Status: Discontinued. This story will not be updated anymore, ever. It may be deleted later, but right now I can't be bothered.

Click, Click.

Missing Something.

[Wednesday's Point Of View.]

[A Fortnight Later.]

Brea sat across from me, staring at her glass of diet coke. I could tell something was up; I'd known her for a while now.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

She lifted her head and sighed. Not a bored sigh, more of a 'I've got something I need to say but I don't know who to tell or how to say it' sigh.

"I can tell you anything, right?" Brea clarified. I nodded. "I missed my period and I puked this morning. I puked yesterday and the day before too, but I didn't think anything of it." she confessed.

"I see." I replied.

"I think I might be pregnant. I mean, normally we're all safe, but like a few weeks ago we had none left and... Now I think I'm pregnant." Brea said all in one breath. I tried to be calm.

"Have you bought a test or anything?" I asked.

"No; I haven't told anyone."

Jess walked through the door, scaring the shit out of us.

"What's up?" she asked. I exchanged looks with Brea.

"Get your shoes and hoodie." I stated, hopping up.

"What?" Jess asked.

"Just c'mon." I said. "We're going out."


We, that is, Jess, Brea and myself, went and bought a pregnancy test from the chemist. There were like, sixteen thousand different brands, so we got the one the pharmacist recommended. We bought more condoms too, just in case anyone ran out.

Jess and I sat outside the bathroom near Brea's room, our backs against the wall beside the door. Brea was inside, taking the test.

We heard a knock on the wall, indicating she'd taken the test. Jess opened the door and we crossed to the toilet where Brea was sitting on the lid.

"It's a minute's wait." she muttered. Silence took the room in a chokehold while the test calculated it's answer.

"Any second now." Jess said, looking at her watch.

Brea turned the test over.

"Oh, shit." she dropped it and it slid across the floor. I scuttled over and picked it up, checking the little window that had a plus or minus.

"Positive!" I nearly squealed. "Brea, you're meant to be dancing!"

"I'm just a bit... shocked, W."

"When're you gonna tell Bert?" Jess asked.



Bert bounded around the house for what seemed like hours after he got the news he was a daddy. Quinn nearly fainted.

"One day." Gerard murmured, sitting next to me on one of the couches in the living room.

"One day what?" I asked, already knowing what he'd say.

"We'll have a kid."

Jess ruined the moment; zooming into the room all abuzz.

"Where's Jepha?" she asked.

"Um, media room. Why?" Gerard answered.

"He left a note on my door, saying he wanted to see me." Jess gushed. "Come with me, Weds?"

"Uh. Sure." I stood up. Jess pulled me by the arm up the stairs, to the right, up another [but smaller] flight of stairs and through the second door on the left into the media room.

It appeared empty, until someone closed the door behind us. We spun around to see Jepha, wringing his hands and looking all nervous.

"Uh. I don't really know how to ask you, Jess, but..." he trailed off. "Be my girlfriend?" he just came out with it. He was blunt as a broken pencil.

"Yes!" Jess squealed. They were perfect for each other, in my opinion. Like, they had scarily similar interests and shit.

"Yay!" Jepha jumped a little and pulled Jess into a hug.

I slipped out, not wanting to ruin the moment. I turned the corner that ended in the second staircase to see Frank rushing off down the stairs.