Boys and Bestfriends, things don't even out...

It's falling apart as I know it..

I woke up with Ted in my arms, he must of fell asleep there last night. I woke him up, and told him to go get ready for school. He did as I told him and I went into the bathroom to get ready for school, after I turned off my alarm clock. It was 6:30 and I went to bed at like 6 o'clock last night. How can I still be tired? I thought to myself. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My face was stained with black lines running all the way down my cheeks, and particularly my neck. Wow, I must of cried a lot last night. I started my shower and got into it. When I was done I wrapped myself in a towel, and wrapped my hair up so it wasn't dripping all over the place.
I went into my bedroom, and to my dresser and grabbed my boxers, bra, skinny jeans, team Jacob t-shirt, and stripped hoodie. Then I went back into the bathroom put on my make-up, got dressed, and towel dried my hair. I brushed it and went back into my bedroom to grab my cell phone to see if I had any messages. I did, two of them, one from Jake the other from Seth.

Hey Bella! What's up? Hey, sorry I wasn't at the park yesterday.. So how was it with Seth?

Hey Bells, I had a great night with you last night. Hope to do it again sometime. :] Later Skater!

Great, two guys that both like me. I like them both. Gah! I never texted Alice last night, so I'm going to have to talk to her today in Social Studies. I went down stairs after thinking to myself about what I would do with Seth and Jake. My mother and Mike were in the kitchen with Ted. He sat at the far end of the round table as far away from them as possible. I was about to leave until my stomach ached for food.
So I went into the kitchen, grabbed a granola bar and walked out. I wasn't up to dealing with my mother this morning. I already had enough on my plate for the day. Adding her would make me want to hurt someone. And that wouldn't be good..

When I got to school with Alice both Seth and Jake were at my locker. Great. Alice said that she's going to go find Marcus - who was uber hot - to hang out with him before home room. They both smiled at me as I walked up to my locker to get my books for English, which I had with the both of them. I hadn't realized it since yesterday.

"Hey, Bells!" Seth said.

"'Ello Bella!" Jake said in his English accent that made me want to faint.

"Hello boys." I said in a normal voice and tone.

"How are you?" they both asked at the same time which I giggled at because I thought it was sorta funny.

"I'm fine." I said, then they gave me a weird look. "What?"

"Fine isn't a good word..." They both said and looked at the ground.

"And why isn't it?" I asked curiously.

"Fine means: Fucked up, Insecure, Neurotic, and emotional." Jake said.

"Oh.. then I'm alright."

"Okay." They both said together.

"Do you like to say the same thing at the same time?"
"No." They did it again. It was really getting annoying.

"You did it again."

"Sorry." They both said.

"Okay, what if I try talking to one of you at once. Seth how are you?" I asked.

"I'm... alright."

"Alright?.." I said. "What about you Jake, how are you?"

"I'm.. alright, as well." He said in a saddened tone.

"Um.. Okay.." I said and then the warning bell rang for homeroom. Yay!! I thought happily to myself, and got up off the ground to walk to class. But then I felt someone following me. Jake, of course. Alice was already in class, waiting for me. Gosh, why couldn't I have Social with her first? No.. I have to deal with the guys first. Grr. It was Wednesday, so we could just sit here and talk since they haven't decided to do Club this year or not. So I sat there and talked to Alice.

"Hey." She whispered with a huge grin on her face.

"Hello.. Why are you so happy. You weird person." I told her.

"Because Marcus kissed me!" I stared at her wide eyed. Marcus wasn't the.. Just kissing type. If ya know what I mean. He's a whore. Someone who likes to sleep with alot of people, not to mention he's in 11Th grade!

"What?!" She asked loudly, which made everyone turn around and stare at her. I giggled.

"Marcus isn't right for you..." As I said those five words.. My life was beginning to fall apart as I knew it..
♠ ♠ ♠
Did you expect it?.. :)
Ooh, the hole Fine thing.. didn't make that up, Jesse, my loser did. So i don't take credit for it.
I'll update as soon as I can.. Have fun!!!

