Boys and Bestfriends, things don't even out...

First Day

My mom came into my room. Opened my curtain, and all I saw was a bright stream of light come through my window. "ow! God dammit Mom!" I said. "Time to get up dear! Now, chop chop!! You have ten minutes to be out of that bed, or I'm getting your father. Got it?" She said. "Yeah. Yeah, whatever mom. I'll be up. No need to get my god damn STEP-Father into this. Jeez." I said back to her.

<background info>
Well, I'm Bella. I'm a freshman. And today; is my first day. Great. I'm 14 years young. I am not an only child. I have a little brother, and tho he's annoying, I love him. He's adorable. I live with him, my mother, and her stupid new husband. She has this thought in her head that he's my "father". I have to keep reminding her day after day that, he isn't. And he never will be. My real father left me when I was about a year old. I have no idea why, my mother won't tell me. She just keeps telling me not to worry about it, that it wasn't my fault or hers. It was his, he just left. So I have no idea why he isn't in my life now. I don't really care either, I mean sure I do wonder why he left, but honestly, I don't actually think I have a father. I know you need one, but I just, tell myself that he was a sperm donor. Ha-ha. So then she got together with the man she's with now; Mike. He isn't the best man in the world, and I really don't like him. He seems to think he can talk to me like I'm his own daughter. I'm not. And, I have to keep reminding him that I'm not. God. It gets majorly annoying. But hey! That's life. Mine anyway.

<back to story>
I got out of bed as soon as she got out the door. I went to my bathroom, yes, I have my own bathroom in my room. I looked at myself in the mirror. God, I looked like shit. I started my shower. Started to strip, and got in. I felt the hot steamy water sting my body immediately. It felt good, I washed my hair, body, and shaved my legs. I hopped out, and went back into my room to get dressed. I went over to my dresser and pulled out my Lime green skinny jeans, with my and a Neon yellow shirt. I threw them on, put on my converse, and grabbed my eye liner and went back into my bathroom. I put on my eye liner thin on the bottom, and a real think line on the top. I put on my mascara with light green eyeshadow. My hair was short, shoulder length, and was pure black, with lime green highlights. it was a little over my right eye. I liked my eyes, they are a deep brown. My mom always told me that I had my fathers eyes. Not like I cared. They were my eyes, no one else.

I went back into my room, and threw on my skin tight black hoodie. It hugged every curve in my body. Amazing, I thought. I grabbed my book-bag, threw it over my shoulder and ran downstairs to the kitchen to see what time it was, and to grab sometning for breakfast. I set my book-bag down by the door, and went into the kitchen where Mike was sitting at the table with, my little brother, Ted, and my mom.

"Good Morning Bella!" Ted said.
"Morning' Ted." I said back to him.
"Morning hunnie." My mother said.
"Morning' ma." I said back to her.
"Good morning beautiful daughter of mine." Mike said.
"I am not your daughter, Mike, so stop saying I am." I said back to him with a tint of attitude in my voice. I looked at the clock, I had to leave in 5mins. But, instead of waiting the whole 5mins, I'd tell my mom I have to leave now.
"Hey, sorry to leave you on this fine morning. But, I have to go catch my bus. Peace Bitches!" I said, and gave both my mom and little brother a hug.
"Bye." the both said and hugged back.

I went to the door and threw my backpack over my shoulder, and walked out into the crisp September air. It was nice out today, not to hot, but not to cold. It was perfect. I walked down the street a little till I got to my bustop, at the corner. When I got there my best friend/sister, Alice, gave me a big hug, and said "good morning". I said "good morning" back and gave her a hug.

<background info>
I've known Alice for since like kindergarten... She is absolutely amazing. She has been my best friend/sister ever since.. We have been through everything together. And, when I mean everything, I mean everything. Whenever she was hurt, crying, laughing, or even on a sugar rush that made her at like she was high. I'd be doing the same. I'd die for this girl, and she'd do the same for me.

<back to story>
She stopped hugging me and looked at what I was wearing.
"Bella, you look amazing! I totally love your outfit!" She said.
"Thanks Alice! I love yours to! It's so you."

She was wearing Black skinnys, with a Neon purple shirt. She also had on a black hoodie, except it wasn't as tight as mine, and it had the words, [font=Edwardian Script ITC] Bite me I'm emo on the back. I loved the clothes she wears. She has semi-short hair, black with, electric blue highlights. We got our hair done at the same time, I picked out her color and she picked out mine.

Kids started to come, and soon the corner was packed with Freshman, and seniors. We didn't know a lot of the people there, because most of them were seniors. So, we stuck together and kept to our selves. When the bus finally arrived we sat in the middle. Across from another set of friends of ours. Zoey, and Kelli. We weren't that close to them, but they were alright. We sat with them at lunch. So yeah. When we finally got to school, Alice and I went to our lockers. Surprisingly, and amazingly, our lockers were right next to each other. We also had almost all the same classes, besides; Art, English, and Gym. We went to our homeroom, our homeroom's teacher's name was Mrs. Perry. She was an old hag, but she seemed like an okay teacher. When the warning bell rang the class began to fill with students.

But one in particular caught my eye. I've never seen him before. He was gorgeous. He was wearing Black skinnys, with converse, a black t-shirt, and a stripped sweatshirt. He had black hair, with Purple highlights, and blue eyes, that made my heart melt. He looked back at me, and I couldn't look away for some reason. But when I realized he smiled at me, and I smiled back. My heart began to flutter. Alice looked at me with confusion, I mouthed; "I'll explain later" she said "okay." We weren't aloud to talk because we were supposed to be doing SSR. (Silent Sistine Reading; stupid I know.) I was reading Marked, by P.C. cast, and so was Alice.

When the bell rang I had English first with, Mr.Murray. He seemed like a nice teacher. He told the class we could sit anywhere. I sat in the back, with an empty seat next to me. Then, all of a sudden while I was looking down, trying to think of something to write for on the first journal. Someone came up to me, with an angel voice, and asked;

"Is this seat taken?" It was the boy from this morning.
"n-n-no." I said, feeling so dumb for stuttering. But he just smiled and took the seat next to me.
"I'm Jake." He said, smiling this smile that made my heart sink.
"I'm Bella." I said back, and smiled back at him.
"Nice to meet you Bella. So do you know what you're going to write your journal on?" He asked curiously.
"Hmm..Nope. I think I'm just going to write down a bunch of random shit. You?" I asked in return.
"Probably the same." He said and the convo ended.

The rest of the class went by quickly. He didn't say much. But, I found out that he's also in my Gym, and Art class to. Weird, I told him. The rest of the day went by swiftly, I had no more classes with him today, but tomorrow, I had gym, and art with him. Yay.
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Read. Rate. Comment. And I shall love you forever!!!

PS; check the characters out in the upper right corner under the link; "characters" to see what they look like. I tried my best. Tell me whatcha think!!