Somewhere I Belong


My heart pounded as I awaited whatever Alec was about to tell me.

He was silent, and sort of, played with the ends of his hair as he looked around for words he could say.

Did he even have anything to tell me? Was I just imagining things? Gosh, I was falling way too hard..

He opened his mouth to speak, " Kylie.. I really really like you. I almost can say, that I love you. But, I don't want to ruin our friendship with that, so if you don't love me, just let me know now. Please, I can take it.."

I felt the tears build up in my eyes. " After all these years of us being friends, and me having a crush on you, don't think I wouldn't say I loved you too. Because, Alec, I love you."

As I finished off the word you, he swept me into his arms, and kissed me hard. Just like I liked it.

" Whoa, Alec. Before we get carried away here, we need to see what Trinity and Xander wanted to do today." I said, sticking my tongue out at the poor sex hungry boy.

I grabbed my phone and called her, over and over. She didn't answer.

" Ugh, who knows what she's doing. Maybe she's still eating?" I muttered to myself. I walked down the hallway to the elevator, there was a sign saying " ELEVATOR UNDER MAINTENANCE, PLEASE USE STAIRS."

I fiddled with my hair for a minute, and just to make sure, " TRINITY! YOU IN THERE?"
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short, but yano, i haven't written ina long time and idk what to write. haha