Status: Discontinued. This story will not be updated anymore, ever. It may be deleted later, but right now I can't be bothered.

Click, Click.

It Wasn't Mean't To Go Like This

[Ryan's Point Of View.]

I awoke the morning after Gerard's party to the bleeping of my laptop, saying I had a new email. Mumbling, I rolled out of bed, messing up my hair as I stood. I shuffled over to the source of the insistent beeping, turning the sound off as I sat in the chair. I opened my inbox to see the message was from Wednesday.


Gerard just told me that (he thinks) you killed your girlfriend years ago. I don't believe him.

Well, did you?

He told me you were driving in a hailstorm and the windscreen smashed and that she died from being stabbed by a shard of glass.

I need to know.

I think it was an accident. I mean yeah, I haven't known you for long. But if someone's dangerous... I don't know. I just sense it. And I don't sense that you're going to kill me or whatever.

Gerard's a terrible liar.

Write me a.s.a.p.


I read through the message, clenching my fists. Gerard knew. I could somewhat understand he was worried about his... should I say fiance? But to tell her? No. He just didn't get it. I replied to Wednesday's message.


Gerard's wrong. If you can convince him to go out tonight with everyone else I can come around and explain everything.



I sent the message and crossed my room to my CD player, putting on a mix CD I'd burned. Turning up to full volume and pressing play, the noise of Dust to Dust by The Misfits began blaring through the space. I pulled out a black t-shirt and some tight jeans, getting dressed as I sang along to the lyrics.


[That Night - 10:45]

I pulled up to the Way house after I saw Gerard, Mikey, their parents and Slouch leave in the hearse. Parking my car, I hopped out and sneaked up to the front doors. Wednesday answered.

"Ryan." she gasped. "Come in, I don't know how long we'll have alone. Gerard's paranoid, so I think he might have called somebody."

"Okay." I replied, stepping inside. Wednesday led me up a flight of stairs and into a semi-lit room.

"Ignore the clothes." she half-laughed, referring to the various skirts, shirts and pants that littered the floor. "I haven't been bothered cleaning up."

"Understandable." I replied, sitting on the bed. "So, I got your message. Fire at will."

"First, what really happened?"


I pressed on the brakes in shock as a hailstone shattered the windscreen of my car into pieces, showering me and Kayte in it's pieces. Shards in sizes so small they could blind, some in sizes so large they could be used to cut through fabrics.

And that was exactly what they were doing.

I picked up one of the larger remnants, fascinated by the way the blood from my hand spilled around it when I held it tightly. Then I looked to Kayte.

I smiled as I watched the life leave her eyes, as her white blouse was turned red with the blood from her chest.


"Well, there was the hailstorm. The windscreen just, shattered. Next thing I know, her head is against the side window and she's covered in blood." I explained.

"Mm. Tasty." Wednesday said sarcastically.

"Yeah, pretty much." I replied.


Wednesday and I sat talking for what felt like hours. Loud crunching was heard from the gravel driveway outside, signaling the Ways were back.

"Fuck." I muttered.

"There's a ledge out here, c'mon." Wednesday ushered me over to a curtained window. She held my hand as I stepped out onto the ledge.

"Email me tomorrow." I stated.

"Where's your car?" she asked.

"Just around the corner. I'll call you?" Wednesday pulled a bottle of liquid eyeliner off a nearby desk, scribbling down a phone number.

"I'll talk to you soon." she said, smiling. The front door closed with a bang as the Ways entered the house.

I took my chance, brushing my lips against hers and smirking as I jumped off the wall around her small porch.