Status: Discontinued. This story will not be updated anymore, ever. It may be deleted later, but right now I can't be bothered.

Click, Click.

Need To Know, Or Want To?

[The Next Day]

[Wednesday's Point Of View]

So I replied to Ryan's email. He hadn't replied yet, but I wasn't expecting him to write every day. I can sense Gerard and the guys aren't telling me something, and also that they don't like Ryan.

I was watching cartoons when Gerard came through a door.

"Hey, W." he greeted.

"Hey Gerard." I replied.

"That Ryan kid's no good news." Gerard stated bluntly. I give him props for getting to the point.

"And your point is? Why?" I snapped. The one time I meet somebody!

"Well, you shouldn't be talking to him. And ask him, he knows." Gerard said vaguely.

"So you march in here and tell me I can't be friends with a guy, then you don't tell me what you have against him?! Way to convince me he's 'no good', pansy ass." I bitched. I'm getting sick of him.

"He fucking killed his girlfriend!" Gerard yelled. I shut my mouth. "He drove through a hailstorm with her in the front seat. A hailstone smashed his windscreen and he stabbed her with a shard of glass! He got out with nothing but a few tiny grazes!"

"See, you're now being stupid, Gerard. Hailstorm? Broken windscreen? Stabbing? Oh, how likely." I snapped. "What probably happened was when the hailstone went through the glass hit her." Gerard didn't reply. "You're a terrible fucking liar, Gerard."

I stood up from the couch, slapped him in the face and walked out of the room and up to mine.


I stormed into the study, barricading the door behind me. I logged into my email and selected Create New Message. I typed in Ryan's address in the Recipient box and began to type.


Gerard just told me that (he thinks) you killed your girlfriend years ago. I don't believe him.

Well, did you?

He told me you were driving in a hailstorm and the windscreen smashed and that she died from being stabbed by a shard of glass.

I need to know.

I think it was an accident. I mean yeah, I haven't known you for long. But if someone's dangerous... I don't know. I just sense it. And I don't sense that you're going to kill me or whatever.

Gerard's a terrible liar.

Write me a.s.a.p.
