Status: Discontinued. This story will not be updated anymore, ever. It may be deleted later, but right now I can't be bothered.

Click, Click.

For Once.

[Gerard's Point Of View.]

[The Next Morning.]

I made sure Jess was alright before heading into my room last night. The wake-up wasn't half as peaceful as the previous morning's. We had a [very drunk] Quinn and Bert burst through our door, giggling like mad and, disturbingly, making out.

"Ahh! This iddint the closet!" Quinn slurred, grabbing Bert's shirt and dragging him back out into the hallway. Wednesday and I just exchanged confused looks and shrugged. If Bert wasn't all over Brea, he was all over Quinn. Sometimes if he was really drunk, like totally wasted, he'd make moves on me, Frankie and Jepha, and back when we'd all get high, I used to oblige.

Yes. I have slept with Bert McCracken.

I only really know this because Toro told us. I can't remember a thing. I don't count that as my virginity being taken, therefore in my eyes, Wednesday was my first. You're supposed to remember your first time. Not even Mikey knows we did it. As far as I know Bert doesn't. Toro knows, of course, but I trust him with my life, and I asked him not to tell anyone.

Sometimes I wish he hadn't told me. Others I wish I'd remembered.

I'll never tell Wednesday. It'd kill her to find out I wasn't technically a virgin when she was.


[That Night.]

We had a welcoming party to Jess, who had decided to stay a while.

She had gone back to her apartment with Frankie to see if her sister was going to be bearable, it turned out her sibling was quite the opposite. I'd been told there was a huge screaming match, and Jess packed up her stuff and walked out. She'd said she was sick of babysitting her sister when she was already out of school and working a casual job at some clothes place in town. Jess was sick of working as a temporary manager [her previous one had walked out] at Hot Topic, coming home to find a note on the bench or her sister sitting on the couch watching Gilmore Girls, and having to cook dinner, do the laundry, wash up, generally tidy and do everything else while her sister was out partying.

Jess had moved all her stuff into her room; it had taken two trips, as she had posters to take down. I guess it was nice, having another girl around. Wednesday had someone more to talk to, apart from Brea.

So, back to the party. We didn't have one for Brea, mostly because she wasn't in the best condition when she got here. She said herself, she wasn't one to party too hard. Brea kept to herself as much as she could when she arrived, she was a shy person at first.

Jess, on the other hand, was always doing something. She opened up like a butterfly. Hell, she was already sitting on Frankie's lap and quite openly flirting with him.

Wednesday appeared at my side, a cheesy grin on her face.

"Just tonight, let's get wasted as fuck, have terrible hangovers tomorrow, and enjoy every minute of it." she stated, pushing a beer into my hand.

And for a second there, I could have sworn she was Bert.