I love the rain

That's insanity

I stare up at the stars, glittering and shining so high above me. I can see them so clear here, unlike when I'm in the city with my mom. I shift myself into a more comfortable position. The tree house creaks a bit, I wince, always afraid my beloved tree house will some day come crashing down. I guess I should have thought it through with the whole building it in a weeping willow(not the strongest tree). But it was always a dream of mine to have it built right above the small pond near the roots of the tree, with a rope swing dangling right over the water. Always so peaceful. The ladder poking through the square in the floor jiggles, a sign that someone is coming up. I sit up to see who it is. Ace's familiar face shines out through the dark. I smile widely at him. I pat the spot next to me. He pulls himself up and takes the vacant spot.

“Hey, Ella, your dad said you might be up here.” He settles himself before laying back. I raise an eyebrow at him. “Did he now? I thought I told him I was at your place.” He turns his head and looks me straight in the eye, ''Yeah well, after the yelling match you got into with my brother I called your dad, said you probably ran straight here.” I sigh, my dad knows me, unlike my mother who was certain I was dating Ace and not his brother Jase(who I am dating, probably not for long though). I sigh,” Do you think I'm right about this?” I look Ace right in the eyes hoping I'm saying it all with out saying anything. “What? The fact that you saw Jase kissing Jocelyne? A bit yeah, sounds like him, he is my brother though, should I be defending him?” He asks himself the last part. I shake my head. “No I don't think you should! I saw him Ace, I know I did. I frankly don't care if he's your brother, it's official, hes a jerk.” Ace laughs, “Note to self; always side with you in future arguments, unless I want my head ripped of.” I smile, Ace had ways of making you feel way better, even in the worst of times.

“Any who, I guess you're right, my brother is a douche bag.'' I nod, “I'm 100 percent right. Why would I lie about that sort of thing? I really liked him!” Ace shakes his head at me. “I don't get it El, why would you like Jase in the first place? Hes always been King of the Jerks, I thought you knew that the minute I told he was.” I sigh, “Would you believe I seriously thought you were just jealous of your brother?” Ace shakes with laughter next to me. “WHAT!? Are you serious?!”

“Dead.” I reply. Ace continues to roar with laughter. “That's insanity Ella! Why would that thought even enter your head?! You must have been smoking something!” I give his arm the appropriate elbow jab. “Come on Ace! Don't make me seem dumb! I seriously thought this was true!”
Ace hiccups, “Sorry, Ella, thats just ridiculous!” I roll my eyes, and stare back up at the sky. Clouds were grouping together now, a single rain drop lands right between Ace and I. A second one lands on his nose, I smile as he wipes it off. “Come on,” I stand up and pull him up with me. I take the tarp and weave it through the beams of the house ceiling, blocking the floor from getting it too wet. Ace and I hurry down the ladder and make it to my house just as the rain begins to pound. We collapse on my couch in a heap, and eventually drift into sleep.
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