Status: I'm running a bit behind. I apologize. (STILL)

Closer Than They Appear

May I Lead The Way Into Temptation?

"Sooooo, which one did you like best?" I asked Davey, feeling obligated to ask. It went against my better judgement, trying to get him for myself and all, but it was what best friends are supposed to do and all.

"Mmmmm, I'm not sure," Davey replied.

We were in my room after the quaint meet-and-greet, sprawled out on my bed. Davey was sprawled on my bed.

it was very hard (in more ways than one) to not just ravage him then and there.

But he'd probably get all grossed out and stop being my friend.

Anyway, Dave and I were in my room and I was reluctantly trying to get my man to talk.

I tossed a small pillow at Davey's head, messing his hair up, and he yelped. "Dude, what was that for?! You messed my hair up!"

I shrugged. "You're not answering directly. I just wanna know which girl you got a nice impression from."

Davey sighed and sat up to look at me. "From what I remember of those girls, Luna wasn't so bad. The rest are kinda skany."

I fake gasped, putting a hand over my shocked mouth. "One of those skanky girls is supposed to be the love of your life you ass!"

The love of my life shrugged and got up from the bed and walked over to my stripper pole.

Nononononono, Dave, you ass, you better not go on that pole -- ohmygod where's a big pillow when you need one?! My pants are so tight, it'll be so obvious...!

I needed a distraction, and quickly. Davey was doing absolutely wonderful things to that pole and didn't even realize it.

"So which one was Luna again?"

"The non-skanky one," he said, looking at me in a sexy way. I gave him a look to avoid squeaking. "Fine, fine. She's the one with the brown hair and blond bangs."

"Ah. That one." I let the subject drop. She actually wasn't that bad looking and seemed okay enough.

Forcing my eyes away from Davey's enticing poledancing, I flopped back down onto my back, spread eagle, and closed my eyes.

How the hell did we get in this mess anyway?

I felt sudden weight on the bed but didn't bother opening my eyes.

"Jadey?" I heard Davey breathe near my ear. "Babe, what's wrong?"

Not fair! He can have this effect on me and knew exactly the moment my mood shifts, but none of that ever happens to Davey.

When I didn't answer I felt him crawl across the bed to me, and then straddled my hips.

Damn him. I didn't even want to think what was going on with my crotch. But apparently not much since Davey wasn't saying anything.

"Jade," he whispered, "what's wrong?"

I though briefly about telling him exactly what was wrong and seeing how it want down. maybe he would dramatically swoop down and kiss me.

But like I said it was only a brief thought.

Instead, I his a sigh and said, "Nothing." It wasn't convincing at all but Davey didn't press the matter.

"What're we doing the rest of the night?" Davey asked suddenly.

"Not sure. Any reason you're asking me?"

Davey creeper-smiled. "Nah, not really... Just wanted to know if you'd care to sleep with me tongiht," he told me in a husky voice.

"...Creep!" I yelled. "Why would you even want that??"

He shrugged. "I don't wannna be alone tonight. Tomorrow's the first day of shooting and I want a sort of an exclusive bachelor party of two? I dunnp. I couldn't ask Hunter or Adam could I?" he asked me with a pleading look.

I laughed as the image in my mind came up with their faces. "No, you really couldn't!"

"Exactly! So, will you?"

"What?" I asked, wanting to hear him say it again, even if it was in the wrong context.

He sighed, then smiled slightly. He took my hands in his and composed himself enough to stare into my eyes deeply. "Will you, Jade Errol Puget, give me the pleasure of sleeping with you?"

I just about stopped breathing. I think my heart might've stopped too. Who knows? But then I felt Dave drop my hands and latch onto my shoulders, shaking me slightly.

"Jade? Jadey-kins? Are you all right?"

"...Huh? Yeah, yeah, I'm all right." I looked to the side to hide my blush. " answer to your question, Dave?"

"Yeah?" he breathed.

I tried not to hope to hear the hopeful tone in his voice. "I'd love to sleep with you, my dear."
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title: Bitter For Sweet by Blaqk Audio. It was what was playing on my ipod at the time, so I couldn't resist!

^-^ YAY JAVEY! except not, cause Dave's an idiot who signed an effing contract!

On a different note, today is April Fool's Day! I wish we had planned a fake-ish chapter for this or WTW, but we didn't. Next time. On the same note of AFD (HAH! ALMOST AFI!), I switched most of the letters on my keyboard. I'm an idiot for doing it when I need the effing thing. But it's working out all right (sorta).

OH AND I'M GOING TO ANOTHER AFI CONCERT!!!!!!!!! It's in rhode island and it's like, 3 hours away. I'm thinking it's the longest I've ever travelled to a concert (so far). I can't wait ^-^ Going with Marcus and possibly my bffe Zander! (and my mom, cause she's totally awesome like that.) I wish my babe could come with me again though D: