Status: Discontinued. This story will not be updated anymore, ever. It may be deleted later, but right now I can't be bothered.

Click, Click.

Best Present Ever.

[Wednesday's Point Of View.]

[That Night.]

Just on eleven. Possibly the most beautiful time of night. Everyone's in bed, the moon is just in the right place... it's gorgeous.

Since lunch, Gerard has been on-edge. About what I don't know, but he seems abuzz with nerves.

"Hey, Wed?" A voice asked from the ensuite I shared with my fiance. I closed my journal and shoved it into my bedside table.

"Yeah, Gee?" I replied. At eleven at night not much could be bothering him, right?


He crawled under the covers, snuggling into me. I could feel his warm breath against my neck, a relief from the chilly breeze coming through the half-open window. His arms wrapped around my waist, bringing us closer than I think we've ever been.

"I was going to wait but I've decided I really can't." he breathed.

"Gerard, what's wrong?" I asked, worried he had done something stupid. You know what men can get like when their egos get in the way. Or when they're intoxicated.

"I wanted to...erm..." Gerard inhaled deeply. "I wanted to give myself to you. Completely."

The words hit my ears and I rolled around to face him. His lip was between his teeth, his eyes avoiding mine. I could feel the flush in his cheeks when I put my hand to his face.

"I'd love you to." I whispered. He looked at me, eyes wide, as if he didn't believe it. "Because you'd have me too."

He smiled. Not an evil, plotting smile. A content, happy, thankful one.

"You're sure?" he asked.

"Positive." I answered.

Gerard moved so he was on top of me. "I fucking love you." he whispered, leaning in for what was one of the last kisses we had as virgins.


[The Morning After.]

I awoke the next morning of my own accord. No giggling Bert or jumping Frankie. No Bob or Ray bursting through the door saying Mikey had got toast stuck in the toaster and was trying to get it out with a fork. No Quinn bounding around asking for Jepha or querying the location of the beer.

I just woke up. And it felt nice, for once, to be able to wake up with my fiance lying next to me without someone wanting something.

I remembered last night. The heaven. The hurt. The laugher and the hushed whispers the two of us had shared.

I looked at the ring he'd given me only yesterday. It was hard to imagine that we'd been forced into this relationship. I remembered Ryan, and how I'd never found out what happened after our little Romeo and Juliet moment. I remembered the night we met, my eighteenth birthday party. I remembered it all. The time he caught me mid-air from slipping on tiles. When i saw him in just a towel, his hair all drenched.

And then I look at now and wonder how the hell we got here.


About an hour after myself, Gerard arose. I'd remained in our room, sometimes on the bed, sometimes huddled into one of the beanbags we'd bought a short while back. We exchanged words, exchanged kisses and maybe a bit of body heat and wandered downstairs to greet the others.

We arrived in the living room to find Bert in the midst of a demonstration of something. Being Bert, I suspected it was not PG rated. He halted his animated rant when he laid eyes on myself and Gerard.

Brea hopped up, pushing Bert down on her vacated seat. Quinn and Jepha giggled immaturely.

"He says you got laid." she stated bluntly, jabbing a finger at a smirking Bert. Gerard and I looked at each other, unsure of how to reply.

"He went in to get you up like, ages ago, but came back down and said you guys were all snuggled up nude." Ray explained. Mikey stuck his fingers in his ears and began yelling loudly.

"I do not need images of my brother having sex!" he hollered in a sing-song voice.

I sighed. "Yeah. We did it. Be happy. Don't buy us more condoms though, Bert bought the value pack."

Bert snorted. "True story right there."

Mikey half-squealed. "Just... EW! Gerard! Just ICK!" he picked up a cushion from under Quinn's ass and held it against his face.

"I was sitting on that." Quinn pointed out.

"I'd rather have your ass-smell in my face than images of my brother getting laid!" came Mikey's muffled voice.

"I'm hungry. We're gonna go eat." Gerard stated, ignoring Mikey's muffled singing.

"We were about to head out, go spend our gift vouchers and whatever." Jepha informed us.

"We'll meet you at a Starbucks in an hour and a half." Gerard replied. Walking up to his brother, he deliberately raised his voice. "That extra half our is for the quickie in the shower!"

"AGH! I hate you Gerard Arthur Way!" Mikey screamed. Everyone burst into laughter.