Status: I'm running a bit behind. I apologize. (STILL)

Closer Than They Appear

Aha, It Was Good

"Dude, this place is huge," Hunter said when we walked in the front door.

"Yes, this part of the house is large, but you won't actually be living in this part," the producer said bluntly.

"Oh, where will we be?" I asked politely, setting my bags down.

"No, no. Don't set those down here! It's just been cleaned for when the contestants come in tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Jade asked, surprised. He then turned to give me a look; I just shrugged my response.

"So, where are we living?" Hunter said eager to find some place to crash.

"Right this way."

We walked through a large hallway, passing a doorway on our right along with a staircase to our left. After the staircase was another door way. We walked through a closed door (like we opened the door and walked through), and into a series of rooms. The producer then led us into a large room that was made up of stairs. There was a large chair at the front of the room.

"This is where Davey will be presenting his decisions," he said waving his arms lazily around.

"That's a pretty big chair Davey," Adam said in awe.

"I wonder what I could do with that chair," I said in fake wonder. I then caught Jade's eye and gave him a wink.

"Creeper," he said loudly. "I think you know the type of things we could do in that chair." He sent me a wink in response.

"Dude, that chairs almost as big as me..." I said staring at it as we got closer.

"Wishful thinking Dave," Jade murmured standing next to me.

"Um, what the heck guys?" Adam said looking a little creeped out.

"Yeah, I've seen 'him'," Jade said smiling widely.

"Ew, okay we're done with the sexual innuendos now guys," Hunter said taking charge. "Plus the producer's leaving."


We raced after him, through a hall and another couple of doors. It seemed very "Alice in Wonderland" to me. We were just racing after this producer through this massive house.

"This is your house," the producer said boredly. "Go upstairs and explore your rooms. In half an hour I'll take you for a tour of the house."

"Finally!" Hunter said excitedly. He bolted up the stairs with Adam close on this tail.

"After you my dear," I said, holding my arms in a motion for Jade to go before me. It seemed like a polite thing to do. I sort of just wanted to watch Jade's ass as he walked up the stairs.

"Thanks Dave," he said. I just smiled as he walked ahead.

"Aw man! They have our names on them." We heard as we reached the top of the stairs.

"What's wrong guys?"

"Each of the rooms have our names on them. We don't get to choose," Adam whined.

"They're probably all the same," I said spotting my door. "Meet you guys in a bit." Pulling my door open I saw the amazingness that was my room.

I dumped my bags on the floor and ran to my giant bed. I jumped onto it, feeling the need to roll around on its vast amounts of surface area. It was four times the size of my bed at home. I had no idea how I was going to sleep on this thing.

"What the hell?!" I heard Jade yell from somewhere close.

"Jade!" I yelled, hoping he was okay. "Jade, what's wrong?"

I ran out into the hall, trying to figure out which room was Jade's. It was kind of easy because the other two doors were closed. I burst into the room to find Jade standing in the middle.


"Davey, would you like to tell me, why the hell there's a stripper pole in the middle of my room?!" Jade said, yelling at the end.

"The better to please me with?"



"You better run."

I squealed and started to run away. I knew Jade would start chasing me soon. I ran across the room to a door, hoping it would lead me to safety. In reality it just led me to my room.

"Kinky," I mumbled. "Oh shit!" I was propelled onto my bed face first with, I could only assume, Jade straddling my back.

"Guys... the producer -- dude. Save it for when we're not busy. What if the producer came in; really. Gosh," Hunter said shaking his head. "We're touring the house now."

"Thanks Hunter! Jadey?"

"Yes sweetie?"

"You want to get off me?"

"Not really, but the producer needs us." Jade climbed off me, slapping me on the ass before skipping away.

"That man," I sighed getting up and walking out of the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title:
Good - Better Than Ezra

I'm sorry for the epic amount of behind this is. We're slowly working on it. Honestly we've got a lot on our plate right now. Our lives are a little ";alksdjflakjdf" if you know how that feels. We're also frantically working on our other story we have together (Wentz This Way). So this has, regretfully, been pushed off to the side for awhile. We're trying to get back on it. If you actually like this story, please stay with it. We're trying to work on it more. Thank you sooooooo much.

I love my family. In the middle of typing this up my aunt walks in to tell me about some cookies. My cousin walks by yelling, "they taste like play dough!" and it just totally made my day. Smiles :)

BTW, Alice In Wonderland is my favorite.