Boys and Bestfriends, things don't even out...


I felt bad at what I had just told my best friend. I couldn't believe that I had just said that, they only guy Alice had liked --maybe even loved! -- that he wasn't right for her.. Well! He wasn't! Marcus Frapples, was not a guy for commitment. All he wanted was, well..Sex. He's a teenage boy hitting puberty. What do you expect? Yes, she may love him.. But he's like a wet dog.Good looking, but stinks, and is horrible to be around. I don't understand why she doesn't get that. I sighed and she just stared at me in disbelief.

"What are you talking about? He likes me, and I like him. HE EVEN TOLD ME HE LIKED ME! Alot.. Why would you say something like that, Bella? I thought you were my best friend..." She said, almost screaming at me. I felt like I was about to cry.. I could feel the stinging in my eyes as the tears filled them.

"Alice, listen. I love you, I truly do.. And you know that, I know that. Shit! EVERYONE KNOWS THAT! But, I know Marcus, I have for awhile now. Remember I used to date his buddy Frank?" I paused, Frank was alright at first.. but when I broke up with him for a girl that I loved it ended horrible.. And he ended up becoming a stalker that said that since I didn't want him anymore he was going to kill himself.. Well, put it this way. He's still alive today! He's just a big ball of lies. "Anyways," I said. "He always told me that Marcus liked you, and I was so happy. But he said I wasn't aloud to tell you. And it broke my heart.."

"Well, I'm your best friend! You should've told me! I don't give a shit if stalker dude said you couldn't! He can go die in a fucking hole! That freaking lying scum!" She didn't like him very much, since they were best friends before we met. It hurt her to know that he was going to kill himself over me, but even more when he lied about it.

"That's the problem! I was GOING too tell you. But you acted like you were over him. Like you didn't like him no mores!"

"Well, I did! And still do! So why didn't you tell me before? Why is he all of a sudden 'bad' for me?" She asked, and cocked her head.

"Because all he wanted to do to you was knock you up.." I practically whispered. She stared at me in disbelief.. I felt horrible for what i just told her. But she had to know it. Then the principal came over the loud speaker, "All students may report to forum now." I gathered my books, and walked with Alice and Jake.. Alice didn't really talk, and then Seth met up with us. With a smart-ass grin on his face.

Then it hit me.. he Principal wouldn't like it if she saw Jake, Seth, Alice, Marcus, --who had joined in to walking to forum-- Sebastian, and I walking or even TALKING together, she'd think we were up to something, when most of the time we weren't.

<background info>
Sebastian, was my best friend/bro. He was gay, but totally amazing. I met him in like 2Nd grade.. I loved him, like family. He was an amazing guy.. He had jet black hair. And deep forest green eyes. Put it this way.. He is gorgeous. He-he, I don't get it. Why do all the gay guys have too be gay, or taken! They're freaking hot!

<back to story>
"Sebastian, you finally decided to come to school today, huh?" I asked, and giggled a bit like a little girl.. I felt so short around my friends, especially the guys. They're probably like almost six feet. While I'm 5'4. Damn, I am short!

"Why yes, I did love." He usually called me love with his British accent. He made me want to die when a guy talked like that.

"Why weren't you in yesterday?! I missed you."

"I don't really know. I didn't feel like coming, I guess. I mean my 'rents didn't mind. Not like they ever do...." He said trailed off and looked at the ground.

<background info>
Sebastian, like myself, had family issues. Except his parents were still together, unlike mine. But his told him one day that he was a mistake, and they didn't care about him, or anything he did. If I thought I had it rough, I would of never thought of mentioning Sebastian. I feel for him, because at the moment I'm going through the same thing..... But he doesn't know that yet.

I was walking to the auditorium, it was up stairs and on the other half of the school. While I thought about how Sebastian had it rough, someone grunted a bit and interrupted my thinking. When I looked up Jake was just staring oddly at Sebastian. Weeeiiiirrrrd. I thought.

"Oh! Shit! Sorry, where are my manners?!" I said.

"Last time I checked, you didn't have any." Sebastian said in a playful tone and nudged me playfully. I giggled.

"Shut up, you. Jake, Seth, this is my..." I had to think of the word to call him.

"Brother. Duh." He said.

"Yes, this is my brother." I giggled.

"Sebastian, this is Seth and Jake." I pointed to the both of them. They waved at each other and said their "Hi's" I felt a bit of tension between the three of them, great. When we got to forum, they just made us say the pledge and that was about it.. Seriously, I don't get the point of forum, when you can do the pledge in your classroom. Then they said we could leave, and that was going to be horrible.. When we got into Social, Alice and I, realized there was a sub. Which meant we were free to do anything. Wonderful. And then, Alice turned to me and got ready to say something.....
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Sorry for taking awhile updating.. >.< Um, tell me what ya think, and tell me if you think I should continue... Please and thanks!!!!!
