Boys and Bestfriends, things don't even out...


I liked him, alot. What was I going to do? I thought I liked Jake? I mean how couldn't I? He's amazing.. He has a great personality, and he always knows what to say when I need to hear it. But then again I had just met him yesterday! And I met Seth today! Gosh, guys can be so.. so.. Confusing! i should talk to Alice about it. When I get a chance. I'll have to text her later, after I get home from the park with Jake.

As these thoughts ran threw my mind, I went to my locker and shoved my books in and grabbed my math book. I had algebra to do. Easy-peasy, but boring as hell! I met up with Alice, she looked happier then usual. Usually she doesn't smile often. She isn't really what you'd call the happy type.

" 'Ello love!" She said in a cheerful voice. Weird! I thought to myself.

"Hello beautiful." I said back to her in a normal tone.

"Why're you so down?" She asked me.

"No reason, just.. I don't know. Confused about many things." I said and dragged out the word many, because I did have many confusing things on my mind. 1. what was I supposed to do about my mom and Mike? and 2 . What do I do about Jake and Seth.. I sighed and walked to my bus with Alice, who'd been talking to me the whole time I was caught up with my thoughts.

"Bella?.. Bella??" She asked me, waving her hand in my face as we sat down in the back of the bus as usual. I shook my head back and forth, and looked at her.

"Sorry, I was.. Uh, thinking about somethings."

"What kind of things?" She asked curiously.

"Ummm..." I paused for a moment then the bus stopped, and we were at the bus stop. Signaling us to get off.

"I have to go to the park, can I call or text you after school?" I asked hoping she wouldn't get mad at me.

"Yeah, sure. I'm going to hang out with Marcus, so it's all good." She said and smiled. So that's why she was so happy.

"Alright, I'll talk to ya later. Love ya sis. Bye."

"Love ya too, bye." She hugged me, I hugged back and we went our separate ways. I walked down the street, with my book-bag. I thought that if I went home my mom might tell me I'm not allowed out. Not that it'd stop me or anything, but I felt like just going straight to the park. When I got there I saw someone under the big oak tree. But it wasn't Jake? I walked up, and the person turned around and kissed me tenderly. I kissed back, and when he stopped we were both breathing heavily.

"You aren't Jake?" I said to him.

"No... Last time I checked I was Seth." He smiled at me with a crooked smile.

"What are you doing here? I thought I was hanging out with Jake?"

"Nope, sorry. Your stuck with me instead. Sucks to be you, doesn't it?" He said, while wrapping his arm around my waist and pulled me to the trunk of the tree to sit on top of him like Jake did yesterday.

"Nah, it's alright. I'll deal with you. Just care to explain, why your here and not Jake?"

"Jake wanted me to come, and um.. talk to you." He said and looked away.

"Oh, um...what are you supposed to be talking to me about? And if your here to talk to me, then I don't think I should be sitting on your lap like this." I said and started to get up, but he pulled me back down.

"He wanted to know if.. You were into him, like more then a friend." He looked at me, and then back to the ground. He started to pick at the grass after awhile.

"Oh.." was all I could say. I mean, hell yea I liked him. But then again I also liked Seth. And I couldn't date both of them without making the other mad. Great, I should've really talked to Alice earlier.

"Yeah.. So do you?" He asked with worry in his eyes.

"I don't know, why?"

"He just wanted to know.. He um.. likes you, y'know."

"Nope. Didn't know that. And I'm going to act like the last.. Two, Three minutes didn't just happen. Alright?"

"Alright." He said and smiled. Gosh, his smile is to die for. I smiled back, and he unexpectedly kissed me, I kissed back. And, like in the gym, we made out for awhile till my phone vibrated on my lap. He picked it up and threw it. Then rolled me over till he was on top of me. We made out and I rolled him over o I was laying' on his chest. He just smiled, and kissed my forehead.

"Why'd you throw my phone?" I asked curiously.

"Someone texted you, and it was ruining my fun."

"Oh, well who texted me??"


"Oh.." I said and sighed.

"What's wrong, love?"

"Nothing, hey do you know what time it is?"

"Almost 5 o'clock, why?"

"SHIT! I'm going to be late! Dammit! I need to get home, I'm so sorry."

"It's alright, I understand. Hey, do you mind if I walk you home?"

"Sure," I said and smiled. He went to go grab my phone while I grabbed my book-bag.

"Sorry for throwing this on you." He said with his to die for crooked smile.

"It's all good." I said.

"So random question, but what's your favorite color?"

"Green, yours?" I answered.

"Blue." he said and smiled.

"Favorite band, and song?"

"Green day, 21 guns. Yours?"

"Seether, Remedy." He replied.

"Awesome." I said, and we arrived at my house."Well, this is home."

"Hm.. Nice house. Well, it was nice hanging' out with you. See ya tomorrow Bells. Bye." He said and kissed me, leaving me breathless.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for another UBER long chapter... :/ Hope ya like it though!!! Ooh, and thank you Technicolor for your awesomeness comments! XD Means alot.

