Status: Discontinued. This story will not be updated anymore, ever. It may be deleted later, but right now I can't be bothered.

Click, Click.

Pop Goes The Zipper.

[Wednesday's Point Of View.]

[A Week And A Half Later.]

Jess had settled in quite nicely. Frank had bent over backwards for her the first few days, going over to the place she used to share with her sister and helping her pack up all her stuff. She'd moved into the room across from Jepha now, as a permanent thing. She was closest to Jepha, even though I could tell Frank was trying to get her attention.

I couldn't sleep that night. I sat up by the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket and sitting on one of our new beanbags. There were footsteps coming down the staricase. I felt someone enter the room.

"Hey." It was Jess.

"Hey." I replied, turning around.

"Can't sleep either, hey?" she asked rhetorically. "I was hoping I could talk to you about something, y'know, without Frank around?" Jess took a seat on another beanbag.

"Sure. What's up?" I felt like a fucking shrink.

"What is up with Frank? He's just, like, a puppy dog to me. I can't help but think he's got something up with him." Jess stated.

"He's just got a crush on you. He had a little one on Brea when she first arrived, and Gerard told me he had a thing for me too. It's just Frank, he's a bit of a leg-humper." I replied. "Not literally, of course, but you get what I mean."

Jess laughed. "Thanks, W."


[The Next Morning.]

I made waffles at five in the morning. I thought everyone was still asleep, but I was proven wrong when a shirtless Jepha wandered into the kitchen. Yeah, no shirt. But with all the guys that live in this place, it's not a strange thing to see them topless.

I'm so totally used to it now.

"Thought I smelled something." he laughed.

"Want some?" I offered, picking up two with an egg flip and putting them on a plate.


It was a comfortable silence for a while. That's one thing with Jepha; there's rarely awkward silences. He's just... Jepha. He's not a noodlehead like the others, and I'm not engaged to him like Gerard.

Jess wandered into the kitchen after a bit, wearing bright red girl-boxers and an old shirt with lighting bolts on it. I could tell the shirt was old; she stretched her arms above her head and the shirt went up with them. The boxers were quite short too...

"Morning Jaffa and Wembley." she yawned. Had Jess not been Jess, I would've probably thought lower of her outfit choice. But they were PJs too, so I couldn't really talk anyway.

"Morning Jess." the two of us replied. Jess had already given us nicknames, some that made no sense at all. Jaffa and Wembley were Jepha and I, Ray was Paddle Pop, Bert was Super Trashcan Man... They were pretty sweet. Mikey, Frank, Bob and Quinn didn't have one as yet, and I couldn't remember them all for the life of me.

"Waffles?" I offered. Jess shook her head.

"I don't do well with cream in the mornings."

Jepha, I could see, was fighting back a giggle. The entire gang of us had sick, perverted minds. I could just control mine better.

Jess opened the cupboard and stood back, admiring it's contents. "We got any Lucky Charms?" she asked.

"Bottom shelf." I replied, taking more waffles and putting them on a plate for whoever wanted them.

She nodded in thanks, and bent down to pick up the box of cereal. I heard Jepha's cutlery clatter to his plate.

"I...uh... I'm gonna go and... uh... get dressed...and have a shower, maybe...a nice, cold shower will do nicely... uh. See you later, W... Jess..." Jepha pretty much sprinted out of the room and up the stairs.

"He so totally wants to do you." I stated bluntly to Jess.

Jess laughed shyly. "Yeah right. Jepha's too... Jepha to want me."

"Dude. Jepha just got a fucking boner over you. He totally wants to do you."

"How d'you know he got a boner?" Jess asked.

"He's not very good at hiding it."


"Jepha and Jess! Sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes..." Bert was singing gleefully, skipping around the house. "Hey, Quinn?! What does come first?" he hollered.

"Jepha does!" Quinn chorused back.

"First comes Jepha! Then comes... Jess?" Bert half-asked.

"Yep!" Quinn yelled back.

"And then comes Wednesday in a wedding dress!"

"And what do I have to do with it all?" I asked Bert, raising an eyebrow.

"You totally brought them together. Just, like, totally." Bert said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Jepha and Jess! Sittin' in a car!" Bert began to sing loudly again.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jepha yelled from somewhere in the house.

"No!" Quinn and Bert both yelled back.

"What rhymes with car that's kinda sexual?" Quinn asked Bert.


"Something about Jess and Jepha's got her bra!" Quinn continued Bert's little song.

"Fuck you!" Jess yelled from somewhere upstairs.

"Honey, we know you want Jepha." Bert screeched, linking arms with Quinn and skipping around the ground floor.

"They're nuts." I heard a voice behind me.

"I know." I replied, falling into the voice's arms.

"We should really hide the vodka."

"Nah. I like getting plastered too, Gee."