Status: Discontinued. This story will not be updated anymore, ever. It may be deleted later, but right now I can't be bothered.

Click, Click.


[Wednesday's Point of View.]

[The Next Morning...]

I tossed and turned all night last night. Stupid Gerard saying stuff. "I didn't want it either, to begin with."

He made me nervous. I never got nervous around guys. I mean, I didn't know a lot, but I never got nervous around the ones I met. Maybe its because he's way less reserved as the ones I've been introduced to. I mean, look at yesterday in the bathroom. If it had been that someone was using the toilet or having a shower, someone else, I probably wouldn't have frozen. I've never frozen like it before.

His eyes. They just... bore into me. Like he can tell if I'm lying, or if I'm there. Like he can read my thoughts.

"Shut up, Wednesday." I muttered to myself. Nobody's telepathic.

I walked out of my room and into the bathroom where I'd been with Gerard the day before. I turned the shower on, as hot as I could handle without getting burnt. He was in here, doing the exact same thing yesterday.

I undressed and stepped under the steaming jet of water. It felt like fire against my colder skin at first, but I got used to it. I put the shampoo and conditioner through my hair, etcetera. Same old routine.

I shut off the water and pulled my towel down off the bar the curtains hung from. I wrapped it around myself before stepping out onto the tiled floor. I jumped and slipped, falling towards the floor. Just as I was expecting to hit the cold tiles, two arms wrapped around me and helped me up.

"Seriously, you should have a bath mat in here." a male voice said. Of course it was Gerard. He was getting revenge because I did this to him yesterday... minus the falling-and-catching part.

"So, this you're get-back? Now we're even, you can go. I need to put clothes on." I snapped, adjusting my towel.

"Well, either you're not as smart as you were before yesterday or you're covering it up." Gerard stated.

"If you must know, the first one's correct." I sighed. He laughed.

"You're so fucking blind, Wednesday." Gerard sighed. He leaned down and his lips brushed mine briefly before he turned on his heel and stalked out of the bathroom.


[That Night]

He kissed me. So what? I used to get kissed on the cheek by the sons of my parents other friends. I never felt anything, though.

Its killing me to say it, but I think I might actually like Gerard.

I stepped out of bed and sneaked over to his bedroom door, pushing it open a crack. There was Gerard, sound asleep on his bed. The overload of thoughts disappeared as I stepped through the door frame and drew closer to him. It was like the metaphorical light coming from him wiped away everything bad and confusing.

The headache that had been lingering in the corners of my mind for nearly a month diminished as i sat down on the bed next to him.

The result of a week of sleepless nights, that drained, lazy feeling disappeared as I lowered my head to a pillow he wasn't lying on.

Its like he made everything I hated, everything that stopped me from getting what I needed and wanted go away.

I closed my eyes and drew a part of the blanket over myself. I slept for the first time in seven and a half days.