Status: Discontinued. This story will not be updated anymore, ever. It may be deleted later, but right now I can't be bothered.

Click, Click.

Like Bread In A Toaster

[Wednesday's Point Of View.]

[The Next Day.]

I opened my eyes, only to be blinded by sunlight, which only encouraged my throbbing headache. I rolled out of bed, blindly feeling my way across the room to close the windows. I ripped and almost fell over some misplaced object scattered on the carpet. Finally reaching the curtains, I pulled them shut with a sigh.

Muttering curses under my breath, I wandered out of the room into the hallway and down the flight of stairs leading to the kitchen.

"Morning sunshine." Gerard said groggily. Obviously he was feeling the brunt of the alcohol's side-effects too.

"Merrgh. Aspirin?" I asked. He handed me two pills and a glass of water, which I took gratefully.

"What did you think of Bert and that last night?" Gerard asked, his voice curious.

"Mm." I shrugged. "They were cool... A bit, you know, out there, but yeah."

Silence followed my statement.

"Hey." Gerard spoke, lifting his head up from his hand. "Do you know if we get to do all the organizational shit for the wedding? Like do we get to choose the party and stuff?" he asked.

"Wouldn't know." I replied. "We'd better get some fucking choice though." I was somewhat shocked at my own use of the English language. Gerard seemed to be too.

"Ha ha. I'm rubbing off on you." He laughed.


[Later That Day...]

"I need a hug. Someone give me a bitchin' hug!" I squealed. I'd just got off the phone with my parents - Gerard and I got to do everything. Except choose the location for the ceremony and venue... and who we were marrying. And we sure as hell weren't paying. And there were some guests who we had to invite.

"We get to choose?!" Gerard asked, smiling. I nodded, jumping into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head in his shoulder, his long black hair getting in my face. It smelled nice, like coconut vanilla shampoo.

I released him from the hug, for fear that oxygen would become an issue.

"I want them to play good songs. And I refuse to walk down to the same-old shitty-ass bridal theme. And I'm not wearing white. And-" I rambled. I was forcefully silenced by Gerard's lips crashing to mine. The kiss... It wasn't like, a fairy-tale soft kiss. But it wasn't like, tongues flying everywhere. More of a hard, close-mouthed kiss.

I pulled away before I melted too much. I mean, I'm still not used to kissing, let alone Gerard. Yeah, he's my fiance, but it's not like I've known him for three years or been kissing him every day since we met.

"Shit..." he muttered. "Okay, stupid. I shouldn't have done that... Sorry." Gerard spluttered.

"Oh shut it. Now, do you want to start putting down a base of guests to invite?" I asked, holding out my arm.

"Er... Okay?" Gerard half-asked in reply. I linked my arm in his and we skipped up the stairs like schoolchildren.