Boys and Bestfriends, things don't even out...

New Friends

I went home, and ran up the stairs into my bedroom. I threw my book-bag onto my floor. I ran, jumped onto my bed, and counted to one-hundred-and twenty two. Then in that same moment, my best friend plopped down onto my bed beside me. God I loved her.

"Hello Miss. Bella." She said.
"'Ello Miss. Alice." I said using my English accent.
"So how was your first day of school? As a freshman." She asked.
"Amazing. And yours?" I asked in return.
"It went well..." she said, trailing off.
"It went well... as in you met someone?!" I asked immediately.
"Yes!" she said.
"Who??" I asked.
"Well, his name's Marcus. I don't know that much about him. Except, that he's really hot." she said
"Hottie with a body Marcus? As in, the one you've liked since 5Th grade Marcus?" I asked.
"Oh yeah!!" She said, like that big kool-aid dude from the commercials says when he bursts throe your door or walls. I giggled, and she did to.
"So what was up with the hottie in homeroom?" She asked curiously.
"Well, his names Jake. And, he's only in the classes I don't have with you. It's weird, there's something about him. That just lours me closer to him." I told her.
"His hot body? His adoring smile? His amazing eyes?" She asked.

"No!" I laughed at her, and she joined in again. Then, all of a sudden my phone began to ring. I jumped off my bed and picked it up. I had no idea who it was.

"Hello Moon residents, Bella speaking." I said like my mom did all the time. Damn, I sound weird. I giggled, and Alice gave me a puzzled look.

"Hey Bella, it's Jake." I stared at Alice with disbelief. She looked at me with yet another, puzzled look. I mouthed

"Jake" She got all big eyed.

"Um..Hi Jake." I said, because I couldn't think of anything else to say. I mean! I just met the guy!

"Hi. Um, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out right now?" He asked, and my heart fluttered.

"Uh...Sure. Um, where at?" I asked.

"The park. On Alexander street?" He asked like I didn't know where it was. But, I did it was a couple blocks away from here.

"Sure, I'll meet you there in a few!" I said while smiling.

"Okay. Bye!" He said and hung up.

"Um....Alice, I have to go now.." I said to her.

"Why? Where?" She asked.

"I'm going to hang with Jake, and the park on Alexander Street." I told her.

"Oh. Okay. Well, tell me EVERYTHING tomorrow. OK?" She said.

"Okay!" I said. She ran over and hugged me and kissed my cheek. I did the same back.

"Bye sis. Love ya!" We both said while walking down the opposite ways of the sidewalk.


I saw him, leaning against the big oak trees by the swings. My heart stopped for a couple seconds. I walked over to him, and he looked up at me and smiled his little crooked smile. I smiled back at him

"Hi" was all I could manage to get out.

"'Ello Love." He used an English accent, and I could swear I could feel my face getting hot.

"So..why'd ya wanna hang out?" i asked calmly, looking at the ground.

"Um..because I wanted to get to know you better. I don't know anyone at this school, and, you were one of the first people to talk to me." He looked up at me, I looked back at him and smiled.

"Oh" was all I could say.

"Yeah.. Anyways, um...What's your favorite color?" He asked while looking back down at his shoes.

"Obviously the color of my skinny jeans!" I laughed and so did he.

"Oh..Hey! That's mine to! I love Lime. And, just so you know, I didn't even realize you were wearing Lime Green Skinnys." He looked at my jeans and blushed. As I did to.

"Um..Your turn to ask a question." He said to break the silence.

"Hm...How old are you?" I asked curiously.

'I have been on this oh-so-wonderful world for 15 shitty years." He said sarcastically. "You?" he asked

"Fourteen." I said.

"Ah, so I'm a year older then you. Weird."

"Yeah..Your turn."

"Um...Any siblings?"

"Yes, one younger brother, Ted, and I live with my mom, and her horrible husband." I said. "Who isn't my father." I said straight out with no emotion.

"Oh." Was all he said.

" about you?"

"I um...Live with my drunk of a dead, and prostitute of a mother, with my older brother, Jai." He said with hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Jake." was all I could say without crying. I could see pain, and fear in his eyes. Then tears swelled around his beautiful blue eyes, and stung his cheek. I couldn't help but cry myself. He took his hand, and brought it to my face, wiped away my tears, and said;

"It isn't your fault, so don't hold yourself responsible for my parent's decisions. There's nothing that will ever change the way you are, so don't feel bad." He said in a calm whisper and hugged me. I hugged back.

"Jake, I need to know something, and this will help me stop crying if you just let me know that your parent's do not do this." I said

"No, Bella, they don't abuse me. Yes, they hate my guts, but they don't talk to me. So it's alright. I'm alright. So stop your tears young one, there is no need to cry now." He said in a kinda singing voice, and oddly. I did stop crying.

"Jake, your an amazing guy. And you don't deserve what you've gotten right now."

"So I've heard....."

"Ah crap." I looked at my watch, it was 4:00pm, I had to go get Ted.

"What??" He asked concernedly.

"I have to go pick up my brother." I said in a sad tone.

"Oh..." He said in a sad tone like mine and looked down.

"Yeah. Sorry!" I said, trying to make him a little happier.

"It's alright, I should get home anyways, I have homework to do..." He said.

"Okay.." I said and started to walk away when he grabbed my wrist and whirled me around,

"Can we hang out again sometime soon?" He asked nervously.

"Yea, um, when do you want to?"

"Um..Tomorrow? Same time, same place."

"Alright!" I said and smiled. He smiled back at me. I hugged him good-bye, and once he let go. I left.


I got to my little brother's school, it was only a couple blocks from the park. So I just walked. I got there and he was waiting on the steps for me. God, he looked adorable, with his little jeans and t-shirt with his book-bag, and what I didn't realize was that he was holding a paper full of colors. Weird.

"Bella!!" He screamed, and ran to me.

"Ted!!!" I screamed back, and ran to him to. Yes, he was only like six years old, but DAMN! He was a cute little six year old.

"What's this?" I asked and took the paper from his hand gently.

"It's for you!! It's us, see, you're right there" he said pointing to the person with Lime Green skinnys. "And this is me." He said pointing to the person with blue pants.

"Oh!! It's beautiful Ted! I love it!" I said and gave him a big hug, and he hugged back.

"Okay, well we have to get home. Mom, and Mike are probably waiting for us, to start dinner." I said.

♠ ♠ ♠
Okay......I have no idea on how I'm doing...

