A Day in the Life of a Teenager

Chapter III


Moo-Moo the Panda
Chocko-moo-moo-muk, the floating strawberry milk
Tre' Cool!
Ray Toro eating crayons and licking them in a sexual manner
Glambert the Komodo Dragon
Lyttle the (Swedish) elephant who really isn't that little
10,000 gallons of sheep
BAND NAME: Moo & the Moos, featuring Tre' Cool, Adam Lambert, Bob Bryar (the mega diva), and Hero Jaejoong!

Unicorns fall out of the sky along with Skittles and Grey Poupon while everyone else eats Head ON (apply directly to the forehead!). Also, Frank Iero (Holy -bleep-! jumps on stage in his underwear (in the area of Megan) and eats Skittles. Next, Gerard Way (O.My. Gee.) comes out and gives birth to butterflies. He starts crying, blames Frank, while they are truly Adam's children (ooooh, plot twist!). After Gerard quickly calms down, he, Frank, and Adam start making out. Frank poops butterflies and then a tub of butter falls and hits Tre' on the nose, breaking it. And yes, I mean the butter.

Ray Roro buys a gallon of sheep from Moomoo the Panda while Hero and Bert the Hobo discuss the pythagorean theorem of a cookie. Someone buys 'supposedly' all the sheep ("Moomoo! We sold all the sheep!" "Nah, those things breed like rabbits."). Ryan Ross shows up dressed like a bird singing "Mad as Rabbits". Gerard steps in a pile of cow feces. Tre' Cool buys an orange mocha frappucino, and Patrick Stump sings the National Anthem on top of the Statue of LIberty along with Megan, Frank <3, Gee *, Andrea, & Margaret. Then we buy a potato family. After climbing down the statue, Cody Morgan pops up magically asking Megan for a place to hide from Mrs. Martin. Billie Joe runs down the street singing King For A Day in a dress. Cody Morgan joins Billie Joe in a purple polka dotted bikini top and booty shorts. Then, they get tackled by a guy in a bear suit. Brendon Urie falls in a hole, and Mr. Langdon rides a short, pink bicycle with tassles, a horn, a bell, and a basket. He's deked out in all black clothes (and sunglasses w/purple frames), rides up to the hole Urie fell in, and rings his bell all sassy-like and says "Ding.... ding, muvverfuvver!" Then Mr. Reid dresses up like a duck and jumps in a lake, after stealing Roger's wallet.

Then we all explode.

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Uh, this was something we wrote during our 5th period during some random party we had at our school. I don't know why, we just did. "We" is myself, ShaggyMaggie, and my friend Shelby. We own nothing we mentioned. At all. No flames please. I <3 you all! xD