Boys and Bestfriends, things don't even out...

Miss Additude

I walked up too him, his arms around some girl. A whore I'd suspect. He didn't notice me when I walked up, he was making out with Miss. Priss. It was one of the "popualr" girls'. Figures. I took a picture. They both heard the sound, but did nothing but continued to make out. I figured, "Alice would sure love to see this." Marcus's eyes got bigger and screamed, "WHAT!?" I just smiled at him.

"What is your problem?" He asked me, "What do you want?"

"My problem is, you." I replied in a sweet voice.

"And that's supposed to mean....?" He asked.

"Means, whats YOUR problem?" I asked him back.

"Apperenly, he doesn't have one Miss. Additude. Now go play little girl, and let the grown ups have their fun." The skank said with a smug smile and went back to kissing him.

"EXCUSE ME?!" I screamed at her.

"Your still here, eh? I thought I told you to leave ya little BITCH!" She screamed at me and pushed me down to the floor. Sebastian was walking down the hall, for some reason. I had no idea. But he saw what she did and came running.

"What the hell was that all about?!" She screamed at the skank.

"She was doing the same thing your doing now, interupting the grown ups fun time." She said and shoved him a bit. But he didn't budge. Sebastion wasn't the scrawny type, he actually had muscle to him. I growled, yes I growled, got up and said...."YOU DID NOT JUST SHOVE HIM!! YOU STUPID SKANK! NOW YOUR GONNA GET IT!"

"Get what? A phone call from your mommy?!" She screamed back at me. When she was done I grabbed a fist full of her fake blonde hair and shoved her to the ground. I got on top of her and started to wail on her "oh so perfect face". She started to bleed, but I didn't care. She called me a baby, and Miss. Additude, pushed my friend, and is making out with my bestfriends boyfriend! That was NOT alright with me. No. Not at all.

I wasn't on her for long, Sebastian and Marcus had to pull me off of her. When I got up both guys gave me this stare, and I glared at the both of them. They both raised their hands and backed away. I usually hurt anyone when I was pissed. When Miss. Priss got up I realised exactly how much damage I did. I smiled.

She had, a black eye, a bloody and broken nose, and I could see her lip was swollen and bleeding. Yeah, I might have been in ninth grade, and her in eleventh but when you piss me off. There's no way of telling how much damage I'll do. And it doesn't matter how old you are, I'll still kick your ass.

When she fixed her hair and realised I was smiling, she screamed a high pitched girly scream. And when she was finished the bell rung and everyone realised what I had done. I took a picture, and showed it to her.

"You look even more beautiful then before! If you need another face rearragment, you know where to find me." I said with a smug smile while she cried.

"Yeah, detention. For the next two weeks Miss. Moon. You too Sebastion, and Marcus." Our principal came up and said.

"Yes Mr. Petry." We all said together.

"Now all of you! Get back to class, nothing further too see here! Move along now." He said, and everyone but Alice left.

"What the hell did you do, Bella!?" She asked.

"She pissed me off.. And she was making out with your boyfriend!!" I said.

"Sure, sure. Get mad at me and take it out on some inocent person. Ya know, I don't get why we were even friends in the first place. Your a real...." She couldn't think of the word so i said it.

"Bitch?" I asked more then stated.

"Yes, your a real bitch. And you always have been. Anyways..." She said and walked towards Marucs.

"Wanna hang out later? After school?" She asked him, and I was about to barf.

"Sure.. But I can't. I got detention for the next two weeks because your friend decided to beat the shit outta that girl.. And I helped this dude over here get her off of her before she litterally killed the chick. So some how I was involved.." He said and I got mad.

"That's because your man-whore of an ass was making out with her and she said shit, and got me pissed. She deserved the ass whooping that she got." I said in an angerily tone.

"I wasn't making out with anyone. I was going to the bathroom and saw you standing there beating the shit out of her! While dude over here watched." He said back too me.

"Dude, what the fuck ever. I was there I know what happened. i'm not dumb. And Alice, if you believe him.. Then whatever. Get new friends because I'm done with you to." I said and walked by her.

When I reached the parking lot I started to cry, I didn't want to stay at school anymore. I wanted to just leave. Seth came running up behind me.

"What just happened?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Why do you care?" Was all I could manage through the tears. I started to walk towards the woods and he followed me.

"Because, I just saw Lilly with a bashed up face and wanted to see what happened."

"Oh, so that's the dumb skanks name?" I asked looking at him.

"You did that too her?" He asked wide eyed.

"Yes." Was all I could say......
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Comments??? pleeaasseee! and I'll add another chapter:)
