Boys and Bestfriends, things don't even out...


I woke up that morning, slammed my hand down on my alarm clock, and groaned. I really didn't want to get up this morning. I yawned, and remembered why I had to go to school today. I had to see, Jake. I smiled, got out of bed, and went to my bathroom to take a shower. I got out, wrapped a towel around my body, Went back into my bedroom, grabbed my boxers, yes I wore boxers. I grabbed my bra, skinnys, and Green day T-shirt. I went back into the bathroom, put on my boxers, and bra. Then grabbed my brush, blow dried my hair, and put on my make-up. Yes, I know I'm weird, I put on my make-up, and blow dry my hair in my underwear.
I threw on my clothes, and fixed my hair so it was slightly over my right eye, and grabbed my bag and headed down stairs. I wasn't going to talk to my mother this morning, and I sure as hell wasn't going to talk to Mike this morning so I grabbed a granola bar for breakfast and headed to the door when I heard Ted say;

"Hi Bella.." He said in a sad voice, which hurt and i couldn't understand why.

"Hey Ted, what's wrong bud?" I went up to him and knelt down. He got all teary eyed and frowned. I was about to cry till my mother screamed,

"Theodore! Get your ass in here now!!" She screamed angrily. Then it hit me. My mom's changed... a lot over night. Mike. Was the first person to pop into my mind. I couldn't believe it, he's turned her into..into..I couldn't think of the right word.

"Coming." was what broke my train of thought. I grabbed his wrist before he turned away, as tears flowed from his eyes, one streamed down my cheek.

"I have to go" he whispered softly.

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault." I hugged him.

"What are you--" He began to say but my mother cut him off by screaming,

"THEODORE MOON, GET YOUR SORRY ASS IN HERE NOW." He cried more, and I told him in his ear, "It's alright, go in there. I'll explain everything after school when I come to get you, alright?" I whispered quickly.

"Alright" he whispered back.

"And remember, just because mom, and Mike don't love you. I do, and so does Alice. We always will."

"I love you too, and will you tell Alice I said thank you, it means alot, and that I love her to. Please" he begged hugged back quickly and let go. I shook my head, and he left before my mom could scream again. I grabbed my bag, and left the house. I couldn't take it anymore, my mom's changed SO much over night, I couldn't believe it. Mike's an ass, yes I know, but why would he do that to poor Ted? He did nothing wrong. He was an innocent little boy and yet he's made my mom believe that he has! GOD I HATE THAT MAN SO MUCH! I stomped down the side walk till I got to the bus-stop. Alice was there waiting for me. All happy and everything. Weird. I thought to myself.

"Good morning wonderful sister of mine." She said.

"Morning" I muttered.

"What's wrong?" She asked in shock.

"My Mom and Mike." Two people I hated SO much right now.

"What happened now?" she asked.

"I told her about Mike, and how he hates me and needs to stop acting like he likes me...But that's what I told him. I told her something else." I said, and I had told her something else..something way worse then I told him.

"Oh" She looked at me wide eyed, and asked what I'd told her.

"I said that he didn't like me, and how she couldn't realize it but everyone else can, exspecailly you. And I told her that she can choose between me, or her fuck faced of a scumbag husband. Guess what she said to that?"

"What'd she say??" She asked eagerly

"That...I needed to go up to my room, and think about what I had just said to her and Mike, but she said my FATHER. Man did I get pissed."

"Wow. That's harsh Bells! Even for your mom. She used to be so sweet, and everything. Till Jackass Mike came around..." She said angrily.

"Yeah, and now don't ya know Ted's involved now. She changed into a COMPLETELY different person over night."

"WOW! Bella, I feel so bad for you." She said and gave me a hug, I hugged back and managed to mumble "yeah, me too." Kelli and oey showed up, and we just stood there, not saying anything, then the bus came, and we got on it. We all went to our lockers, and as soon as Alice and I were done, we went to homeroom.

"So whatcha doing after school Bells?" She had asked, at the same moment I looked at Jake, with his crooked smile. I smiled back, and went straight to the back of the room to sit with Alice. Today was Tuesday, so we had forum. BORING. I thought.

"Bella? Bella?" She asked and shook her hand in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry. And I'm hanging' with Jake, after school. Like yesterday. Then He turned around looked me dead in the eyes, and smiled that smile I couldn't help but love. And turned around.

"Oh.." She said.

"Yeah, sorry Alice!"

"It's alright, now 'shh' SSR." I just shook my head.

The bell rang and over the loud speaker I heard Mrs. Hardwick say; "Will all students please go to forum at this time." Alice and i looked each other and got up. Today was our first time at forum, I guess it's where we ot out into the auditorium, and people say what they have to say. Then we all go to our first period classes, which was Art for me. With Jake. Yay!!! I thought to myself.

Forum went by fast, no one really said anything. It was quite boring actually. No one had anything good to say; and Alice and I were always talking about the people who spoke. Mrs. Perry, our homeroom teacher, said to shut the hell up. Gosh! She was so damn rude! Then they dismissed us, and Alice and I said our goodbyes till Social, which we both had together after Art. I took an empty seat, at an empty table with no one around. I couldn't find a chair, so I just "borrowed" a stool from another table. He-he. Then looked down. Moments pasted, and all of a sudden all I heard was another stool come up by me and someone sat next to me. I was doodlin away on my paper when I look up, and saw his beautiful, deepthless blue eyes. They were amazing. I could stare at them all day. They were ciyy blues, but looked like the ocean when they weren't in the light.

"No ones sitting here? Right?" He asked, knocking me outta my trance.

"N-n-no." I stuttered, and looked down.

"Alright." He said and smiled.

"So how are you, on this gorgeous fall day?" he asked

"I'm fine, thank you. Yourself?"

"I'm good" He said and smiled his crooked smile which made him look like he was hiding something. Was he? Hm...

"Good." was all i could say then our art teacher, Noah, he said his name was. He said to just call him Noah, he never actually told us his last name. Odd. I thought.

"Did you two hear me?" He asked quickly.

"No...Sorry." We both said together and giggled.

"Well, I said draw someone. Anyone. It doesn't matter who. Just, Someone. And it needs to be handed in by the end of class. 75mins. Get started. Paper's over there" he pointed to the shelves full of different sizes and colors of paper, "and here are some pencils and erasers."

"Thanks." We both mumbled. Who was I supposed to draw? I had no idea....Huh. Brain dead. Not cool, Ithought.

"So who are you going to draw?" He looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes. Then it hit me! I'd draw Jake! I could capture, or at least try to capture his eyes.

"'s a secret. So don't look!!" I told him, grabbed a piece of paper, a piece of board to lean on and grabbed my pencil and eraser, then stuck my tongue out at him, and smiled. Then giggled like a little girl, he just smiled and said "fine"

"Then you aren't aloud to look at mine!" He said and stuck his tongue back out at me.

"Fine!" I said and giggled. I kept looking at him, to try to capture his features, and he kept doing the same. Hm..Maybe he was doing me? Or was he just curious of what I was drawing? Or why I kept looking at him....Huh.


Jake's P.O.V

What was she drawing? God! She needs to stop freaking' moving! I can't capture her beauty, if she keeps turning it so she's looks even more beautiful. I sighed. And AGAIN she looked up at me. Humph. This bothers me! I MUST know what she is drawing. She grabbed her eraser and I could tell she was frustrated by what she was drawing, she erased her paper so hard she almost ripped it. I giggled a bit at that. She looked up at me stubbornly. and asked;

"What're you giggling at you Loser?"

"Nothing...Dork." I laughed a bit, and she looked back at her paper.

God, she had amazing eyes. And her smile! I loved it! She could brighten my whole day by just looking at me. I have no idea why but she does. Was I falling in love with a girl I had just met? No, that isn't possible. I had just met her yesterday, yet...she's amazing, I think I could die for this girl. She was so upset last night, and looked like she had been crying. It hurt? Why'd it hurt? I barley know her...Yet, I think I love her. There's got to be something wrong with me. Yep, there was.


Bella's P.O.V

He just called me a dork! What was wrong with this boy! I am not a whale penis, or a hair on an elephant's BUTT! Humph. He's so RUDE. Then all of a sudden the teacher said we had about 15mins left, and a couple seconds after that Jake slammed down his paper and said "Done" I looked up at what he had drawn, and stared at his paper in shock at what it was..... Me.

"Ohmygoodness..." I said.


"It's amazing!" I told him.

"Really? Ya like it?"

"Yes, and one minute; I'm almost done.....DONE!" I said and slammed down my paper harder then he had.

"Wow!" Was the only word he could say.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I like it. It's also amazing."

"Thanks!" I said cheerfully.

Then the bell rang, and Noah said to hand in our drawings, so Jake and I did. He smiled at the both of us. Social, Lunch and Math went by so quickly. Then I had gym, with Jake, and his friend Seth. Who was pretty cute by the way.

"Hi Bella, this is my friend Seth." Jake had said.

"Hello Seth." I said

"Hi Bella, I've heard so much about you. Jake hasn't shut up since he first met--" he was cut off by Jake punching him in the gut and mouthing him 'Shut Up'

"Umm, I have to go to the...Bathroom. See you guys in a few k?" Jake said.

"Sure Sure." Seth and I said together. The class went outside while Seth and I stayed in. Jake probably went out to. Not realisng we were still in. I didn't feel like going outside today. To boring, I thought.

"So.." I said to break the silence.

"'s your day so far?" He asked awkwardly.


"Fine." Then at that moment, he lent over and kissed me. Surprisingly, I kissed back. He pulled me closer to him, and wrapped his arms around my wait while I intertwined mine with his hair. We made out, and he kissed down my chin, down my neck, and back up to my lips. But then we heard other kids come through the doors on the other side of the bleachers. We looked at each other in disbelief.

"Did we just..." I began to say. He just shook his head.

" We just met..." I said, and Jake showed up.

"Hi guys! There you are, wherever you been!? I've been looking for you two all over outside, and couldn't find you."

"We were looking for you to! But couldn't find you!" Seth said, and gave me play along look, so I did.

"Yeah, where were you?" Then the bell rang for my study hall and that was the only class I didn't have with Jake or Alice. Only Seth. He passed me a note saying.

Hey....did that actually happen back in the gym???

I wrote back saying;

Yes....I believe so......You can't tell anyone though! I don't even know you! I just met you today....So KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT or I'll have to break that pretty face of yours.

Fine. Fine. I will, and you can't break my...did you just say I had a pretty face?

Yes, I did. and Yes, I can And Yes. I will.

O.O Okay......fine, I won't tell no one of you don't!

Why would I? I don't even like you.....

But that was a lie. I had liked him. More then a friend, which wasn't good. Because I thought I loved Jake! Oh no!! What am I supposed to do...I need help. Some serious help....
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the really LONG chapter....I dunno when the next'll be have fun!!!!!

