Status: Discontinued. This story will not be updated anymore, ever. It may be deleted later, but right now I can't be bothered.

Click, Click.

Rumors Aren't Always True

[Wednesday's Point Of View.]

[The Next Day.]

I woke up the next morning to Gerard shaking me awake. Pleasant? Not really. I did have a fair bit to drink last night, I will admit. At least I remember what happened. Example being that Ryan guy. See, I named him! And I also know I gave him my email. I wasn't that drunk.

I actually got up, as in out of bed, and wandered downstairs to where the kitchen was. Taped to a cupboard was a note, written in boyish handwriting.


After you went to bed last night, Frank got super drunk, like drunker than you, and he kinda fell down the stairs and broke his arm. So he ended up passing out on the couch and when he woke up this morning Mom and Dad took him to the hospital to have it looked at. Me and Mikes are heading up there now, to meet up with Bob and Toro.

See you soon.


PS: Food's in the cupboard this is on. Use the TV, phone and computer as much as you like. There's also art stuff in my room. We have the net and pay TV.

I was waiting for someone to injure something last night.


After I had breakfast - rice bubbles - I decided to use one of Gerard's computers to check e-mails and the like. Four computers. I chose the one that had stickers and Post-it notes around the screen, obviously Gerard's. He was already logged in, so I simply opened the internet and went to my inbox.

You Have 2 New Messages.

One was from a random sending chain letters. The other - surprisingly - was from Ryan.

Hey Wednesday,

It's Ryan, from Gerard's party. I thought it would be best if I sent you this now, rather than in a week, so I don't forget.

Anyway, I kind of overheard Ray and Gerard talking last night while you were off with Frank. They mentioned rumors about me.

Just so you know, they're not true. If they start, you know, telling you stuff about me, confirm it with me first, okay?

I'll talk to you soon.


Oh, fantastic. I finally become friends with someone on my own and this happens. My luck sucks.


[Gerard's Point Of View.]

[The Hospital.]

Mikey, Ray, Bob and I sat in the waiting room with mine and Frank's parents, waiting for him to come out with his arm in plaster. He came out shortly after Ray sneezed.

"Done. Just talk to the receptionist, she'll give you a form to fill out for his record. Your free to go apart from that." the doctor stated, then turning on his heel and walking off.

Frank's parents let him come back to our place while they went shopping, paid bills, et cetera. We piled into the backseat of the car, which was really a revamped hearse. It had a really huge backseat. The car started up, and the hospital was soon left behind.

"Hey, Gee?" Frank asked.

"What?" I replied.

"Was Wednesday with that Ryan guy last night? Because he came up after she walked away with half the drinks, saying he'd take the rest. I said no, and he walked off behind her." Frank said in one breath.

"Stalker-esque!" Mikey coughed.

"If he touches her-" Bob said menacingly.

"Oh shut up, guys. It was only what, one girl? And it was years ago. He's had at least another five girlfriends since then. And the court ruled it an accident." Ray pointed out.

Mumbles of 'true' rang through the backseat of the hearse.