Boys and Bestfriends, things don't even out...


When Ted and I got home I was right, Ma and Mike were at the table waiting for us. They were sitting at the table with fried chicken, potatoes, and green beans, on four plates. I screamed "We're home!!" and Ted threw his bag down, and ran into the kitchen.

"Dinner smells good Mom!" I said enthusiastically.

"Thanks, but I didn't make it. Mike did." She said, and went over to him and kissed his cheek.

"Oh.." I looked at him with disgust, while he just had a smug smile on his face. "Sorry, I take that comment back. It smells like crap!" I said and smiled smugly back at him.

"Isabella!! What is your problem?!" My mother asked.

"I don't have one." I said and smiled at her, with a normal smile.

"Fine. Now sit down and eat your amazing dinner that your father made." I didn't say anything, but weirdly, I growled. five minutes went past, and my mother started up a conversation again.

"So how was you first day at school, Bella?" My mom asked.

"Fine." I said angrily.

"And yours, Ted?" She asked.

"I liked it, I made a picture of Bella and I." He said, and looked at me and smiled. "Right Bells?"

"Yep!" I said, happily.

"Did you make you your mother and I one?" Mike asked Ted. Ted, just shook his head no and began to eat his dinner.

"Oh." was all Mike said.

"Bella, why is there such a smug smile on your face? Something great happen today at school?" My mother asked. I didn't realize I was smiling. Oops.

"Oh, no mom. Nothing happened. Just thinking' about...." I had to lie, make up something on the spot. Which wasn't really easy, because I didn't lie all the time. Just most of the time.

"Thinking about what Bella?" She asked eagerly.

"About what Alice was wearing." I told her, except I wasn't really thinking about that, I was thinking about how much Mike was pissed that Ted drew me something, and not him. Ha-ha! I thought. Wow, that's funny, and quite pathetic at the same time.

"No it's not. Your lying, you're a horrible liar. So tell me the truth. Now." She said angrily.

"Fine. You want to know the "hilarious, but pathetic truth" mother?!" I asked her in an almost scream.

"Yes, I would love to know, the "hilarious, but pathetic truth" Isabella!" She screamed at me.

"I was thinking' about how your oh-so-amazing husband got pissed because your son made ME a picture, of us happy together not him!! And how he thinks it's hilarious how we always fight over him! I'm done! I'm done dealing with his shit. All of it, I want a life, without him in it!!" I screamed back at her, and grabbed my food and dumped it over Mike's head. "Have a nice dinner, Micheal. Oh, and for the record, you can stop acting like you liked me. I know, and everyone besides, my dumb-sided mother have realized it. OK? So get a life and stay out of mine!" Then turned to my mother and said, and if you want to consider me your daughter, get a husband that actually likes me! If not, don't."She just stared at me in disbelief. And said;

"You walk up to your room RIGHT NOW young lady!! AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU JUST SAID YOU YOUR FATHER AND I!!!!" She screamed at me with such rage.


"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN ISABELLA ANN MOON?!" She screamed after me. I turned around, looked at Mike's smug smile, and said;

"You know exactly what it means, Laura Ann Tree." using her full name, and walked up into my room.

I busted through my door, slammed it shut, locked it, and busted out crying. Then my phone started to vibrate in my pocket, it was a text MSG from Jake.

'hey' he said

'hi...' was all I could manage to type out on my keypad.

what's wrong?? He knew there was something wrong? I thought, how could he tell? Why'd he even care..I only just met him. Weird, I thought, and replied;

nothing.... Why?

something, and...I was just wondering do u know there's something wrong? i asked nervously.

dots, and u just seem like threes some thin if u dint mind me as kin what is it?

I didn't mand him asking, I was happy, someone besides Alice actually cared about me. I mean, yeah, I know there's Zoey, and Kelli, but for some strange reason, something in my gut told me not to tell them everything. But, another thing in my gut told me you can trust him..he won't hurt you. So I believed this strange feeling in my gut, and told him.

Its just, my mom and I got into a fight, over her stupid husband, Mike, who apparently, thinks Im his daughter. And well, i sort of screamed at my mother say bunch of not nice things...and now I'm locked in my room, all alone.

he replied immediately

Omg, im srry bella! you like to go on a walk with me?

a walk? with him? wow. I don't think there was anyway I could say no.

Sre! Um, meet me out front of my house, 59 ward st. in about, 5mins, I'll be waiting! I sent the MSG, threw on my converse and a hoodie, and jumped onto my roof, out my window, and climbed down, till my feet made a light 'thud' when they reached the ground.

"Nice one!" Someone loudly whispered. I jumped and turned around, it was Jake.

"Wow your fast!" I said, and wiped my face of any tear residue.

"I know." He smiled his little crooked smile, that I couldn't help but love, and pulled me into a big hug.

"Are you going to be OK?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Yes," was all I replied, and we started to walk down the street away from my cruel, home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ha-ha, the chapter ended with the walk <3
You'll have to wait for the next chapter, which be up shortly, to find out what happens...


Pleasseee, tell me how I'm doing!!!!!!
