he avoided my eyes. He knew that I was gonna yell at him, but probably not how harshly.

And instead of giving him the satisfaction of yelling right away to get it over with, I fumed silently until we got home.

"Smith..." I glared at him and clenched my teeth again.

He immediately feined innocence and got into a defensive stance, holding his hands up.

"Hey man, how was I supposed to know he'd actually agree to it? Davey ususally doesn't go for these things, Jade!'

I glared at him more, forcing myself not to throttle the snot out of him. Smith definitely sensed this and backed up three steps into the wall in the hallway.

"Davey doesn't know what the hell he's doing! He never does! That's why we get away with so much. We talk him into it!" I pushed my hair back in frustration. "He always -- well, usually -- takes the blane for stuff because he thinks it's always his fault. It's not; it's ours for talking him into it and manipulating him. Remember that pie incident?" Smith nodded. "Exactly! He took the blame for that one, too. He takes the blame for everything," I finished my rant with a sad sigh, out of energy.

Smith sighed too. "I'm sorry, Jade. I, uh, sorta forgot you love him." He grimaced, "Who falls in love with Davey of all people? Anyway, think about this situation this way: if creepy fangirls want to fuck him every second, do you think he'd give in?"

"Yeah, because Davey's a whore," I wanted to say but held back. Instead I just nodded.

Smith sighed, "You were supposed to say no! But even if he does give in, they eventually get clingy. Davey hates clingy."

I smirked, thinking of Davey's whoreness. "Since when does Davey not like clingy?"

Smith glared me down until I said sorry and then he continued. "If Dave doesn't like clingy, he'll want to run away from it right into his knight in shining armor's arms!"


He glared at me again. "No, he'd run into your 'strong, muscular' arms!"

I looked at him. "Why do I hear sarcastic quotes around strong and muscular? I mean Davey running into my arms in general makes me--"


"No. Happy!" I smirked at him. "But since when do I not have strong muscular arms? I disagree with your poor assessment of my bulging muscles!" To prove my point I flexed my arm muscles in a manly way. "See? Completely strong and muscular!"

Smith just shook his head with another smile on his face. "Whatever you say, bro. He's still doing it whether I talked him into it or not."

"You're not off the hook yet, Smith," I growled. I was acting mad because he deserved it, even though I wasn't mad at him anymore. "But for now I'll just let you suffer in your guilt. Davey better not get married to a slut-bag of a girl instead of me because of this. He better not get knocked up either!"

Sending Smith a final we're done nod, I stormed past him in a fauz hissy fit that would've made Davey jealous.

If only I could have that effect on him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title: Too Shy To Scream by AFI! I HAD to do an AFI song for the first chapter! :D it's like, the rule to Davey stories everywhere! At least I think so...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JADEY TOO! HE'S A WHOLE 36 YEARS OLD! and yet he looks more like a little kid than ever! Maybe he's pulling a benjamin button, only not as dumb, cause he's frikken JADE!

So I'm super frikken excited to be working on this story with Annie! ah it's anniversary is on Davey's birthday XD that's amazing! When I write this, I almost can't take it seriously cause it's DAVEY and if you know annie and I, that's not a good thing! but I love it so much, so it's being taken VERY seriously despite what I say XD oh, oh! While I was writing this chapter, the little kids next door (who know about my thing with Davey) were like, "oh, is that your diary? are you writing about davey?" and I just sat there giggling, cause that's what it said anyway, even if it wasn't my diary! rawr, I love this so much. Annie and I seriously have crushes on this story, cause we're that rad!

Please comment, subscribe, stalk, read, dream, WHATEVER this story ^-^ we frikken appriciate anything like that like crazy!