Boys and Bestfriends, things don't even out...

Clueless Skank?

She looked at me and I stared back. I was afraid of what she was going to say because she has this look on her face. It wasn't normal, the only time I've ever seen this face was when she was sticking up for me in the 4th grade...

"I want my turn now!" Said Brandon Bark, as he pushed me off of the sit and spin.

"Noo! I was on there first! That wasn't nice! Now move. or or or or..." I screamed at him trying to think of something to do to him.

"Or what you big baby? You gonna tell your mommy?! Mommy's girl!!" He said right back to me. I pushed him, and he fell on some rocks, so he got some scraps on his back, arms, cheek, and forehead. They were bleeding, but only the ones on his face were the worst. I smiled and said, "That's what I'm going to do." and got back on it. Then he pushed me off and got back on and stuck his tounge out at me.

And then, at that same moment Alice came up. All nice and calm as usual.

"Get off. Bella was on it first." She said in a sweet voice.

"No. It's my turn, she had hers." He said practically screaming at her. I've never seen anyone scream at Alice. Never.

"She was on for not even a minute. Now, get off!" She said getting aggervated.

"No! I don't care! It's MY turn now! She can go die." She got really mad at that. And yes, he was a very rude little boy.

"GET OFF! NOW!!" She screamed at him. I've never seen her scream, at anyone.

"NO!!!" He screamed at her.

"YES!" She said.

"NO! I AM ON NOW! SHE CAN GO DIE. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE AND GO CRY WITH HER YOU BIG BABY!" And that was what set her off... All of a sudden Brandon was on the ground and Alice was on top of him and started to hit him. In many places that shouldn't be hit. When she was done he had a black eye, a bloody nose, and bruises all over his body. When Mrs. Kirpatrick came over and asked what had happened because he was sobbing like a baby. Everyone that had been watching pointed at us.

When she called our parents we got exspelled for a week because we put him in the ER for blood lose... And that was the last we ever saw of Brandon Bark. Everyone said he moved because his parents didn't want him getting beat up by some girls again. Alice and I laughed at that.

<Back to story>
Well, see as you can tell. We were pretty abusive 4th graders. Anyways, I don't think she'd do that to me.

"Alice?" i asked quietly.

"What do you want now?! To tell me that my parents don't love me, because of the way I dress?!" She screamed at me but I could tell that she wasn't done. "because that would hurt less. Seriously. Don't talk to me."

"I'm not going to tell you anything. Look, I know your mad at me. I know I made the mistake of telling you what you needed to hear even if it did hurt you. But that's what we do, we urt each other with the truth. Even if it is more painful then needed. We don't care, and no one said the truth wasn't painful. Some of it is, and some isn't. But y'know, I guess you'll never figure that out. Since your normally stuck up some dudes butt 24-7 and don't pay attention to where his eyes wander! He doesn't look at your lips, he doesn't look at your nose --obviously-- and he doesn't look at your eyes! Catch my drift buddy? I guess not since you can't even look at me. Your probably day dreaming about your boyfriend. Anyways. When you feel like listening, and talking to me. Come find me. Till then, don't bother speaking or even comunicating with me. Bye." I sfinished saying and as I was about to walk out the door all I heard was; "I'm not the clueless skank, you are. Miss. I can get what ever guy I want!" She practically whispered it, and when I turned around I saw the tears ruining her mascara and eyeliner. But her face was full of anger, pain, and hurt. And as I knew it.. My face got wet with my own tears. And i walked out of the room, sobbing as I knew it...


When I was doe in the bathroom crying my eyes out for about 10-15mins I fixed my make-up, and pulled out my phone to text someone. I asked them if they could come meet me somewhere around school, that just had a fight with Alice, and I needed someone to talk too. So I met him at the library with our fake passes and went to the corner to sit and cry some more in his arms..

"Bella, come on talk to me. Your going to ruin all that pretty make-up upon your face if you keep crying like this." he said.

"Thanks, but I don't want to talk about it... I just hurt Alice, and then hearing her call me a clueless skank just hurt me. I don't want to do this anymore! I don't want to deal with this! I'm having enough troubles dealing with my mom and her bullshit. It's annoying.. But now I'm losing my bestfriend.. And just, this cannot be happening to me. Having boy troubles, family troubles, and now this! Gah! I can't take it anymore.. i need to do something. Now. I'm sorry Sebastian, I can't do this right now. i need to go talk to someone who really doesn't want to hear what I have to say." He knew exactly who i was going to talk to. And all I heard him say was: "Go give 'em a mouth fall, ya little bitch!" he chuckeled, because yes. I can be a major bitch when I wanted to be. I didn't care. I was either bitchy when I wanted to be or when I needed to be. Right now.. this is both. And DAMN! I'm going to have fun with it.....
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay... So maybe you expected this too happen? I don't know... But can you gueess who shes going to talk to? Comment, and I'll write the next chapter! :) :p thanks!!
