Status: Discontinued. This story will not be updated anymore, ever. It may be deleted later, but right now I can't be bothered.

Click, Click.

Hotter Topics.

[Gerard's Point Of View.]

[Around Eleven That Day.]

Wednesday and I slid into the front seat of Frankie's car, as the others had taken the Hearse to fit everyone in the car. The twenty-minute drive was spent rambling on about who-knows-what with a background noise of a mixed CD of Frankie's favorites.

We pulled into the mall parking lot and locked the car, heading towards the first-floor Starbucks. Left right and center were gaggles of teenage girls; some in black skinny jeans and over-done eye makeup, some in the tiniest of skirts and tightest fitting tops money could buy. Some were hanging off their boyfriends, others gossiping with their girlfriends.

It was quite sickening to see thirteen-year-olds, as the youngest of them would have been, walking around in heels and mini-mini skirts, their fake nails typing away at the keys of their multi-hundred-dollar phones, an older boy's arm draped around their bare shoulders. I felt bad for these girls; too senseless and brainwashed by the Hollywood it girls to realize that one day they may well be mistaken for a hooker and left dead and raped in a gutter.

I took Wednesday's hand, partly out of worry that these people might have a go at her. Just like at high school, when one of my friends would get the absolute shit bagged out of her because she didn't dress like a filthy prostitute.

We wound through the mix of people, some young children, some elderly men and women and everything in between.

We arrived at the door of the somewhat quiet Starbucks. Frankie, Bert, Quinn, Bob, Brea, Mikey, Toro, Jepha and one girl I didn't recognize were sitting in a booth towards the back of the store.

We walked over and they shuffled over to let us in. The stranger kept her head bowed,sipping lightly at a mocha frappucino. Seeing our confusion, Frankie piped up.

"This is Jess. She works at Hot Topic. We were in there and some stupid blonde whore decided to start punching the shit out of her, so I saved her ass." he stated, pulling his fringe away from his eye to reveal a black eye. "Bimbette got me though."

Jess giggled quietly. "I told him he'll only need half as much eyeliner now." she laughed. Wednesday and I snorted.

Jess was different. She seemed quiet now, but something in her dark brown eyes told me she wasn't normally a shy person. Her brown-blonde hair was a little more on the lighter side, but the brown was still there. She was no girl-with-the-plastic-boobs. In her long side-fringe was a jet black bow clip; a contrast to her light hair. She was sporting a few scratches, a split lip, and I could see at least one bruise on the part of her arm not hidden by her rainbow-print hoodie.

The Starbucks waitress came around and asked for any more orders. Wednesday and I ordered vanilla lattes; simple things, but probably the best coffee ever.


Jess came home with us. Frankie insisted on taking her home in his car instead of with the rest of us in the Hearse.

I was up having some oreos and ice cream before bed when Jess sat on the barstool opposite me.

"Thanks for taking me in, Gerard. It's really great of you, I probably would've had my sister going nuts over me by now for Frankie 'really hurting' one of her friends. I'd probably have ended up back at the shop asleep in the back room." she said.

"It's fine. I mean, those girls are terrible people a lot of the time. We have heaps of space anyway, Brea's a newer addition too. She only rocked up as we were moving in. Bert's infatuated with her, in case you couldn't tell. He's the one who begged us to take her in. She was in an abusive relationship and her parents chucked her out, so she ended up here." I rambled. I couldn't help it; Jess made me jittery. It wasn't that I got a bad vibe or anything, she was just... dripping with cool. "Stay as long as you want."

"Thanks, Gerard. I should get up to bed; I haven't slept for two nights. My darling sister's decided to have a different friend over each night lately. It's terrible... the music especially." Jess replied, hopping off the stool and half-skipping in the direction of the staircase that lead up to the bedrooms we used. I finished my oreos and followed her footsteps, turning right instead of left into the room I shared with Wednesday.