Boys and Bestfriends, things don't even out...


"So..?" I asked, "Why'd you want to go on a walk with me?"

"I don't know. It's beautiful out tonight, full moon, and you can see all the stars!" He said happily. Then I realized where he was taking me, the park that we were at earlier. He went and sat down by the big oak tree he stood at earlier, grabbed my hand and pulled me onto his lap. I leaned my head on his shoulder, and smiled. He smiled back.

"Bella," he said.

"Yes?" I asked

"You know you don't deserve what you get in life. Your an amazing girl. But, you have the shittiest mom. I'm sorry to say." He said, and I felt like I could tell this boy anything, but yet, I just met him today. And I don't have any idea, about who he is. Besides, That he's amazingly gorgeous, and that his parents are drunken prostitutes. Which I feel so bad for.

"Thanks Jake," I said and sighed.


Jake's P.O.V (point of view)

Why is sh sighing? I just told her she was amazing! Wow, girls' are so confusing..

"The moon is so big tonight," I said to break the awkward silence.

"Yeah" she agreed in amazement.

God was she beautiful, I thought. But she'd never like, nor date me! I'm just a moronic boy, who happens to like her. What's new? There's probably a bunch of guys drooling all over her today in school. I mean, I know I was. And I'm pretty sure, Seth, was to. I mean, who wouldn't! Look at her1 She's gorgeous, an she doesn't even realize, that she could have any guy she wanted with the snap of her fingers. And with out thinking' I quickly pecked her on her cheek and looked up.

"What was that for?" She asked, while I blushed.

"Nothing. Just a..." I had to think of something to say, or she'd figure out I liked her.

"a..?" She asked questioningly.

"A friendly kiss. Ya know how friends kiss one anothers cheeks?" I said nervously, thinking' she wouldn't believe me.

"Oh.." She said and smiled.

Good! She believed me!!


Bella's P.O.V

He just kissed!! Oh my god! Now he's blushing! I thought. I could feel my face getting hot. I looked back at the moon, I took out my cell, and read the time.

"DAMN!" I said, it was almost 9pm.

"What??" He asked nervously,

"It's almost 9 o'clock! My mom checks in on me at 9:10!! Every night to make sure I'm in bed. "

"Oh shit!" He said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Jake." I said and frowned.

"Hey! Look at me, it's alright. You had a good time didn't you?"

"Yes. Thanks." I said and smiled.

"Well, that's all that matters, now let's get going." He said. And we walked in silence til we got back to my window.

"I had a great time Jake, thank you." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Your welcome, and thank you for the friendly kiss in return." He said.

"How do you know it was a friendly kiss?" I asked, and he blushed.

"Good Night, Jake. Sweet dreams." I said and climbed back into my window. And I swear I heard him mumble "Night Bella, sweet dreams."

I ran into my bathroom, and threw on some pajama's. Hit the lights, unlocked my door, climbed in bed, and went to bed, thinking' of, Jake, of course. And don't ya know, my mom came in 2mins after. God, I needed privacy.


Jake's P.O.V

She just kissed me. And she said there was a fifty percent chance it wasn't a friendly kiss. I thought to my self and smiled. I started to walk down to my house. I walked inside, and my father was on the couch, drunk.

"What're you doing out so late boy!?" He asked. "don't you have school in the morning'?"

"Why do you care, and yes I do. And it isn't that late. It's not even 9:30." I said.

"Where's mom?" I asked. Out, doing her job.


<background info>
I'm Jake I'm 15. I live with my father, who happens to be a drunk. My mother, who's job is to be a prostitute. And, My older brother, who doesn't want any part of me. Nice right? My parent's don't beat they? I'm in ninth grade, aka freshman. And I fell in love with Bella, who I don't know if she feels the same...sometimes she acts like it, and sometimes, she just acts like she wants to be good friends. But then there's, Seth, My best friend. He's also 15, freshman, black hair, forest green eyes. Will our friendship fall apart because of Bella? I hope not...


"Where do you think she is?" He grumbled and turned his head back to the T.v

I went up to my room, it wasn't clean. It was a dark blue color. I liked it. I went to the bathroom to get on my boxers, and climbed into bed, thinking of Bella, of course. But I couldn't sleep. I couldn't help but think of what she said tonight, if that was a friendly kiss, or an actual kiss.. I mean, she could just be kidding'. She probably was, why would she like me? Hm..Maybe I should get Seth to talk to her tomorrow, when we're supposed to hang out, I'll have him go. He'll do it, he's been wanting to talk to her all day today. Hm. Yup, that's what I'll do. I smiled, and went to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay.....I don't know when the next chapter'll be up.....So...have fun with whats here!



ps I'll have a pic of Seth up soon.