Status: One-shot in the making! :D

The Tea Party of Your Life

One of one.

Voices. That was all he could hear. Not a distinct voice among them, just blurred murmurs and shouting. He knew that the voices came along with the whole raucous partying life and rockstar image.

There was only two ways that Oliver knew to silence the voices, if only for a while. One of them is to fall asleep and the other is drinking alcohol. Alcohol seemed to make the throng of voices become a dull hum. So he drank anything at the party that he could get his hands on.

At some point in the night, he was doing shots with someone he cannot recall ever meeting. Another face, another party. If he could not remember this person, why would he remember tomorrow?

The young boy brought a shot glass to his lips and drank the vile liquid. He placed the now empty glass with the growing pile of others. Another glass of a black liquid, darker than a rabbit hole, was passed down to him and downed quickly as the others were.

"Yeh jus' drank a worm, Oli," Matthew Kean said with a slight chuckle. His voice seem to be moving away but Oliver knew what he said.

Oliver merely shrugged."'S not like I care." And he did not care. It just meant the roaring noise would leave sooner. Matthew left Oliver with an all-knowing stare and a shake of the head. The voices seemed to have dimmed until there was no noise at all. Oliver smiled and felt his vision begin to blur and fade.

"Oli?" A voice, though distant, called. Oliver turned in the direction of the sound, barely catching a glimpse of the worry-faced lad, before everything blackened and silenced.

Oliver jolted awake, sitting up slightly on the ground. He looked around and saw a queer forest surrounding him, causing the boy to become quite confused. How could one be at a party the first minute then a forest the next? It was bewildering, to say the least. Especially since he's never seen a forest like this one before.

The grass was a sickly-looking pigment of purple but appeared healthy and lush. The tree leaves were crimson, looking like if it were touched blood would appear on the hand, and the bark was a sky blue. The sky was completely blood red, like the tree leaves, that seemed to mix into each other.

There was no sign of people in this forest. Oddly coloured birds and rabbits roamed but no humans, other than himself, were in sight. His first thought was to trudge through the blockade of trees to find some civilization beyond the forest. Oliver decided that this was his best bet and wondered into the woodland.

His scrawny legs brought him to a larger clearing in the forest. A peculiar thing about it was there was a long dining table in the middle of it. Placed atop it was a grand tea set that looked like they were taken straight out of his grandmother's house. Teddy bears, vintage dollies, a gay mouse, and a intricately dressed stuffed bunny rabbit were perched on fancy chairs along the lengthy table. It looked basically like any little girl's dream tea party, which frightened the boy. "Fuck, there's too much pink and cuddly animals," He thought with disgust.

"Seems like we've got another guest..." an anonymous voice mused. "luckily there's plenty of everything."

Oliver peered to his side and nearly collapsed from shock. Why was he here? And why was he wearing that? When did he become a she?

Right beside himself was his colleague, Andrew Sixx. But more femininely curved and bustier than the Andrew Oliver knew. Also more scandalously dressed than Andrew. But just as petite as the original.

"...Andy?" Oliver asked as he gazed incredulously at the female before himself. She just looked too similar to Andrew. "Is that you?"

The maiden giggled softly. "More so yes than no. But you could say that I'm Andy." She even had that smooth as strawberry icing voice and bluer than blue ocean eyes Andrew had. It was rather confusing.

"Yes I know. It's very confusing but I can explain it to you over tea." The maiden smiled and gestured to an empty seat across from her own. Oliver hesitantly sat down in the chair, afraid he would turn into a stuffed animal like the others surrounding the table.

She drank daintily from a small tea cup then glanced over at the male figure before her. "Would you like some more tea?" She asked, once again smiling her sugary sweet smile.

He glanced down at his cup. "I don't have any so I can't take more..."

"Ah, but you can always take more than nothing." The maiden spoke with a playful smirk on her face.

He felt as though he was visiting his grandmother at noon for tea time. What with the little clever comments and elegance of the set up. It was a little queer to him but he was the one who agreed to it by sitting down.

"What kind of tea is there?" Oliver queried.

"Well, there's green tea, black tea, black cherry tea, chai tea, white tea, pomegranate tea, mint tea, iced tea, gingerbread tea, chamomile tea, Earl Grey tea, Lady Grey tea, T-shirt, tee-off at noon, or there's..." And as he thought the list would go on and on, she completely disappeared into the air. Oliver knew this place was mad. No one can just disappear like that normally!

He looked all around his surroundings and found her to be nowhere in the small clearing of the woodland. "I hope that I'm fucking wasted and imagining this," Oliver thought. "or at least fuckin' high."

Abruptly, his lower body felt ten times heavier, making him wonder why. His eyes travelled from his lap, where there was feminine legs on his own, to those ocean eyes again. The maiden tugged the neckline of the shirt Oliver was wearing, yanking it swiftly downward to rip the shirt apart in two.

"...Or there's shirt off." She whispered looking at Oliver's tattooed chest with a desired look. Her words danced lightly in the air, creating a sensual tension.

Oliver looked at her with a curious expression. This woman was surely mad but she was so gorgeous and made Oliver so allured to her. But didn't that mean he was allured to Andy? Didn't that mean he thought Andy was gorgeous?

"Now, I need you to listen, okay?" Oliver nodded frantically. "This is all a big hallucination. You drank a worm and completely fell unconcious. This place was created for a reason though."

Her body moved closer to Oliver's until both their torsos were touching. It made listening to her even harder for Oliver. She made him positively turned on and his mind, in all the flury of attraction, made her words blurry.

"I'm here to show you that you have actually developed feelings for Andy. But I came in a woman form so wouldn't panic too much over liking a man."

"I like Andy?" It was spoken as both a thought and a question for the maiden. Her words made Oliver come up with so many questions. How was it possible to like another man? He liked girls, but why a guy now?

The maiden tossed her head at his confusion. It was merely a matter of time until he realized it for himself. "You do. Otherwise, I would not look and sound like Andrew." She said as she glanced at Oliver briefly before she appeared more transparent.

"W-what's...?" He asked, too frightened to finish the query.

"You'll realized it in dear time," And with that, the figment lightly touched her lips to Oliver's and vanished again.

The vivid forest scenery quickly transformed into his shabby apartment in Sheffeild. It was just a hallucination. There were no forests and there were no tea parties.

"Thank God," Oliver muttered thankfully to himself. That place was truely mad and fucked up.

Oliver stretched and rolled over only to feel something underneath im. He peered up and saw Andrew, the normal and real male one, asleep in an uncomfortable ("There is a bed and spare room," Oliver thought) upright position and Oliver lying across his legs.

He noted that Andrew looked rather cute and tranquil sleeping. Maybe he really did like him like the figment said? But the thought of liking another male only made him that much more curiouser and curiouser.
♠ ♠ ♠
So. I finally finished this after 6 months of hard work [not really...more so slacking]. Really, I had the drive to finish only today since I read the actual Alice's Adventures in Wonderland book and it was so helpful.

Andy's outfit was this: Ooh la la!
Scandalous! :O

Comments on this would be nice. I'd love to hear how I did. :)