Status: Discontinued. This story will not be updated anymore, ever. It may be deleted later, but right now I can't be bothered.

Click, Click.

Enter The Dramatization.

[Gerard's Point Of View]

[A Month Later]

I'm not sure how long I've been here - living in the Addams house, that is. Wednesday and I still aren't an 'item' as such. We're still getting to know each other. By saying that I mean we actually have conversations without bitchy remarks or death threats.

We're leaving for my house tomorrow. Our parents think it would be good for our relationship to see each other's side of the story. Which means, of course, that Mikey and Frank have most likely organized a huge-ass party and invited a billion people plus their friends.

I can't fucking wait to see everyone again.

[The Next Day]

"How far now?" Wednesday asked next to me. We were driving to my place to meet my parents and Mikey.

"We're here." I stated as the car pulled into the driveway.

"Wow." Wednesday muttered, looking up at the house. I'll admit, it was huge. I haven't even seen all the rooms and I've been living here my entire life. I lost count of how many cells in the dungeons, I explored there when I was twelve. The attics, we have more than one, and thats all I can say from trying to find them all at fourteen.

From the front door, a tall-ish figure emerged running.


Oh great, it's Mikey. Ah, screw trying to be cool by using sarcasm. Yay! It's Mikey!

I was nearly pushed over by my little brother pouncing on me.

"Mikes..." I hissed, nodding in Wednesday's direction.

"Oh right. I'm Michael Way, Gerard's younger brother. Call me Mikey, everyone else does." Mikey said.

"Wednesday Addams. Wednesday or Weds is fine." Wednesday replied.


[Later On]

My god, I know my friends too well. Frank, Ray and Bob convinced Mom and Dad to go to Grandma's to stay tonight. How they did it, I do not know. I'm not sure I want to.

The music - a mix of Misfits, Iron Maiden, Morrissey and the like - blasted throughout the entire house. Our butler - Slouch - was serving drinks at the bar. Wednesday was nowhere to be seen amongst the crowd of people drinking, dancing, talking to each other, et cetera. Mikey was sitting on the couch with his girlfriend Alicia on his lap, Frank was off somewhere, probably at the bar, Ray and Bob were also invisible.

Bored from all the fake blondes who tagged along to steal a bit of something or other, I began searching the lower level of the house to find Wednesday... Not an easy thing, even in theory.


[Wednesday's Point Of View]

[Somewhere At The Party]

Okay, so I'd lost Gerard, Mikey and Gerard's friends in the flurry of people that now flooded the house. I could hear loud music - the good stuff, like Green Day - blasting from the other side of the house. I took a drink off the Way's butler - I can't remember what his name is, Gerard Did tell me - and sat down on a couch.

After a short while, someone sat down next to me.

"Hey." they greeted.

"Hi." I replied.

"You're Wednesday Addams, right?" the person asked. I turned, facing them. It was a boy, no older than myself. He had brown hair, long yet spiky-ish with a long fringe over one eye.

"Yes, and you are..?" I asked.

"Ryan Ross. I'm Frank's father's friend's nephew." the boy said.

"Nice to meet you. Quite a confusing story there, hey?"

"Eh, I get it straight after saying it a few times. Frank says you're Gerard's fiance?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah. It's an arranged marriage, I'm not overwhelmingly happy about it. It really kind of sucks, being eighteen and having no choice in much at all."

I sat with Ryan for ages, just talking about families, school, friends, et cetera.

"Weds!" another male voice yelled. Ray, Gerard's friend with the frizzy hair, emerged from behind a gaggle of teenage girls.

"Oh, hello Ray. This is Ryan, I've just met him." I stated, standing up with Ryan beside me. Ray acknowledged him with a slight nod.

"Gerard's been looking for you, come with me." Ray said, taking me by the arm.

"One second. Let me pick up my drink." I excused. I scooted back to Ryan at the couch, took out a pen and a napkin and wrote down my e-mail address.

"Message me in a week if not before. Have a nice night." I said quickly to him and dashed off to find Ray.


[Gerard's Point Of View]

I saw Ray's hair bobbing through the crowd before he emerged, Wednesday in hand.

"I lost you!" Wednesday gasped.

Frank then appeared.

"Hey, W, can you come help me with drinks?" he asked. Wednesday obliged and they scurried off into the sea of people.

"Gee, you know who I found her with?" Ray asked.

"No, who?" I said.

"That Ryan Ross kid that Frank knows. You know the rumors that fly around about him - they're terrible. I just thought you should know in case any trouble starts." Ray advised.

"She was with Ryan motherfucking Ross?! Doesn't she have a clue who he is, what he's like?!" I gasped. Toro shook his head.

"Oh wait... yeah, oops."